
Defines functions transform_reply_to_bipartite_network

Documented in transform_reply_to_bipartite_network

# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
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############## Network Transform ##############

#' Transform parsed mbox or parsed jira replies into a network
#' @param project_reply A parsed mbox by \code{\link{parse_mbox}} or \code{\link{parse_jira_replies}}.
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
transform_reply_to_bipartite_network <- function(project_reply){
  data.From <- data.Subject <- data.Date <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check

  git_graph <- model_directed_graph(project_reply[,.(from=reply_from,to=reply_subject)],
sailuh/kaiaulu documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 3:14 a.m.