random_phrases_add: Add phrases to the bank of random phrases

View source: R/praise.R

random_phrases_addR Documentation

Add phrases to the bank of random phrases


Augment the random phrases available in random_praise() and random_encouragement() with phrases of your own. Note that these phrases are added to the existing phrases, rather than overwriting them.


random_phrases_add(language = "en", praise = NULL, encouragement = NULL)



The language of the phrases to be added.

praise, encouragement

A vector of praising or encouraging phrases, including final punctuation.


Returns the previous custom phrases invisibly when called in the global setup chunk or interactively. Otherwise, it returns a shiny pre- rendered chunk.

Usage in learnr tutorials

To add random phrases in a learnr tutorial, you can either include one or more calls to random_phrases_add() in your global setup chunk:

```{r setup, include = FALSE}`r ''`
  language = "en",
  praise = "Great work!",
  encouragement = "I believe in you."

Alternatively, you can call random_phrases_add() in a separate, standard R chunk (with echo = FALSE):

```{r setup-phrases, echo = FALSE}`r ''`
  language = "en",
  praise = c("Great work!", "You're awesome!"),
  encouragement = c("I believe in you.", "Yes we can!")


random_phrases_add("demo", praise = "Great!", encouragement = "Try again.")
random_praise(language = "demo")
random_encouragement(language = "demo")

rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.