get_tutorial_state: Observe the user's progress in the tutorial

View source: R/tutorial-state.R

get_tutorial_stateR Documentation

Observe the user's progress in the tutorial


As a student progresses through a learnr tutorial, their progress is stored in a Shiny reactive values list for their session (see shiny::reactiveValues()). Without arguments, get_tutorial_state() returns the full reactiveValues object that can be converted to a conventional list with shiny::reactiveValuesToList(). If the label argument is provided, the state of an individual question or exercise with that label is returned.

Calling get_tutorial_state() introduces a reactive dependency on the state of returned questions or exercises unless called within isolate(). Note that get_tutorial_state() will only work for the tutorial author and must be used in a reactive context, i.e. within shiny::observe(), shiny::observeEvent(), or shiny::reactive(). Any logic observing the user's tutorial state must be written inside a context="server" chunk in the tutorial's R Markdown source.


get_tutorial_state(label = NULL, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain())



A length-1 character label of the exercise or question.


The session object passed to function given to shinyServer. Default is shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain().


A reactiveValues object or a single reactive value (if label is provided). The names of the full reactiveValues object correspond to the label of the question or exercise. Each item contains the following entries:

  • type: One of "question" or "exercise".

  • answer: A character vector containing the user's submitted answer(s).

  • correct: A logical indicating whether the user's answer was correct, or a logical NA if the submission was not checked for correctness.

  • timestamp: The time at which the user's submission was completed, as a character string in UTC, formatted as "%F %H:%M:%OS3 %Z".

See Also


rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.