  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

If you are new to R Markdown, we recommend you start with R Markdown: The Definitive Guide to get an overview. Part I introduces how to install the relevant packages, and provides an overview of R Markdown, including the possible output formats, the Markdown syntax, the R code chunk syntax, and how to use other languages in R Markdown.

Next, the chapter on Books will help orient you to how the bookdown package allows you to use R Markdown to author books, using single or multiple .Rmd files to build your content.

User Guide

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

Written by Yihui Xie, the package author, bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown introduces the R package and how to use it. The book is published by Chapman & Hall/CRC, and you can read it online for free.

The book is structured into several chapters to guide the reader into the use of the R package bookdown to write books:

# run this to update the content below
html <- read_html("")
chapters <- xml_find_all(html, "//li[@class='chapter']")
first_level <- chapters[which(purrr::map_lgl(xml_attr(chapters, 'data-level'), ~ grepl('^\\d+$', .x)))]
titles <- xml_text(xml_find_all(first_level, "a"))
titles <- gsub("^(\\d+)", "\\1.", titles)
titles <- gsub("^(.*) \\([*])$", "\\1", titles)
url <- file.path("", xml_attr(first_level, "data-path"))
formatted <- sprintf("* [%s](%s)", titles, url)
cat(formatted, sep = "\n")

Going further with examples is the place to find examples of books created with bookdown.

See more about how to publish a book or get your book listed on the About

Look also at the "Examples" page.

rstudio/bookdown documentation built on July 6, 2024, 4:37 a.m.