
# Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité

#' @name manipulateWidget-package
#' @title Add even more interactivity to interactive charts
#' @description
#' This package is largely inspired by the \code{manipulate} package from
#' Rstudio. It can be used to easily create graphical interface that let the
#' user modify the data or the parameters of an interactive chart. It also
#' provides the \code{\link{combineWidgets}} function to easily combine multiple
#' interactive charts in a single view.
#' @details
#' \code{\link{manipulateWidget}} is the main function of the package. It
#' accepts an expression that generates an interactive chart (and more precisely
#' an \code{htmlwidget} object. See \url{http://www.htmlwidgets.org/} if you
#' have never heard about it) and a set of controls created with functions
#' \code{mwSlider}, \code{mwCheckbox}... which are used to dynamically change
#' values within the expression. Each time the user modifies the value of a
#' control, the expression is evaluated again and the chart is updated. Consider
#' the following code:
#' \code{manipulateWidget(myPlotFun(country), country = mwSelect(c("BE", "DE", "ES", "FR")))}
#' It will generate a graphical interface with a select input on its left with
#' options "BE", "DE", "ES", "FR". By default, at the beginning the value of the
#' variable \code{country} will be equal to the first choice of the
#' corresponding input. So the function will first execute
#' \code{myPlotFun("BE")} and the result will be displayed in the main panel of
#' the interface. If the user changes the value to "FR", then the expression
#' \code{myPlotFun("FR")} is evaluated and the new result is displayed.
#' The interface also contains a button "Done". When the user clicks on it, the
#' last chart is returned. It can be stored in a variable, be modified by the
#' user, saved as a html file with \code{\link[htmlwidgets]{saveWidget}} from package
#' \code{htmlwidgets} or converted to a static image file with package
#' \code{webshot}.
#' Finally one can easily create complex layouts thanks to function
#' \code{\link{combineWidgets}}. For instance, assume we want to see a map that
#' displays values of some variable for a given year, but on its right side we also
#' want to see the distributions of three variables. Then we could write:
#' \preformatted{
#' myPlotFun <- function(year, variable) {
#'   combineWidgets(
#'     ncol = 2, colSize = c(3, 1),
#'     myMap(year, variable),
#'     combineWidgets(
#'       ncol = 1,
#'       myHist(year, "V1"),
#'       myHist(year, "V2"),
#'       myHist(year, "V3"),
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' manipulateWidget(
#'   myPlotFun(year, variable),
#'   year = mwSlider(2000, 2016, value = 2000),
#'   variable = mwSelect(c("V1", "V2", "V3"))
#' )
#' }
#' Of course, \code{\link{combineWidgets}} can be used outside of
#' \code{\link{manipulateWidget}}. For instance, it can be used in an
#' Rmarkdown document to easily put together interactive charts.
#' For more concrete examples of usage, you should look at the documentation and
#' especially the examples of \code{\link{manipulateWidget}} and
#' \code{\link{combineWidgets}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{manipulateWidget}}, \code{\link{combineWidgets}}
#' @rdname manipulateWidget-package
#' @docType package
#' @importFrom shiny tags observe observeEvent reactive isolate icon tagAppendChild
#' @importFrom shiny tagAppendChildren fillPage fillRow NS uiOutput checkboxInput
#'   callModule reactiveVal reactiveValues renderUI req updateSelectInput updateTextInput
#' @importFrom miniUI miniContentPanel miniPage miniTabPanel miniTabstripPanel gadgetTitleBar
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets getDependency
#' @importFrom methods is new setRefClass
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @importFrom stats runif

#' Evolution of energy use per country
#' Data.frame containing energy consumption per country from 1960 to 2014. The
#' data comes from the World Bank website. It contains one line per
#' couple(country, year) and has the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item country Country name
#'   \item iso2c Country code in two characters
#'   \item year Year
#'   \item population Population of the country
#'   \item energy_used_per_capita Energy used per capita in kg of oil equivalent (EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE)
#'   \item energy_imported_prop Proportion of energy used that has been imported (EG.IMP.CONS.ZS)
#'   \item energy_fossil_prop Fossil fuel energy consumption in proportion of total consumption (EG.USE.COMM.FO.ZS)
#'   \item energy_used Energy consumption in kg of oil equivalent
#'   \item energy_fossil Fossil fuel energy consumption in kg of oil equivalent
#'   \item prop_world_energy_used Share of the country in the world energy consumption
#'   \item prop_world_energy_fossil Share of the country in the world fossil energy consumption
#'   \item prop_world_population Share of the country in the world population
#'   \item long Longitude of the country
#'   \item lat Lattitude of the country
#'   \item region Region of the country
#' }
#' @author François Guillem \email{guillem.francois@gmail.com}
#' @references \url{https://data.worldbank.org/indicator}

globalVariables(c("mod", "multiple", "name", "type"))
rte-antares-rpackage/manipulateWidget documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 8:20 p.m.