Man pages for rujinwang/SCOPE
A normalization and copy number estimation method for single-cell DNA sequencing

coverageObj.scopeDemoPre-stored coverageObj.scope data for demonstration purposes
get_bam_bedGet bam file directories, sample names, and whole genomic...
get_coverage_scDNAGet read coverage from single-cell DNA sequencing
get_gcCompute GC content
get_giniCompute Gini coefficients for single cells
get_mappCompute mappability
get_samp_QCGet QC metrics for single cells
iCN_simA post cross-sample segmentation integer copy number matrix...
initialize_ploidyPloidy pre-initialization
initialize_ploidy_groupGroup-wise ploidy pre-initialization
normalize_codex2_ns_noKNormalization of read depth without latent factors under the...
normalize_scopeNormalization of read depth with latent factors using...
normalize_scope_foreachNormalization of read depth with latent factors using...
normalize_scope_groupGroup-wise normalization of read depth with latent factors...
normObj.scopeDemoPre-stored normObj.scope data for demonstration purposes
perform_qcQuality control for cells and bins
plot_EM_fitVisualize EM fitting for each cell.
plot_iCNPlot post-segmentation copy number profiles of integer values
QCmetric.scopeDemoPre-stored QCmetric data for demonstration purposes
ref.scopeDemoPre-stored 500kb-size reference genome for demonstration...
ref_simA reference genome in the toy dataset
segment_CBScsCross-sample segmentation
Y_simA read count matrix in the toy dataset
rujinwang/SCOPE documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 5:40 a.m.