
# setwd("...")
# # read in, add basin, zone, stratum
# hill_ID=scan(file="../auxdata/hill.jc.h77.asc", skip=6, na.strings="*")
# patch_ID=scan(file="../auxdata/patch.jc.h77.asc", skip=6, na.strings="*")
# zone_ID = patch_ID
# stratum_ID = patch_ID
# LAI=scan(file="../auxdata/lai2007.lan.h77.asc", skip=6, na.strings="*")
# #LAI=round(LAI, digits=5)
# x=rep(1,length(hill_ID)) # uses the number of cases
# basin_ID=x
# #combine them
# tmp = as.data.frame(cbind(basin_ID,hill_ID,zone_ID,patch_ID,stratum_ID,LAI))
# tmp2 = subset(tmp, is.na(tmp$patch_ID)==F)
# tmp = aggregate(tmp2, by=list(tmp2$patch_ID, tmp2$zone_ID, tmp2$hill_ID, tmp2$basin_ID), mean)
# #tmp = aggregate(tmp2, by=list(tmp2$basin_ID, tmp2$hill_ID, tmp2$zone_ID,tmp2$patch_ID), mean)
# #reorder them, remove subset_key
# tmp=tmp[,c(5:10)]
# # remove null values
# tmp = subset(tmp, is.na(tmp$LAI)==F)
# tmp = subset(tmp, !tmp$LAI==-9999) # if user has another null value, input it here
# tmp = subset(tmp, !tmp$LAI==Inf) # if user has another null value, input it here
# tmp = format(tmp, scientific=FALSE)
# #Export and merge with a file header and target list
# newheader = sprintf("%d num_stratum\n%d num_targets", nrow(tmp), length(tmp)-5)
# write(newheader, file="../tecfiles/spinup_thresholds2007.jc.h77.txt")
# targets = colnames(tmp)
# targets = subset(targets, !targets=="basin_ID")
# targets = subset(targets, !targets=="hill_ID")
# targets = subset(targets, !targets=="zone_ID")
# targets = subset(targets, !targets=="patch_ID")
# targets = subset(targets, !targets=="stratum_ID")
# write(targets, file="../tecfiles/spinup_thresholds2007.jc.h77.txt", append=T)
# write.table(tmp, file="../tecfiles/spinup_thresholds2007.jc.h77.txt", append=T, quote=F, row.names=F)
ryanrbart/RHESSysIOinR documentation built on July 22, 2024, 3:46 a.m.