PerformCohortRetentionTests: Compares treatment to control on retention rate for given...

Description Arguments Value Author(s)


This function receives a summarised dataset and compares the retention rates for each avaliable test group against the control. The dataset should have the columns containing the following information: acquisition_date | activity_date | retention_day | group | active_users The names of the columns can differ

This function should also receive a character vector that identifies the name of the control group, as well as the names of the columns containing metrics of interest

This function uses the prop.test function to perform a simple chi^2 on the proportion of users who return N days after their acquisition. If no retention days are provided, then the function will perform tests for each one avaliable.

Returns p-value for two-tailed test and statistics for each comparison to control



The summarised dataset


An integer vector containing the retention days to test. If not provided will test all avaliable non-zero retention days


The name which identifies the control group in the dataset


The name of the column that contains the group identification


The name of the column that contains the retention day identification


The name of the column that contains the sum of users for each combination of acquisition and activity dates


The name of the column that contains the dates of acquisition


Additional arguments to pass on to prop.test function


A dataframe containing p-value for two-tailed test, boundaries for confidence intervals, for each tested retentention day and treatment group


João Monteiro

rvladimiro/dafR documentation built on June 26, 2019, 4:37 a.m.