
Defines functions limn_tour_linked_server limn_tour_link

Documented in limn_tour_link

#' Link a 2-d embedding with a tour
#' @param embed_data A `data.frame` representing embedding coordinates
#' @inheritParams limn_tour
#' @details
#' All controls for the app can be obtained by clicking on the help button,
#' in the bottom panel. More details are described below:
#'  * The tour view on the left is a dynamic and interactive scatterplot. Brushing on the tour view
#'  is activated with the shift key plus a mouse drag. By default it will
#'  highlight corresponding points in the xy view and pause the animation.
#'  * The xy view on the right is an interactive scatterplot. Brushing on the xy view
#'  will highlight points in the tour view and is activated via a mouse drag,
#'  the type of highlighting depends on the brush mode selected.
#'  * There is a play button, that when pressed will start the tour.
#'  * The half range which is the maximum squared
#'    Euclidean distance between points in the tour view. The half range
#'    is a scale factor for projections and can be thought of as a way
#'    of zooming in and out on points. It can be dynamically modified by scrolling
#'    (via a mouse-wheel). To reset double click the tour view.
#'  * The legend can be toggled to highlight groups of points with
#'    shift+mouse-click. Multiple groups can be selected in this way. To
#'    reset double click the legend title.
#' @return After pressing the Done button on the interface, a list of artefacts
#' is returned to the R session.
#' * `selected_basis`: A matrix of the current projection
#' * `tour_brush_box`: A list containing the bounding box of the  tour brush
#' * `embed_brush_box`: A list containing the bounding box of the embed brush
#' * `tour_half_range`: The current value of the half range
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # tour the first ten columns of the fake tree data and link to the
#'   # another layout based on t-SNE
#'   # loads the default interface
#'   if (requireNamespace("Rtsne", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     set.seed(2020)
#'     tsne <- Rtsne::Rtsne(dplyr::select(fake_trees, dplyr::starts_with("dim")))
#'     tsne_df <- data.frame(tsneX = tsne$Y[, 1], tsneY = tsne$Y[, 2])
#'     limn_tour_link(
#'       tsne_df,
#'       fake_trees,
#'       cols = dim1:dim10,
#'       color = branches
#'     )
#'     # assigning to an object will return a list of artefacts after clicking
#'     # done in the upper right hand corner
#'     res <- limn_tour_link(tsne_df, fake_trees, cols = dim1:dim10, color = branches)
#'   }
#' }
#' @export
limn_tour_link <- function(embed_data,
                           cols = NULL,
                           color = NULL,
                           tour_path = tourr::grand_tour(),
                           rescale = clamp,
                           morph = "center",
                           gadget_mode = TRUE) {
  if (!identical(nrow(tour_data), nrow(embed_data))) {
    stop("tour_data and embed_data should have same number of rows")

  # check embedding table is valid
  stopifnot(ncol(embed_data) == 2 || ncol(embed_data) == 3)
  # augment embed_data with row_number
  embed_data$row_number <- seq_len(nrow(embed_data))

  cols <- rlang::enquo(cols)
  color <- rlang::enquo(color)

  # setup colors
  if (!rlang::quo_is_null(color)) {
    # is color specification in tour data?
    color_data <- try(dplyr::select(tour_data, !!color), silent = TRUE)
    # column not found...
    if (inherits(color_data, "try-error")) {
      # try embed data, if not there throw an error
      color_data <- dplyr::select(embed_data, !!color)
  } else {
    color_data <- NULL

  if (rlang::quo_is_null(cols)) {
    message("Touring all columns provided in `tour_data`")
    # remove color column if present
    cols <- rlang::syms(setdiff(names(tour_data), names(color_data)))

  # generate tour data
  tour_matrix <- generate_tour_matrix(tour_data, cols, rescale = rescale)
  # set up transformation function
  morph_projection <- generate_morph(morph, p_eff = ncol(tour_matrix))

  # generate app
  ui <- gadget_tour_ui(linked = TRUE, axis = FALSE)

  server <- limn_tour_linked_server(

  app <- shinyApp(ui, server)
  if (!gadget_mode) {


limn_tour_linked_server <- function(tour_data, tour_path, color_data, morph,
                                    embed_data) {
  path <- tourr::new_tour(tour_data, tour_path)

  half_range <- compute_half_range(tour_data)

  start <- path(0)$proj

  tour_frame <- generate_tour_frame(tour_data, start, half_range, color_data, morph)
  # init k = 1 neighbours
  idx <- seq_len(nrow(tour_frame))
  tour_frame$row_number <- idx

  function(input, output, session) {
    output[["tourView"]] <- renderVegawidget({
      spec_linked_tour(tour_frame, embed_data, color_data, half_range)

    # reactiveValues, store current place in tour path
    selections <- reactiveValues(
      proj = start,
      idx = idx,
      do_tour = FALSE,
      force_restart = FALSE

    # vega-lite event listeners
    # listen for zoom and brush events
    rct_active_zoom <- vw_shiny_get_signal("tourView",
      name = "grid",
      body_value = "value"
    # listen for brush events on tour layer
    rct_active_brush <- vw_shiny_get_signal("tourView",
      name = "right_brush",
      body_value = "value"

    # listen for brush events on embed layer
    rct_embed_brush <- vw_shiny_get_signal("tourView",
      name = "left_brush",
      body_value = "value"

    rct_half_range <- rct_half_range(rct_active_zoom, half_range)

    rct_tour <- rct_tour(path, tour_data, tour_path, selections = selections)

    rct_proj <- reactive({
      proj <- morph(
        tour_data %*% selections$proj,
        half_range = rct_half_range()
      tbl_projection(tour_frame, proj)

    vw_shiny_set_data("tourView", "path", rct_proj())

    # if play button is pressed start tour
    observeEvent(input$play, {
      selections$do_tour <- input$play

    # if pause button is pressed stop tour
    observeEvent(input$pause, {
      selections$do_tour <- FALSE

    # if brush is active stop tour
    observeEvent(rct_active_brush(), {
      selections$do_tour <- length(rct_active_brush()) == 0

    # if restart, pause tour, and generate new tour path
    observeEvent(input$restart, {
      selections$do_tour <- FALSE
      selections$force_restart <- TRUE

    observeEvent(input$help, {
      selections$do_tour <- FALSE
        title = "Guide to liminal controls",
        p("mouse drag on left hand side: creates rectangular brush on emedding view"),
        p("shift + mouse drag on right hand side: creates rectangular brush and pauses the tour animation."),
        p("double click on group in legend: highlights points in group"),
        p("shift + double click on group in legend: highlights points in another group"),
        p("double click outside of legend: resets selections"),
        p("mouse wheel or scroll on right hand side: pan and zoom on the tour animation"),
        easyClose = TRUE

    # When the Done button is clicked, return a value
    observeEvent(input$done, {
      tour_artefacts <- list(
        selected_basis = selections$proj,
        tour_brush_box = rct_active_brush(),
        embed_brush_box = rct_embed_brush(),
        tour_half_range = rct_half_range()

sa-lee/liminal documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:41 p.m.