ranges-bind: Combine Ranges by concatentating them together

bind_rangesR Documentation

Combine Ranges by concatentating them together


Combine Ranges by concatentating them together


bind_ranges(..., .id = NULL)



Ranges objects to combine. Each argument can be a Ranges object, or a list of Ranges objects.


Ranges object identifier. When .id is supplied a new column is created that links each row to the original Range object. The contents of the column correspond to the named arguments or the names of the list supplied.


a concatenated Ranges object


Currently GRangesList or IRangesList objects are not supported.


gr <- as_granges(data.frame(start = 10:15,
                            width = 5,
                            seqnames = "seq1"))
gr2 <- as_granges(data.frame(start = 11:14,
                            width = 1:4,
                            seqnames = "seq2"))
bind_ranges(gr, gr2)

bind_ranges(a = gr, b = gr2, .id = "origin")

bind_ranges(gr, list(gr, gr2), gr2)

bind_ranges(list(a = gr, b = gr2), c = gr, .id = "origin")

sa-lee/plyranges documentation built on April 15, 2024, 12:25 p.m.