
Defines functions emdw emd emdr emd2d

Documented in emd emd2d emdr emdw

# this was the original API but now we just map it to the matrix API
emd2d <- function(A, B, xdist = 1, ydist = 1, dist="euclidean", ...) {
  if (!is.matrix(A) || !is.matrix(B) || !identical(dim(A), dim(B))) stop("A and B must be matrices of the same dimensions")
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[2]
  A[is.na(A)] = 0
  B[is.na(B)] = 0
  A = matrix(c(A, rep((1:m) * ydist, n), rep((1:n) * xdist, each = m)), m * n)
  B = matrix(c(B, A[,2], A[,3]), m * n)
  emd(A[A[,1] != 0,,drop=FALSE], B[B[,1] != 0,,drop=FALSE], dist=dist, ...)

emdr <- function(A, B, extrapolate=NA, flows=FALSE, dist="euclidean", max.iter=500L, ...) .Call(emd_r, A, B, extrapolate, flows, dist, max.iter)

emd <- function(A, B, dist="euclidean", ...) emdr(A, B, dist=dist, ...)

emdw <- function(A, wA, B, wB, dist="euclidean", ...) emd(cbind(wA, A), cbind(wB, B), dist=dist, ...)
s-u/emdist documentation built on June 27, 2023, 11:35 p.m.