
Defines functions feature_integer_hashed feature_string_hashed feature_string_categorical feature_integer_categorical feature_float_discretized feature_float_normalized feature_float feature_custom feature_cross

Documented in feature_cross feature_custom feature_float feature_float_discretized feature_float_normalized feature_integer_categorical feature_integer_hashed feature_string_categorical feature_string_hashed

#' One-stop utility for preprocessing and encoding structured data.
#' @description
#' **Available feature types:**
#' Note that all features can be referred to by their string name,
#' e.g. `"integer_categorical"`. When using the string name, the default
#' argument values are used.
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' # Plain float values.
#' feature_float(name = NULL)
#' # Float values to be preprocessed via featurewise standardization
#' # (i.e. via a `layer_normalization()` layer).
#' feature_float_normalized(name = NULL)
#' # Float values to be preprocessed via linear rescaling
#' # (i.e. via a `layer_rescaling` layer).
#' feature_float_rescaled(scale = 1., offset = 0., name = NULL)
#' # Float values to be discretized. By default, the discrete
#' # representation will then be one-hot encoded.
#' feature_float_discretized(
#'   num_bins,
#'   bin_boundaries = NULL,
#'   output_mode = "one_hot",
#'   name = NULL
#' )
#' # Integer values to be indexed. By default, the discrete
#' # representation will then be one-hot encoded.
#' feature_integer_categorical(
#'   max_tokens = NULL,
#'   num_oov_indices = 1,
#'   output_mode = "one_hot",
#'   name = NULL
#' )
#' # String values to be indexed. By default, the discrete
#' # representation will then be one-hot encoded.
#' feature_string_categorical(
#'   max_tokens = NULL,
#'   num_oov_indices = 1,
#'   output_mode = "one_hot",
#'   name = NULL
#' )
#' # Integer values to be hashed into a fixed number of bins.
#' # By default, the discrete representation will then be one-hot encoded.
#' feature_integer_hashed(num_bins, output_mode = "one_hot", name = NULL)
#' # String values to be hashed into a fixed number of bins.
#' # By default, the discrete representation will then be one-hot encoded.
#' feature_string_hashed(num_bins, output_mode = "one_hot", name = NULL)
#' ```
#' # Examples
#' **Basic usage with a named list of input data:**
#' ```{r}
#' raw_data <- list(
#'   float_values = c(0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
#'   string_values = c("zero", "one", "two", "three"),
#'   int_values = as.integer(c(0, 1, 2, 3))
#' )
#' dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(raw_data)
#' feature_space <- layer_feature_space(
#'   features = list(
#'     float_values = "float_normalized",
#'     string_values = "string_categorical",
#'     int_values = "integer_categorical"
#'   ),
#'   crosses = list(c("string_values", "int_values")),
#'   output_mode = "concat"
#' )
#' # Before you start using the feature_space(),
#' # you must `adapt()` it on some data.
#' feature_space |> adapt(dataset)
#' # You can call the feature_space() on a named list of
#' # data (batched or unbatched).
#' output_vector <- feature_space(raw_data)
#' ```
#' **Basic usage with `tf.data`:**
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' library(tfdatasets)
#' # Unlabeled data
#' preprocessed_ds <- unlabeled_dataset |>
#'   dataset_map(feature_space)
#' # Labeled data
#' preprocessed_ds <- labeled_dataset |>
#'   dataset_map(function(x, y) tuple(feature_space(x), y))
#' ```
#' **Basic usage with the Keras Functional API:**
#' ```{r}
#' # Retrieve a named list of Keras layer_input() objects
#' (inputs <- feature_space$get_inputs())
#' # Retrieve the corresponding encoded Keras tensors
#' (encoded_features <- feature_space$get_encoded_features())
#' # Build a Functional model
#' outputs <- encoded_features |> layer_dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")
#' model <- keras_model(inputs, outputs)
#' ```
#' **Customizing each feature or feature cross:**
#' ```{r}
#' feature_space <- layer_feature_space(
#'   features = list(
#'     float_values = feature_float_normalized(),
#'     string_values = feature_string_categorical(max_tokens = 10),
#'     int_values = feature_integer_categorical(max_tokens = 10)
#'   ),
#'   crosses = list(
#'     feature_cross(c("string_values", "int_values"), crossing_dim = 32)
#'   ),
#'   output_mode = "concat"
#' )
#' ```
#' **Returning a dict (a named list) of integer-encoded features:**
#' ```{r}
#' feature_space <- layer_feature_space(
#'   features = list(
#'     "string_values" = feature_string_categorical(output_mode = "int"),
#'     "int_values" = feature_integer_categorical(output_mode = "int")
#'   ),
#'   crosses = list(
#'     feature_cross(
#'       feature_names = c("string_values", "int_values"),
#'       crossing_dim = 32,
#'       output_mode = "int"
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   output_mode = "dict"
#' )
#' ```
#' **Specifying your own Keras preprocessing layer:**
#' ```{r}
#' # Let's say that one of the features is a short text paragraph that
#' # we want to encode as a vector (one vector per paragraph) via TF-IDF.
#' data <- list(text = c("1st string", "2nd string", "3rd string"))
#' # There's a Keras layer for this: layer_text_vectorization()
#' custom_layer <- layer_text_vectorization(output_mode = "tf_idf")
#' # We can use feature_custom() to create a custom feature
#' # that will use our preprocessing layer.
#' feature_space <- layer_feature_space(
#'   features = list(
#'     text = feature_custom(preprocessor = custom_layer,
#'                           dtype = "string",
#'                           output_mode = "float"
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   output_mode = "concat"
#' )
#' feature_space |> adapt(tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(data))
#' output_vector <- feature_space(data)
#' ```
#' **Retrieving the underlying Keras preprocessing layers:**
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' # The preprocessing layer of each feature is available in `$preprocessors`.
#' preprocessing_layer <- feature_space$preprocessors$feature1
#' # The crossing layer of each feature cross is available in `$crossers`.
#' # It's an instance of layer_hashed_crossing()
#' crossing_layer <- feature_space$crossers[["feature1_X_feature2"]]
#' ```
#' **Saving and reloading a FeatureSpace:**
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' feature_space$save("featurespace.keras")
#' reloaded_feature_space <- keras$models$load_model("featurespace.keras")
#' ```
#' @param feature_names
#' Named list mapping the names of your features to their
#' type specification, e.g. `list(my_feature = "integer_categorical")`
#' or `list(my_feature = feature_integer_categorical())`.
#' For a complete list of all supported types, see
#' "Available feature types" paragraph below.
#' @param output_mode
#' A string.
#' - For `layer_feature_space()`, one of `"concat"` or `"dict"`. In concat mode, all
#' features get concatenated together into a single vector.
#' In dict mode, the `FeatureSpace` returns a named list of individually
#' encoded features (with the same names as the input list names).
#' - For the `feature_*` functions, one of: `"int"` `"one_hot"` or `"float"`.
#' @param crosses
#' List of features to be crossed together, e.g.
#' `crosses=list(c("feature_1", "feature_2"))`. The features will be
#' "crossed" by hashing their combined value into
#' a fixed-length vector.
#' @param crossing_dim
#' Default vector size for hashing crossed features.
#' Defaults to `32`.
#' @param hashing_dim
#' Default vector size for hashing features of type
#' `"integer_hashed"` and `"string_hashed"`. Defaults to `32`.
#' @param num_discretization_bins
#' Default number of bins to be used for
#' discretizing features of type `"float_discretized"`.
#' Defaults to `32`.
#' @param name
#' String, name for the object
#' @param object
#' see description
#' @param features
#' see description
#' @inherit layer_dense return
#' @export
#' @family preprocessing layers
#' @family layers
#' @family utils
#' @seealso
#' + <https://keras.io/api/utils/feature_space#featurespace-class>
#  + <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/utils/FeatureSpace>
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace
layer_feature_space <-
function (object, features, output_mode = "concat", crosses = NULL,
          crossing_dim = 32L, hashing_dim = 32L, num_discretization_bins = 32L,
          name = NULL, feature_names = NULL)
  args <- capture_args(list(crossing_dim = as_integer, hashing_dim = as_integer,
                             num_discretization_bins = as_integer, features = as.list),
                        ignore = "object")
  create_layer(keras$utils$FeatureSpace, object, args)

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.cross
feature_cross <-
function(feature_names, crossing_dim, output_mode = "one_hot") {
  args <- capture_args(list(crossing_dim = as_integer))

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @param dtype string, the output dtype of the feature. E.g., "float32".
#' @param preprocessor A callable.
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.feature
feature_custom <-
function(dtype, preprocessor, output_mode) {
  args <- capture_args()

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.float
feature_float <-
function(name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args()

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @param scale,offset Passed on to [`layer_rescaling()`]
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.float_rescaled
feature_float_rescaled <-
function (scale = 1.0, offset = 0.0, name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args()

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.float_normalized
feature_float_normalized <-
function(name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args()

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @param num_bins,bin_boundaries Passed on to [`layer_discretization()`]
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.float_discretized
feature_float_discretized <-
function(num_bins, bin_boundaries = NULL, output_mode = "one_hot", name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args(list(num_bins = as_integer))

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @param max_tokens,num_oov_indices Passed on to [`layer_integer_lookup()`] by `feature_integer_categorical()` or to [`layer_string_lookup()`] by `feature_string_categorical()`.
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.integer_categorical
feature_integer_categorical <-
function(max_tokens = NULL,
         num_oov_indices = 1,
         output_mode = "one_hot",
         name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args(list(max_tokens = as_integer, num_oov_indices = as_integer))

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.string_categorical
feature_string_categorical <-
function(max_tokens = NULL,
         num_oov_indices = 1,
         output_mode = "one_hot",
         name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args(list(max_tokens = as_integer, num_oov_indices = as_integer))

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.string_hashed
feature_string_hashed <-
         output_mode = "one_hot",
         name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args(list(num_bins = as_integer))

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_feature_space
#' @tether keras.utils.FeatureSpace.integer_hashed
feature_integer_hashed <-
         output_mode = "one_hot",
         name = NULL) {
  args <- capture_args(list(num_bins = as_integer))
rstudio/keras documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:07 p.m.