Man pages for rwang14/implant
A High-throughput Phenotyping Pipeline for Image Processing and Functional Growth Curve Analysis

CIEstimating a linear combination of treatment effects and...
CI_contrastConstructing confidence regions for specific treatment effect...
ColorBIdentifying the region of interest (left and right...
Color_ExchangeExchanging the color of the background and the foreground.
ColorGIdentifying the region of interest (lower bound) for a plant...
DilationMorphological Dilation
downsizeReducing the size of an RGB image
downsize_avgReducing size of an image using the method of averaging in...
downsize_matrixReducing the Size of a Matrix
ErosionMorphological Erosion
extract_phenoExtract phenotypical features from segmented images
fanovaFitting Functional ANOVA Models
HMRFImage Segmentation using Hidden Markov Random Field with EM...
imageBinarySegmentation and Binarization
image_kmeansObtain the Matrix of the Segmented Image using K-means...
RGB2GrayConverting an RGB image to a grayscale image
rwang14/implant documentation built on Sept. 6, 2020, 3:21 a.m.