
#' Resize images to a target size without aspect ratio distortion.
#' @description
#' Image datasets typically yield images that have each a different
#' size. However, these images need to be batched before they can be
#' processed by Keras layers. To be batched, images need to share the same
#' height and width.
#' You could simply do, in TF (or JAX equivalent):
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' size <- c(200, 200)
#' ds <- ds$map(\(img) tf$image$resize(img, size))
#' ```
#' However, if you do this, you distort the aspect ratio of your images, since
#' in general they do not all have the same aspect ratio as `size`. This is
#' fine in many cases, but not always (e.g. for image generation models
#' this can be a problem).
#' Note that passing the argument `preserve_aspect_ratio = TRUE` to `tf$image$resize()`
#' will preserve the aspect ratio, but at the cost of no longer respecting the
#' provided target size.
#' This calls for:
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' size <- c(200, 200)
#' ds <- ds$map(\(img) image_smart_resize(img, size))
#' ```
#' Your output images will actually be `(200, 200)`, and will not be distorted.
#' Instead, the parts of the image that do not fit within the target size
#' get cropped out.
#' The resizing process is:
#' 1. Take the largest centered crop of the image that has the same aspect
#' ratio as the target size. For instance, if `size = c(200, 200)` and the input
#' image has size `(340, 500)`, we take a crop of `(340, 340)` centered along
#' the width.
#' 2. Resize the cropped image to the target size. In the example above,
#' we resize the `(340, 340)` crop to `(200, 200)`.
#' @returns
#' Array with shape `(size[1], size[2], channels)`.
#' If the input image was an array, the output is an array,
#' and if it was a backend-native tensor,
#' the output is a backend-native tensor.
#' @param x
#' Input image or batch of images (as a tensor or array).
#' Must be in format `(height, width, channels)`
#' or `(batch_size, height, width, channels)`.
#' @param size
#' Tuple of `(height, width)` integer. Target size.
#' @param interpolation
#' String, interpolation to use for resizing.
#' Defaults to `'bilinear'`.
#' Supports `bilinear`, `nearest`, `bicubic`,
#' `lanczos3`, `lanczos5`.
#' @param data_format
#' `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`.
#' @param backend_module
#' Backend module to use (if different from the default
#' backend).
#' @export
#' @family image utils
#' @family utils
#' @family preprocessing
# @seealso
#  + <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/preprocessing/image/smart_resize>
#' @tether keras.preprocessing.image.smart_resize
image_smart_resize <-
function (x, size, interpolation = "bilinear", data_format = "channels_last",
    backend_module = NULL)
    args <- capture_args(list(size = as_integer))
    do.call(keras$preprocessing$image$smart_resize, args)
rstudio/keras documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:07 p.m.