knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
Ideally, controls should have been taken along over the course of the study to have a better understanding of the technical variation and to train and/or evaluate normalization models eventually. These controls should be the same sample measured multiple times so that the variation present is only the result of technical issues. However, sometimes it is not feasible to include dedicated controls. For example, if a study runs over a long period of time and concerns fresh samples, it is often not possible to measure an additional control each time. Other times, it might be the case that there is simply no appropriate control available; think of rare samples or studies with a specific stimulation or treatment. In the original CytoNorm publication, it was explained that CytoNorm requires acontrol sample per batch on which the normalization model is trained. Although we believe that using dedicated controls to build and validate the normalization model is preferable, we understand that control samples are not always available and that this limits the applicability of CytoNorm.
Here, we explain how CytoNorm can still be used even without controls. The key is to treat an aggregate of the batch as a proxy for a control sample of that batch. Either the aggregates are built internally when multiple files per label are given when training the model, or they can be created prior to the CytoNorm call. This has the advantage of more control on the number of cells per file.
library(CytoNorm) library(flowCore) library(FlowSOM) library(ggpubr) dir.create("RDS")
As example dataset, we will use flow cytometry PBMC data that was collected in the context of a clinical study to evaluate adjuvant dendritic cell based vaccination for malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. The raw fcs files were compensated and transformed, and margin events, low quality events and non-B cells were removed using a preprocessing workflow that was described in Analyzing high-dimensional cytometry data using FlowSOM.The preprocessed and cleaned dataset can be downloaded from flowRepository dataset FR-FCM-Z6UT. Once the data is downloaded, put it in a folder in your working directory, e.g. "Data/Preprocessed".
The dataset consists of 48 fcs files (8 patients, 2 panels and 3 consecutive time points per patient-panel combination) and there are two levels of batch effects:
This results in four batches of data with 12 fcs files each (P1_C1, P1_C2, P2_C1 and P2_C2).
dir_prepr <- "Data/Preprocessed" # Organize preprocessed data in batches files_P1_C1 <- list.files(path = dir_prepr, pattern = "ID[1-4]_Panel1_TP[1-3].fcs", full.names = TRUE) files_P2_C1 <- list.files(path = dir_prepr, pattern = "ID[1-4]_Panel2_TP[1-3].fcs", full.names = TRUE) # Read in 1 file per panel to get channel information ff_P1 <- read.FCS(files_P1_C1[1]) ff_P2 <- read.FCS(files_P2_C1[1]) # Retrieve channel information cellTypeMarkers <- c("CD27", "CD38", "IgD", "IgM") cellTypeChannels <- GetChannels(object = ff_P1, markers = cellTypeMarkers) P1_cellStateMarkers <- c("CD5", "CD268", "CD24", "PDL1", "PD1", "CD86", "KI67") P1_cellStateChannels <- GetChannels(object = ff_P1, markers = P1_cellStateMarkers) P2_cellStateMarkers <- c("CD40", "CD21", "HLA-DR", "ICOSL", "PD1", "CD86", "KI67") P2_cellStateChannels <- GetChannels(object = ff_P2, markers = P2_cellStateMarkers)
In this vignette, we will normalize the cell type markers of the two panels of the first patient cohort towards each other, i.e. P1_C1 and P2_C1.
``` {r Prepare aggregates}
set.seed(1) agg_P1_C1 <- AggregateFlowFrames(fileNames = files_P1_C1, cTotal = length(files_P1_C1)10000) agg_P2_C1 <- AggregateFlowFrames(fileNames = files_P2_C1, cTotal = length(files_P2_C1)10000)
write.FCS(agg_P1_C1, "Data/Preprocessed/agg_P1_C1.fcs") write.FCS(agg_P2_C1, "Data/Preprocessed/agg_P2_C1.fcs")
### Train the CytoNorm model ```r model1_withoutControl <- CytoNorm.train(files = flowSet(agg_P1_C1, agg_P2_C1), labels = c("P1", "P2"), channels = cellTypeChannels, transformList = NULL, seed = 1, verbose = TRUE, plot = TRUE, FlowSOM.params = list(nCells = 1e+06, xdim = 7, ydim = 7, nClus = 3, scale = FALSE)) saveRDS(object = model1_withoutControl, file = "RDS/model1_withoutControl.rds")
The files
parameter in the CytoNorm.train
call requires the paths to the control fcs files or a flowSet with the control samples in it and the labels
argument is used to define the batch labels for the control files. Here however, an aggregate or concatenated fcs file is given per batch instead of a control file. The channels
that should be normalized should be specified in the channels argument and -if needed- a transformation object to transform the data can be given at transformList
. Optionally, a seed can be determined to make the results reproducible, progress updates can be printed via verbose
and plot = TRUE
will generate and save visualizations of the internal FlowSOMmodel and CytoNorm splines. The dimensions of the self-organizing map (SOM) of the FlowSOM model, number of cells to use and number of meta-clusters, should be specified in the FlowSOM.params
argument. Here, we had a moderate number of markers for the clustering and normalization and based on our panel we did not expect many distinct cell populations. Therefore, and after inspection of the visualizations listed below, we opted for a seven-by-seven SOM grid and three meta-clusters. In contrast, the files
argument in CytoNorm.normalize()
takes all the files that need to be normalized with the trained model that is provided to the model parameter. Batch identities per file should be specified in labels and similar to the function to train the model, progress updates can be printed via verbose. If a transformation object is provided at transformList
, an object to reverse the transformation should also be given at transformList.reverse
so that the fcs files can be saved in the original space. A prefix can be specified to mark the normalized fcs files when they are saved in the outputDir
# Evaluate the CVs CVs1 <- testCV(fsom = model1_withoutControl$fsom, cluster_values = 3:20, plot = FALSE) PlotOverviewCV(fsom = model1_withoutControl$fsom, cv_res = CVs1, show_cv = 0.8, max_cv = 1.5)
# Normalize files CytoNorm.normalize(model = model1_withoutControl, files = c(files_P1_C1, files_P2_C1), labels = c(rep("P1", length(files_P1_C1)), rep("P2", length(files_P2_C1))), transformList = NULL, verbose = TRUE, prefix = "", transformList.reverse = NULL, outputDir = "Data/Normalized_cellType")
# List files files_P1_C1_norm <- list.files(path = "Data/Normalized_cellType", pattern = "ID[1-4]_Panel1_TP[1-3].fcs", full.names = TRUE) files_P2_C1_norm <- list.files(path = "Data/Normalized_cellType", pattern = "ID[1-4]_Panel2_TP[1-3].fcs", full.names = TRUE) # Make plots p <- plotDensities(input = list("P1_C1" = agg_P1_C1, "P2_C1" = agg_P2_C1, "P1_C1_norm" = files_P1_C1_norm, "P2_C1_norm" = files_P2_C1_norm), channels = cellTypeChannels, colors = c("P1_C1" = "#900002", "P2_C1" = "#0046A1"), model = model1_withoutControl) # Arrange figure p_ <- ggarrange(ggarrange(plotlist = p[1:length(p)-1], ncol = (length(p)-1)/(2*length(cellTypeChannels)), nrow = 2*length(cellTypeChannels)), widths = c(1,3), p$legend, nrow = 2, heights = c(10,1)) print(p_)
plotSplines(model = model1_withoutControl, channels = cellTypeChannels, groupClusters = TRUE) plotSplines(model = model1_withoutControl, channels = cellTypeChannels)
# Get manual labels per preprocessed file gating <- readRDS("Data/Preprocessed/attachments/gating.rds") manualLabels <- list() dictionary <- c("Unlabeled" = "unlabeled", "Trans" = "Transitional B cells", "Q1: CD27- , IgD+ (naive B)" = "Naive B cells", "Q2: CD27+ , IgD+ (mem)" = "IgD+ memory B cells", "CD27, IgM+ (mem)" = "IgM+ memory B cells", "CD27, IgM- (class switched mem)" = "Class switched memory B cells", "Q4: CD27- , IgD-" = "Double negative B cells") for (file in names(gating)){ manual <- ManualVector(manualMatrix = gating[[file]], cellTypes = names(dictionary)[-1]) manualLabels[[paste0(file, ".fcs")]] <- factor(unname(dictionary[manual]), levels = unname(dictionary)) } # Aggregates dir.create("tmp/before") dir.create("tmp/after") manual_agg <- list() aggregates <- list("agg_P1_C1" = files_P1_C1, "agg_P2_C1" = files_P2_C1) for (agg in names(aggregates)){ writeLines(agg) files <- aggregates[[agg]] set.seed(2023) before <- AggregateFlowFrames(fileNames = files, silent = TRUE, cTotal = length(files) * 10000) write.FCS(before, paste0("tmp/before/", agg, ".fcs")) after <- before manual <- c() for (i_file in unique(before@exprs[,"File"])){ ff <- read.FCS(paste0("Data/Normalized_cellType/", basename(aggregates[[agg]][i_file]))) i_IDs <- before@exprs[before@exprs[,"File"] == i_file,"Original_ID2"] after@exprs[before@exprs[,"File"] == i_file,1:(ncol(after@exprs)-3)] <- ff@exprs[i_IDs, ] labels <- as.character(manualLabels[[basename(aggregates[[agg]][i_file])]]) manual <- c(manual, labels[i_IDs]) } manualLabels[[paste0(agg, ".fcs")]] <- factor(manual, levels = levels(manualLabels[[1]])) write.FCS(after, paste0("tmp/after/", agg, ".fcs")) } saveRDS(manualLabels, "Data/Preprocessed/attachments/manualLabels.rds")
cellTypes <- c("unlabeled", "All B cells", "Transitional B cells", "Naive B cells", "IgD+ memory B cells", "IgM+ memory B cells", "Class switched memory B cells", "Double negative B cells") models <- list("Model1_before" = list("files" = c(files_P1_C1, "tmp/before/agg_P1_C1.fcs", "tmp/before/agg_P2_C1.fcs", files_P2_C1), "channels" = cellTypeChannels), "Model1_after" = list("files" = c(files_P1_C1_norm, "tmp/after/agg_P1_C1.fcs", "tmp/after/agg_P2_C1.fcs", files_P2_C1_norm), "channels" = cellTypeChannels))
EMDs <- list() MADs <- list() for (model in names(models)){ print(model) files <- models[[model]][["files"]] channels <- models[[model]][["channels"]] EMDs[[model]] <- emdEvaluation(files = files, channels = channels, manual = manualLabels, return_all = TRUE, manualThreshold = 20) MADs[[model]] <- CytoNorm:::madEvaluation(files = files[!startsWith(files, "tmp")], channels = channels, return_all = TRUE, manual = manualLabels, transformList = NULL) } EMD_scores <- list() for (subset in names(models)){ dist <- EMDs[[subset]]$distances EMD_scores[[subset]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(dist), ncol = length(dist[[1]]), dimnames = list(names(dist), names(dist[[1]]))) for (cellType in names(dist)){ for (marker in names(dist[[cellType]])){ EMD_scores[[subset]][cellType, marker] <- dist[[cellType]][[marker]][13, 14] } } }
markerlevels <- NULL plotlist <- list() # EMD plot EMD_before <- EMD_scores[["Model1_before"]][-2,] EMD_after <- EMD_scores[["Model1_after"]][-2,] EMD_df <- data.frame("before" = c(EMD_before), "after" = c(EMD_after), "feature" = paste(rownames(EMD_before), rep(colnames(EMD_before), each = nrow(EMD_before)), sep = "_")) if (is.null(markerlevels)){ markerlevels <- unique(unique(sub(".*_", "", EMD_df$feature))) } EMD_df$marker <- factor(sub(".*_", "", EMD_df$feature), levels = markerlevels) EMD_df$celltype <- factor(sub("_.*", "", EMD_df$feature), levels = c("AllCells", cellTypes)) max <- max(EMD_df[,1:2], na.rm = T) p_emd <- ggplot(EMD_df, aes(x = after, y = before)) + xlim(0,max) + ylim(0,max) + geom_point(aes(color = marker, shape = celltype)) + geom_abline() + scale_shape_manual(values = c(16, 17, 15, 3, 7, 8, 6)) + ggtitle("EMD") + theme_minimal() leg_emd <- get_legend(p_emd) p_emd <- p_emd + theme(legend.position = "none") plotlist[[length(plotlist)+1]] <- p_emd names(markerlevels) <- sub(".*<(.*)>.*", "\\1", markerlevels) # MAD plot MAD_before <- MADs[["Model1_before"]][["comparison"]][-2,] MAD_after <- MADs[["Model1_after"]][["comparison"]][-2,] MAD_df <- data.frame("before" = c(MAD_before), "after" = c(MAD_after), "feature" = paste(rownames(MAD_before), rep(colnames(MAD_before), each = nrow(MAD_before)), sep = "_")) MAD_df$marker <- factor(markerlevels[sub(".*_", "", MAD_df$feature)], levels = markerlevels) MAD_df$celltype <- factor(sub("_.*", "", MAD_df$feature), c("AllCells", cellTypes)) max <- max(MAD_df[,1:2], na.rm = T) p_mad <- ggplot(MAD_df, aes(x = after, y = before)) + xlim(0,max) + ylim(0,max) + geom_point(aes(color = marker, shape = celltype)) + geom_abline() + scale_shape_manual(values = c(16, 17, 15, 3, 7, 8, 6)) + ggtitle("MAD") + theme_minimal() leg_mad <- get_legend(p_mad) p_mad <- p_mad + theme(legend.position = "none") plotlist[[length(plotlist)+1]] <- p_mad ggarrange(ggarrange(plotlist = plotlist), as_ggplot(leg_emd), ncol=2, widths = c(4,1.5))
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