manipulateAllTypeDays: Manipulate the output data.table of the clustering function

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manipulateAllTypeDaysR Documentation

Manipulate the output data.table of the clustering function


This function has been built in order to help the user to manipulate the output object of the functions clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass and clusteringTypicalDays. The user can choose to get a summary of the clustering realised, the vertices of the input data, the raw ptdf of the input data or the ptdf after differenciation of the input data.


manipulateAllTypeDays(allTypeDay, output)



data.table the output data.table of one of the functions clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass and clusteringTypicalDays.

  • TypicalDay : The typical day of the cluster defined by the idDayType column.

  • Class : The class of the clustering (typically, one of the classes obtained with the getCalendar function).

  • dayIn : The details of the days in the cluster.

  • distance : The distance of each day of the cluster to the typical day.

  • idDayType : The id of the cluster.


character The type of output you want to return (either ptdf, ptdfraw, vertices or summary)

  • ptdf : The ptdf obtained after differenciation

  • ptdfraw : The raw ptdf (obtained just after getPreprocPlan)

  • vertices : The vertices obtained with the function getVertices

  • summary : A summary of the clustering in a data.table with the following column :

    • TypicalDay : The typical day of the cluster

    • idDayType : The id of the cluster

    • Class : The class of the clustering

    • nbDaysCluster : The number of days in the cluster


## Not run: 
allTypeDay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata/allTypDays.rds", package = "fbClust"))

PLAN <- manipulateAllTypeDays(allTypeDay, "ptdf")
PLANRaw <- manipulateAllTypeDays(allTypeDay, "ptdfraw")
VERT <- manipulateAllTypeDays(allTypeDay, "vertices")
summary <- manipulateAllTypeDays(allTypeDay, "summary")

## End(Not run)

rte-antares-rpackage/fbClust documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:06 a.m.