
#' Pennsylvania Lung Cancer
#' @description 
#' County-level (n=67) population/case data for lung cancer in Pennsylvania in 2002, stratified on race (white vs non-white), gender and age (Under 40, 40-59, 60-69 and 70+).  Additionally, county-specific smoking rates.  
#' @format 
#' List of 3 items
#' \describe{
#'   \item{geo}{a table of county IDs, longitude/latitude of the geographic centroid of each county}
#'   \item{data}{a table of county IDs, number of cases, population and strata information}
#'   \item{smoking}{a table of county IDs and proportion of smokers}
#'   \item{spatial.polygon}{an object of class SpatialPolygons}
#' }
#' @source Population data was obtained from the 2000 decennial census, lung cancer and smoking data were obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Health website:  <https://www.health.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx>
#' @examples 
#' data(pennLC)
#' pennLC$geo
#' pennLC$data
#' pennLC$smoking
#' # Map smoking rates in Pennsylvania
#' mapvariable(pennLC$smoking[,2], pennLC$spatial.polygon)
rudeboybert/SpatialEpi documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 5:09 a.m.