card_body: Card items

View source: R/card.R

card_bodyR Documentation

Card items


Components designed to be provided as direct children of a card(). For a general overview of the card() API, see the Cards article or the other articles listed in the References section of the card() documentation.


  fillable = TRUE,
  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  max_height_full_screen = max_height,
  height = NULL,
  padding = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  fill = TRUE,
  class = NULL

card_title(..., container = htmltools::h5)

card_header(..., class = NULL, container = htmltools::div)

card_footer(..., class = NULL)

  alt = "",
  src = NULL,
  href = NULL,
  border_radius = c("auto", "top", "bottom", "all", "none"),
  mime_type = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  fill = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  container = NULL





Unnamed arguments can be any valid child of an htmltools tag. Named arguments become HTML attributes on returned UI element.


Whether or not the card item should be a fillable (i.e. flexbox) container.

min_height, max_height, max_height_full_screen

Any valid CSS length unit.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a height in card_body()).


Padding to use for the body. This can be a numeric vector (which will be interpreted as pixels) or a character vector with valid CSS lengths. The length can be between one and four. If one, then that value will be used for all four sides. If two, then the first value will be used for the top and bottom, while the second value will be used for left and right. If three, then the first will be used for top, the second will be left and right, and the third will be bottom. If four, then the values will be interpreted as top, right, bottom, and left respectively.


A CSS length unit defining the gap (i.e., spacing) between elements provided to .... This argument is only applicable when fillable = TRUE


Whether to allow this element to grow/shrink to fit its card() container.


Additional CSS classes for the returned UI element.


A function to generate an HTML element to contain the image. Setting this value to card_body() places the image inside the card body area, otherwise the image will extend to the edges of the card.


A file path pointing an image. Local images (i.e. not a URI starting with ⁠https://⁠ or similar) will be base64 encoded and provided to the src attribute of the ⁠<img>⁠. Alternatively, you may directly set the image src, in which case file is ignored.


Alternate text for the image, used by screen readers and assistive devices. Provide alt text with a description of the image for any images with important content. If alt text is not provided, the image will be considered to be decorative and will not be read or announced by screen readers.

For more information, the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has a helpful tutorial on alt text.


The src attribute of the ⁠<img>⁠ tag. If provided, file is ignored entirely. Use src to provide a relative path to a file that will be served by the Shiny application and should not be base64 encoded.


An optional URL to link to when a user clicks on the image.


Which side of the image should have rounded corners, useful when card_image() is used as an image cap at the top or bottom of the card.

The value of border_radius determines whether the card-img-top ("top"), card-img-bottom ("bottom"), or card-img ("all") Bootstrap classes are applied to the card. The default "auto" value will use the image's position within a card() to automatically choose the appropriate class.


The mime type of the file when it is base64 encoded. This argument is available for advanced use cases where mime::guess_type() is unable to automatically determine the file type.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., width="100%").


an object to test (or coerce to) a card item.


An htmltools::div() tag.


  • card_body(): A general container for the "main content" of a card().

  • card_title(): Similar to card_header() but without the border and background color.

  • card_header(): A header (with border and background color) for the card(). Typically appears before a card_body().

  • card_footer(): A header (with border and background color) for the card(). Typically appears after a card_body().

  • card_image(): Include static images in a card, for example as an image cap at the top or bottom of the card.

  • as.card_item(): Mark an object as a card item. This will prevent the card() from putting the object inside a wrapper (i.e., a card_body()).

See Also

card() creates a card component.

navset_card_tab(), navset_card_pill() and navset_card_underline() create cards with tabbed navigation.

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() help position multiple cards into columns and rows and can also be used inside a card.

layout_sidebar() adds a sidebar to a card when nested in card() or card_body().

rstudio/bootstraplib documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 9:35 p.m.