bs_bundle: Add low-level theming customizations

View source: R/bs-theme-layers.R

bs_add_variablesR Documentation

Add low-level theming customizations


These functions provide direct access to the layers of a bslib theme created with bs_theme(). Learn more about composable Sass layers on the sass website.


  .where = "defaults",
  .default_flag = identical(.where, "defaults")

bs_add_rules(theme, rules)

bs_add_functions(theme, functions)

bs_add_mixins(theme, mixins)

bs_bundle(theme, ...)



A bs_theme() object.

  • bs_add_variables(): Should be named Sass variables or values that can be passed in directly to the defaults argument of a sass::sass_layer().

  • bs_bundle(): Should be arguments that can be handled by sass::sass_bundle() to be appended to the theme


Whether to place the variable definitions before other Sass "defaults", after other Sass "declarations", or after other Sass "rules".


Whether or not to add a !default flag (if missing) to variable expressions. It's recommended to keep this as TRUE when .where = "defaults".


Sass rules. Anything understood by sass::as_sass() may be provided (e.g., a list, character vector, sass::sass_file(), etc)


A character vector or sass::sass_file() containing functions definitions.


A character vector or sass::sass_file() containing mixin definitions.


Compared to higher-level theme customization available in bs_theme(), these functions are a more direct interface to Bootstrap Sass, and therefore, do nothing to ensure theme customizations are portable between major Bootstrap versions.


Returns a modified bs_theme() object.


  • bs_add_variables(): Add Bootstrap Sass variable defaults.

  • bs_add_rules(): Add additional Sass rules.

  • bs_add_functions(): Add additional Sass functions.

  • bs_add_mixins(): Add additional Sass mixins.

  • bs_bundle(): Add additional sass::sass_bundle() objects to an existing theme.


See Also

bs_theme() creates a Bootstrap theme object, and is the best place to start learning about bslib's theming capabilities.

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


# Function to preview the styling a (primary) Bootstrap button
button <- tags$a(class = "btn btn-primary", href = "#", role = "button", "Hello")
preview_button <- function(theme) {
  browsable(tags$body(bs_theme_dependencies(theme), button))

# Here we start with a theme based on a Bootswatch theme,
# then override some variable defaults
theme <- bs_add_variables(
  bs_theme(bootswatch = "sketchy", primary = "orange"),
  "body-bg" = "#EEEEEE",
  "font-family-base" = "monospace",
  "font-size-base" = "1.4rem",
  "btn-padding-y" = ".16rem",
  "btn-padding-x" = "2rem"


# If you need to set a variable based on another Bootstrap variable
theme <- bs_add_variables(theme, "body-color" = "$success", .where = "declarations")

# Start a new global theme and add some custom rules that
# use Bootstrap variables to define a custom styling for a
# 'person card'
person_rules <- system.file("custom", "person.scss", package = "bslib")
theme <- bs_add_rules(bs_theme(), sass::sass_file(person_rules))

# Include custom CSS that leverages bootstrap Sass variables
person <- function(name, title, company) {
    class = "person",
    h3(class = "name", name),
    div(class = "title", title),
    div(class = "company", company)

  theme = theme,
  person("Andrew Carnegie", "Owner", "Carnegie Steel Company"),
  person("John D. Rockefeller", "Chairman", "Standard Oil")

rstudio/bootstraplib documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 9:35 p.m.