590 Final Proposal

Participants: Rachel Steele

Project type: Package

Git workflow: Centralized

Bacterial growth curves are an important factor of many microbiology projects. In many labs, these are often graphed using Excel, Prism, or other software, and the calculations used (especially when graphing data in triplicate or calculating generation time) are typed out in the software each time a new set of data is analyzed, or previously generated templates containing the calculations needed are re-used over and over. These methods lead to non-reproducible analysis of bacterial growth curve data. In this project, I will create a package which will increase reproducibility for this particular problem.

The package I create will contain a handful of functions which will take input bacterial growth curve data (in the form of time points along with optical densities corresponding to those time points) and will create graphs from these data. This package will be able to create growth curves from data gathered as single pilot tests or from data gathered in triplicate. In the case of data gathered in triplicate, the means of each sister data point will be graphed on the curve, and the standard deviations will be graphed as error bars. In addition to its growth curve graphing functionality, this package will have the ability to calculate generation (doubling) times for the bacteria.

rsteele7/590_final documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:33 a.m.