
Defines functions repo_commits github_api_repo_commits

Documented in repo_commits

# github_api_repo_commits_v4 = function(repo, branch) {
#   arg_is_chr_scalar(repo, branch)
#   owner = get_repo_owner(repo)
#   name  = get_repo_name(repo)
#   query = '
#     query {
#       repository(owner: <graphql_quote(owner)>, name: <graphql_quote(name)>) {
#         object(expression: <graphql_quote(branch)>) {
#           ... on Commit {
#             history(first:100, after: <graphql_quote(cursor)>) {
#               totalCount
#               pageInfo {
#                 hasNextPage
#                 endCursor
#               }
#               nodes {
#                 author {
#                   email
#                   name
#                   user {
#                     login
#                   }
#                 }
#                 changedFiles
#                 message
#                 additions
#                 deletions
#                 committedDate
#               }
#             }
#           }
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   '
#   github_api_v4_graphql_paginated(
#     query,
#     vars = list(owner = owner, name = name, branch = branch),
#     page_info = c("repository", "object", "history")
#   )
# }

github_api_repo_commits = function(repo, sha=NULL, path=NULL, author=NULL, since=NULL, until=NULL) {
    endpoint = "GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits",
    owner = get_repo_owner(repo),
    repo = get_repo_name(repo),
    sha = sha,
    path = path,
    author = author,
    since = since,
    until = until

#' @rdname repo_details
#' @param branch Character.	Branch to list commits from.
#' @param sha	   Character.	SHA to start listing commits from.
#' @param path	 Character.	Only commits containing this file path will be returned.
#' @param author Character.	GitHub login or email address by which to filter commit author.
#' @param since	 Character.	Only commits after this date will be returned, expects `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` format.
#' @param until	 Character.	Only commits before this date will be returned, expects `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` format.
#' @param quiet  Logical. Should an error message be printed if the repo does not exist.
#' @export

repo_commits = function(repo, branch = NULL, sha = branch, path = NULL,
                        author = NULL, since = NULL, until = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {

  arg_is_chr_scalar(branch, sha, path, author, since, until, allow_null = TRUE)

    function(repo) {
      res = purrr::safely(github_api_repo_commits)(
        repo, sha, path, author, since, until

      # API gives an error if the repo has 0 commits
      res = allow_error(res, message = "Git Repository is empty")

      if (!quiet) {
          fail = "Failed to retrieve commits from {.val {repo}}."

      commits = result(res)

      if (empty_result(commits)) {
          repo  = character(),
          login = character(),
          name  = character(),
          email = character(),
          date  = as.POSIXct(character()),
          msg   = character()
      } else {
          repo  = repo,
          login = purrr::map_chr(commits, c("author", "login"), .default = NA),
          name  = purrr::map_chr(commits, c("commit", "author","name"), .default = NA),
          email = purrr::map_chr(commits, c("commit", "author","email"), .default = NA),
          date  = lubridate::ymd_hms(
            purrr::map_chr(commits, c("commit", "author", "date"), .default = NA)
          msg   = purrr::map_chr(commits, c("commit", "message"), .default = NA)
rundel/ghclass documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 11:46 p.m.