set.seed(1) #seed must be the same as vignette models-choice-of-k.Rmd
year <- 2010
months <- c("Jul")
ks <- (13)
fd.path <- paste0("~/Desktop/PERCEIVE/full_disclosure_corpus/",year,".parsed")
#fd.path <- paste0("~/Desktop/bugtraq_corpus/",year,".parsed")
folder <- loadFiles(parsed.corpus.folder.path=fd.path,corpus_setup="/**/*.reply.title_body.txt")
models <- rawToLDA(folder=folder,k=13,months=month) #Chosen by the k selection 
plotLDAVis(models,as.gist=FALSE,topicSimilarityMethod=jsPCA) #or jsPCA which is the default ; we created the cosine
any(c("2010_Jul_281", "2010_Jul_317", "2010_Jul_324", "2010_Jul_337") %in% GetDocumentsAssignedToTopicK(models[["LDA"]],1))

2010_Jul_281 = 7 2010_Jul_317 = 7 2010_Jul_324 = 3 2010_Jul_337 = 3

sailuh/topicflowr documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:46 a.m.