
Defines functions is_Tatoo_table tatoo_table

#' Tatoo Table
#' `Tatto_table` is the superclass of all the `*_table` classes made available
#' by this package. Each `Tatoo_table` provides a different way of combining
#' several tables (data.frames) into a single table. Those tables can then
#' be exported via [as_workbook()]/[save_xlsx()]. In the future, support for
#' latex and html export is also planned.
#' Currently, the following subclasses exists:
#' * [`Tagged_table`]
#' * [`Composite_table`]
#' * [`Mashed_table`]
#' * [`Stacked_table`]
#' The `tatoo_table()` function is just a constructor used internally and you
#' will not need to use it except if your planning on extending this package
#' with your own code.
#' @param dat an object of any of the classes listed in the description
#' @family Tatoo tables
#' @aliases Tatoo_table
tatoo_table <- function(
  assert_that(is_any_class(dat, c('list', 'data.table')))

  res <- dat
  class(res) <- union('Tatoo_table', class(dat))


#' Test if objects is a Tatoo_table
#' @template any_r
#' @templateVar fun is_Tatoo_table
#' @templateVar class Tatoo_table
#' @template is_class
#' @export
is_Tatoo_table <- function(x){
  inherits(x, 'Tatoo_table')
s-fleck/tatoo documentation built on April 9, 2023, 5:57 a.m.