
### Images and Color Extraction ###

# rPlotter has a lot of dependencies going on with it; be prepared to spend some
# time making sure everything installs properly


# If you don't have it, here are the instructions from Jo-fai's GitHub:
# install.packages(c("ggplot2", "stringr", "reshape2", "dichromat"))
# source("")
# biocLite("EBImage")
# library(devtools)
# install_github("ramnathv/rblocks")
# install_github("woobe/rPlotter")

### Links ###

## Marvel

xmen1 = ""
xmen2 = ""
boem = ""
marvel = ""

## Turbo Kid

turboKid1 = ""
turboKid2 = ""
turboKid3 = ""

## South Park

cartman = ""
stan = ""
kyle = ""
kenny = ""
boys = ""
credits = ""

## Beavis and Butthead

beavisButthead = ""

### Color Extraction ###

## Marvel

marvelLinks = list(xmen1, xmen2, boem, marvel)

allCol = lapply(marvelLinks, extract_colours)

xmen1Cols = allCol[[1]]

xmen2Cols = allCol[[2]]

boemCols = allCol[[3]]

marvelCols = allCol[[4]]

## Turbo Kid

tkLinks = list(turboKid1, turboKid2, turboKid3)

tkCols = lapply(tkLinks, extract_colours)

turboKid1Cols = tkCols[[1]]

turboKid2Cols = tkCols[[2]]

turboKid3Cols = tkCols[[3]]

## South Park

spLinks = list(cartman, stan, kyle, kenny, boys, credits)

spCols = lapply(spLinks, extract_colours)

cartmanCol = spCols[[1]]

stanCol = spCols[[2]]

kyleCol = spCols[[3]]

kennyCol = spCols[[4]]

boysCol = spCols[[5]]

creditsCol = spCols[[6]]

## Beavis and Butthead

beavisButtheadCol = extract_colours(beavisButthead, num_col = 8)

nameSetter = function(palNam, groupCols, indNum){
  palName = groupCols[[indNum]]
saberry/Fun-R-Palettes documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:21 p.m.