
Defines functions IOin_rhessys_input

Documented in IOin_rhessys_input

#' IOin_rhessys_input
#' Basic inputs to run RHESSys
#' @param version Path to compiled RHESSys binary.
#' @param tec_file Path and name of input tec file. If also supplying a dataframe of tec events as created via IOin_tec_std() to run_rhessys_single(), a new directory will be created
#' at the supplied path and name, with a new tec file within it. If not supplying a dataframe of tec events, this input refers to an existing tec file to be used.
#' @param world_file Path and name of input world file.
#' @param world_hdr_prefix Path and name for new folder where newly created hdr files will go.
#' @param flowtable Path and name of input tec file.
#' @param start Start date of simulation.
#' @param end End date of simulation.
#' @param output_folder Path to folder where simulation output will go.
#' @param output_prefix Prefix for output files.
#' @param commandline_options Commandline options to be passed to RHESSys, e.x. '-g' or '-p'
#' @param world_hdr_path Path to where worldfile header file should be created/located. If left NULL,
#' will use world_hdr_prefix as both path and file name.
#' @param prefix_command A shell command to be run previous to the RHESSys command line call.
#' This can be used to source a shell script, which itself can run multiple commands if needed.
#' @author Will Burke
#' @export

IOin_rhessys_input = function(version,
                              world_hdr_path = NULL,
                              prefix_command = NULL) {

  rh_list = list()

  # ----- rhessys binary version -----
  # TODO this could be built on to automatically pull and compile rhessys
  if (!file.exists(version)) {
    warning("RHESSys binary version '",version,"' not found.")
  rh_list$rhessys_version <- version

  # ----- tec file -----
  # TODO since tec_file can be built via inputs, could check for it existing, but no error.
  # TODO Could potentially use this input tec file,  if it exists, as a basis for a new tec file, so only modificaitons would need to be added
  # in the IOin_tec_ function. That actually should probably stay/occur in that file.
  # There is potential for conflict here though so a check should happen in the run_rhessys_core or scenario iteration functions
  rh_list$tec_file <- tec_file

  # ----- world file -----
  if (!file.exists(world_file)) {
    warning("RHESSys world file '",world_file ,"' not found.")
  rh_list$world_file <- world_file

  # ----- world file header prefix -----
  # this is unclear what the purpose is -  we could just delete this and do it all automatically using input name and scenario IDs we generate
  rh_list$world_hdr_prefix <- world_hdr_prefix

  # ----- flowtable -----
  if (!file.exists(flowtable)) {
    warning("RHESSys flowtable '",flowtable ,"' not found.")
  rh_list$flow_file <- flowtable

  # ----- dates -----
  # TODO start and end dates, should have automatic coversion to rhessys format from R Date at least

  rh_list$start_date <- start
  rh_list$end_date <- end

  # TODO check if exists, create if not
  rh_list$output_folder <- output_folder

  rh_list$output_filename <- output_prefix

  # TODO compare against a vector of known commandline options, warn if not in that list
  rh_list$command_options <- commandline_options

  # prefix command
  rh_list$prefix_command = prefix_command

  rh_list$world_hdr_path <- world_hdr_path


ryanrbart/rhessysR documentation built on July 21, 2024, 1:12 a.m.