knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

lmer fitting linear mixed models

lmerTestR overloads lmer from lme4 in order to facilitate the computation of summary tables, anova tabels and tests of costum contrasts with $t$ and $F$ tests using the Satterthwaite method for computation of denominator degrees of freedom.

  1. lmerTestR::lmer produces an object of class lmerModLmerTest extending class lmerMod (as produced by lme4::lmer)
  2. lmerTestR::lmer adds slots containing the covariance matrix of the variance-covariance parameters in the model and the gradient of the covariance matrix of the fixed effect parameters, $\beta$ (and a few other things) which are required for the computation of Satterthwaite degrees of freedom.
  3. The covariance matrix of the variance-covariance parameters in the model and the gradient of the covariance matrix of the fixed effect parameters are computed numerically using hessian and jacobian functions from the numDeriv package utilizing the accurate Richardson extrapolation method.

Satterthwaite's method for denominator degrees of freedom

Satterthwaite's method is implemented for one-df contrasts as well as for multi-df contrasts in two functions respectively:

  1. contest1D takes a contrast-vector (or 1D row-matrix) and produces a data.frame with $t$-tests in the form similar to a summary coefficient table. This function is used by the summary method for lmer fits to compute the $p$-values for $t$-tests of the model coefficients.
  2. contestMD takes a contrast-matrix (or a vector) and produces a data.frame with sums of squares, mean squares, $F$-values, numerator and denominator degrees of freedom and $p$-values in a form similar to that of an ANOVA table. This function is used by the anova method for lmer fits.

The computations involved in the Satterthwaite's method are described in a separate document/vignette.

Kenward-Roger's (KR) method

  1. The KR method is facilitated via the implementation in the pbkrtest package (lmerTestR suggests this package)
  2. The KR method not only involves an estimate of the denominator df (as does the Satterthwaite method) but also an adjusted covariance matrix of $\beta$ as well as a scaling of the $F$-statistic.
  3. In simple cases the adjusted covariance matrix of $\beta$ equals the standard one and scaling of the $F$-statistics may be neutral.
  4. As a consequence of the adjusted covariance matrix of fixed effect parameters, the standard errors and $t$-values of model coefficients (as in summary tables) may be respectively larger and smaller.
  5. The potential scaling applied to $F$-statistics is not applied to $t$-statistics. (I am not sure if $F$-tests on one numerator df will never be scaled -- that may be the case.)
  6. The KR $t$-tests are implemented by computing the adjusted covariance matrix of the fixed effect parameters with pbkrtest::vcovAdj and the KR df with pbkrtest::Lb_ddf. Computing the KR $t$-tests for a whole set of one-df contrasts (as in a summary table) therefore only involves calculating the adjusted covariance matrix once.
  7. The KR $F$-tests are implemented by passing a contrast matrix to pbkrtest::KRmodcomp. When computing $F$-tests for a series of terms (as is done in ANOVA tables) pbkrtest::KRmodcomp is called multiple times in each case evaluating the same adjusted covariance matrix of $\beta$ (the computationally time consuming part). We have not found a way to decompose the computations in pbkrtest::KRmodcomp so that pbkrtest::vcovAdj could be called just once instead. The culprit is the calculation of the scaling of the $F$-value for which pbkrtest does not appear to export a low-level (direct) method.
  8. The KR-method is not available for ML-fits and attempts to use ML-fits causes functions in lmerTestR to throw an error.

ANOVA tables using the anova method

  1. Produces an ANOVA table if called with a single model as argument - the internal function single_anova handles this.
  2. Produces a comparison of models if more than one model is passed to anova. This is not implemented in lmerTestR; callNextMethod is applied.
  3. single_anova computes the appropriate contrast matrices (corresponding to type I, II, or III ANOVA tables) and then uses contestMD to compute the relevant SSQ, MS, $F$-values etc.

Type I ANOVA tables

  1. The type I (sequential) ANOVA contrasts are produced by get_contrasts_type1 which forms the contrasts using the Doolittle decomposition of $X^\top X$ where $X$ is the standard full-rank (column rank) design matrix.

Type II ANOVA tables

  1. Not yet implemented

Type III ANOVA tables

  1. Type III ANOVA contrasts are produces by get_contrasts_type3 which uses a SAS-type algorithm based on the 'full' rank-deficient design matrix (produced by get_rdX) and a 'general' contrast matrix 'L' (produced by general_L).
  2. The algorithm only works when the standard contr.treatment or contr.SAS is used for coding of factors in the design matrix. Using other "contrasts", for example contr.sum or contr.poly, which is used by default for ordered factors produces an error.

The summary method for lmer model fits

The summary method does two things to a lme4::lmer summary table before it is returned. The lme4::print.summary.merMod print method takes care of printing.

  1. The summary method appends a title to model fit describing which method was used for $t$-tests: Satterthwaite or Kenward-Roger
  2. The summary method computes the coefficient table with (denominator) degrees of freedom and $p$-values for the $t$-statistics by passing the rows of a unit-diagonal matrix with as many rows as there are coefficients to contest1D.

runehaubo/lmerTestR documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 12:20 p.m.