
#' Wrapper function to create seed and perform iterative proportion fitting from N targets.
#' Wrapper function to create seed and perform iterative proportion fitting from N targets.
#' Combines the \code{ip_create_seed()} and \code{ip_fit()} functions into a single step. Creates a generic unary seed.
#' @param targets A list of data frames containing subtotal targets. All totals in each target should be equal.
#' Series supplied in each target will shape the final data frame.
#' @param names.exclude Vector of names of series in targets to exclude from the data frame creation.
#' @param value.set Single number or vector of numbers to initialize the seed \code{value.name}.
#' @param value.name Name of series in the data frame containing \code{value.set}.
#' @param target.value.names The names of the series in \code{targets} containing subtotals to scale. Can be string or array of strings.
#' @param max.error The maximum total absolute difference allowed between final scaled values and targets.
#'     Iterative scaling will complete once the error is below this threshold or \code{max.iterations} occur.
#' @param max.iterations The maximum number of iterations of scaling. Iterative scaling with end once this value is reached, even if the error is above \code{max.error}.
#' @param freeze_cells Optional data frame of values with same series columns as \code{datatable}, specifying exact values to hit in the scaling.
#'    Any rows or values not listed, or \code{NA}s, will be scaled as normal.
#' @param freeze_cells.value.name The name of the series of iced values in \code{freeze_cells}.
#' @param freeze_slice Optional data frame containing subtotal targets for the \code{datatable}.
#'    Unlike \code{targets}, these data frames can be subsets only containing subtotals for one or more rows.
#'    Any rows or values not listed, or \code{NA}s, will be scaled as normal.
#'    Using \code{freeze_slice} for partial targets will increase the number of required iterations for scaling. This may require the user to increase the value of \code{max.iterations}.
#'    Separate elements of a dimension within a single cell using " + " to scale subtotals.
#' @param freeze_slice.value.name The name or names of the series of iced values in \code{freeze_slice}.
#' @param minmax_cells Optional data frame of values with same series columns as \code{datatable}, specifying bounded values to hit in the scaling.
#'    Provide minimumn and maximum values for a cell to be scaled.
#'    Any rows or values not listed, or \code{NA}s, will be scaled as normal.
#' @param minmax_cells.value.names An array of length 2 of the names of the minimum and maximum values in  \code{minmax_cells}.
#' @param minmax_slice Optional data frame containing subtotal targets for the \code{datatable}, specifying bounded values to hit in the scaling.
#'    Provide minimumn and maximum values for a slice of the data frame to be scaled.
#'    Unlike \code{targets}, these data frames can be subsets only containing subtotals for one or more rows.
#'    Any rows or values not listed, or \code{NA}s, will be scaled as normal.
#'    Using \code{minmax_slice} for partial targets will increase the number of required iterations for scaling. This may require the user to increase the value of \code{max.iterations}.
#' @param minmax_slice.value.name The name or names of the series of the minimum and maximum values in \code{minmax_slice}.
#' @param minmax.smash.param Numeric value of  0 < x < 1. Following an out-of-bounds occurence for \code{minmax_cells}, the \code{minmax.smash.param} is the additional value added to the scaled value to bring it back into bounds.
#' Values close to 0 bind the value to the violated bound, while close to 1 bind the value to the other bound.
#' Values closer to0 will require more iterations to complete.
#' @return A dataframe with the same dimensionality as \code{datatable}, with all values scaled to the subtotals specified in each data frame in \code{targets}.
#' @examples
#' tar1 <- data.frame(x = letters[1:2], value = c(50, 50))
#' tar2 <- data.frame(y = letters[3:5], value = c(20, 40, 40))
#' tar3 <- data.frame(z = letters[6:10], value = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 10))
#' tar.list <- list(tar1, tar2, tar3)
#' df <- ip_expand(tar.list)
#' @export
ip_expand <- function(targets, target.value.names = "value",
                   names.exclude = c("value"), value.set = 1, value.name = "value",
                   override.warning = FALSE,
                   max.error = 0.01, max.iterations = 25,
                   freeze_cells = NULL, freeze_cells.value.name = "value",
                   freeze_slice = NULL, freeze_slice.value.names = "value",
                   minmax_cells = NULL, minmax_cells.value.names = c("value_min", "value_max"),
                   minmax_slice = NULL, minmax_slice.value.names = c("value_min", "value_max"),
                   minmax.smash.param = 1/3,
                   save.tars = FALSE, show.messages = TRUE) {

  df <- ip_create_seed(targets, names.exclude = names.exclude,
                       value.set = value.set, value.name = value.name,
                       override.warning = override.warning) %>%
    ip_fit(targets, datatable.value.name = value.name, target.value.names = target.value.names,
           max.error = max.error, max.iterations = max.iterations,
           freeze_cells = freeze_cells, freeze_cells.value.name = freeze_cells.value.name,
           freeze_slice = freeze_slice, freeze_slice.value.names = freeze_slice.value.names,
           minmax_cells = minmax_cells, minmax_cells.value.names = minmax_cells.value.names,
           minmax_slice = minmax_slice, minmax_slice.value.names = minmax_slice.value.names,
           minmax.smash.param = minmax.smash.param,
           save.tars = save.tars, show.messages = show.messages)


ryantimpe/ipfitr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:55 a.m.