Avoid R CMD check notes about undefined global objects used in magrittr pipes


utils::globalVariables(names = c(".",
                                 # tidyselect fns
                                 # other



ptype_dns_records <- tibble::tibble(type = character(),
                                    hostname = character(),
                                    value = character(),
                                    ttl = integer(),
                                    priority = integer(),
                                    weight = integer(),
                                    port = integer(),
                                    flag = integer(),
                                    tag = character(),
                                    target = character())


cols_gh_releases <- c("id",
cols_dns_records <-
  ptype_dns_records |>
  purrr::imap(\(val, key) tibble::tibble(key = key,
                                         is_standard = TRUE,
                                         type = ifelse(key %in% c("ttl", "priority", "weight", "port", "flag"),
                                                       "character"))) |>

cols_dns_records_netlify <-
    ~key,          ~type,       ~is_standard,
    "id",          "character", FALSE,
    "dns_zone_id", "character", FALSE,
    "site_id",     "character", FALSE,
    "managed",     "logical",   FALSE
  ) %>%
  dplyr::bind_rows(cols_dns_records) |>
  # Netlify does not support `HTTPS` and `SVCB` record types
  dplyr::filter(key != "target")

cols_dns_records_porkbun <-
  cols_dns_records |> # nolint: one_call_pipe_linter
  tibble::add_row(key = "id",
                  type = "character",
                  is_standard = FALSE,
                  .before = 1L)


md_gh_pat <- paste0("Works for both public and private repositories, for the latter you just need to set up a sufficiently authorized [GitHub Personal Access ",
                    "Token (PAT)][gh::gh_token].")



dns_record_types <- list(netlify = c("A",
                         porkbun = c("A",


paths_to_keep <- c("netlify.toml",


reason_pkg_required_gh <- "for yay's `gh_*()` functions, but is not installed."


unicode_ellipsis <- "\u2026"



as_dns_records <- function(records,
                           registrar = c("netlify", "porkbun"),
                           check_record_types = TRUE) {

  registrar <- rlang::arg_match0(arg = registrar,
                                 values = registrar)
                               row.names = "unique")

  if (check_record_types) {
                             choices = dns_record_types[[registrar]])

  # ensure all required cols are present
  missing_col_names <- setdiff(c("type", "hostname", "value"),

  if (length(missing_col_names) > 0L) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg records} is missing the following required columns: {.var {missing_col_names}}",
                   .frame = parent.frame(2L))

  # ensure no required fields are missing
  purrr::walk(c("type", "hostname", "value"),
              \(x) {
                if (anyNA(records[[x]])) {
                  cli::cli_abort("Column {.var {x}} in {.arg records} can't have missings.",
                                 .frame = parent.frame(2L))

  cols_dns_records_registrar <- get(paste0("cols_dns_records_", registrar))

  # complement missing optional columns
  cols_dns_records_registrar |>
    dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$%
    key |>
    setdiff(colnames(records)) |>
    purrr::map(\(x) tibble::as_tibble_col(x = NA,
                                          column_name = x)) |>
    purrr::list_cbind() |>
    pal::when(ncol(.) > 0L ~ dplyr::cross_join(x = records,
                                               y = .),
              ~ records) |>
    # coerce to target types
    dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(.cols = any_of(cols_dns_records_registrar$key),
                                .fns = \(x) {
                                  .Primitive(paste0("as.", cols_dns_records_registrar$type[cols_dns_records_registrar$key == dplyr::cur_column()]))(x)


as_dns_record_ids <- function(records) {

  if (is.character(records)) {
                                any.missing = FALSE)
  } else {
                                 row.names = "unique")
    # ensure all required cols are present
    if (!("id" %in% colnames(records))) {
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg records} is missing an {.var id} column.")

    records %<>% dplyr::pull("id")


assert_domain <- function(domain) {

                           pattern = "\\w+\\.\\w+(\\.\\w+)*")


This removes all files and folders under path and stages the deletions.

clean_git_dir <- function(path,
                          exclude_paths = paths_to_keep,
                          repo = path) {
  fs::dir_ls(path = path,
             all = TRUE,
             type = "directory") |>
    setdiff(fs::path(path, c(exclude_paths, ".git"))) |>

  fs::dir_ls(path = path,
             all = TRUE,
             type = "file") |>
    setdiff(fs::path(path, exclude_paths)) |>

  gert::git_status(repo = repo,
                   staged = FALSE) |>
    dplyr::filter(status == "deleted"
                  & fs::path_has_parent(path = file,
                                        parent = fs::path_rel(path = path,
                                                              start = repo))) %$%
    file |>
    gert::git_add(repo = repo)


extract_vrsn_nr <- function(x) {

  pattern_vrsn <- "\\d+(\\.\\d+)*"
  version_nr <- stringr::str_extract(string = x$tag_name,
                                     pattern = pattern_vrsn)

  # fall back to parsing name field
  if (length(version_nr) == 0L || {
    version_nr <- stringr::str_extract(string = x$name,
                                       pattern = pattern_vrsn)



gh_release_as_tibble <- function(x) {

  tibble::tibble(id = x$id,
                 version_nr = extract_vrsn_nr(x),
                 is_pre_release = x$prerelease,
                 is_draft = x$draft)


Normalize a tree path. Useful for GitHub's GraphQL API.

normalize_tree_path <- function(path) {

  checkmate::assert_string(path) |>
    fs::path_norm() |>
    stringr::str_remove(pattern = "^\\.{0,2}(/|$)")


perform_porkbun_req <- function(url,
                                data = NULL,
                                api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
                                secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
                                max_tries = 3L) {
                         any.missing = FALSE,
                         names = "strict",
                         null.ok = TRUE)
                          positive = TRUE)

  httr2::request(base_url = url) |>
    httr2::req_method(method = "POST") |>
    httr2::req_body_json(list(apikey = api_key,
                              secretapikey = secret_api_key)) |>
    httr2::req_body_json_modify(!!!data) |>
    httr2::req_user_agent(string = "yay R package (") |>
    httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
    httr2::req_error(body = \(resp) httr2::resp_body_json(resp)$message) |>
    httr2::req_perform() |>


Regular expression rules


#' Regular expression patterns and replacements for text normalization
#' @format `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`
#' @family regex
#' @seealso String normalization functions: [str_normalize()] [str_normalize_file()]
#' @examples
#' # unnest the pattern column
#' tidyr::unnest_longer(data = yay::regex_text_normalization,
#'                      col = pattern)


#' Regular expression patterns and replacements for file normalization
#' @format `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`
#' @family regex
#' @seealso String normalization functions: [str_normalize()] [str_normalize_file()]
#' @examples
#' # unnest the pattern column
#' tidyr::unnest_longer(data = yay::regex_file_normalization,
#'                      col = pattern)

Data frames / Tibbles


#' Determine the differences between two data frames/tibbles in tabular diff format
#' Compares two [data frames][base::data.frame()]/[tibbles][tibble::tbl_df] (or two objects coercible to tibbles like
#' [matrices][base::matrix()]) and offers to inspect any differences in [tabular diff format]( as neatly rendered
#' HTML.
#' This function is basically a convenience wrapper combining [pal::is_equal_df()], [daff::diff_data()] and [daff::render_diff()]. If run non-interactively or
#' `ask = FALSE`, the differences will be shown right away, otherwise the user will be asked on the console.
#' Note that in tabular diff format, only changes in the _column content_ of `x` and `y` are visible, meaning that the following properties and changes
#' therein won't be displayed:
#' - column types (e.g. integer vs. double)
#' - row names and other attributes
#' @param x The data frame / tibble to check for changes.
#' @param y The data frame / tibble that `x` should be checked against, i.e. the reference.
#' @param ignore_order Whether or not to ignore the order of columns and rows.
#' @param ids A character vector of column names that make up a [primary key](, if known. If `NULL`, heuristics are
#'   used to find a decent key (or a set of decent keys).
#' @param ask Whether or not to ask interactively if the resulting difference object should be opened in case `x` and `y` differ. If `FALSE`, it will be opened
#'   right away. Only relevant if run [interactively][base::interactive()].
#' @param bypass_rstudio_viewer If `TRUE`, `x` and `y` actually differ, and `ask` is set to `TRUE`, the resulting difference object will be
#'   opened in the system's default web browser instead of RStudio's built-in viewer. Only relevant if run within RStudio.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to also output the differences detected by [pal::is_equal_df()] to the console.
#' @param max_diffs The maximum number of differences shown on the console. Only relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @param caption The caption of the rendered difference object. It is passed to [glue::glue()] allowing its string interpolation syntax to be used. A character
#'   scalar.
#' @param diff_text The text to display on the console in case `x` and `y` differ. It is passed to [glue::glue()] allowing its string interpolation syntax to be
#'   used. A character scalar.
#' @param ask_text The text that is displayed when `ask = TRUE`. Ignored if `ask = FALSE`. A character scalar.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [daff::diff_data()], excluding `data`, `data_ref`, `ids`, `ordered`, and `columns_to_ignore`.
#' @inheritParams pal::is_equal_df
#' @return A [difference object][daff::daff], invisibly. It could be rendered later using [daff::render_diff()], for example.
#' @family tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(magrittr)
#' mtcars |>
#'   dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(cyl, gear),
#'                               \(x) dplyr::if_else(x > 4, x * 2, x))) |>
#'   yay::show_diff(mtcars)}

# nolint start: cyclocomp_linter
show_diff <- function(x,
                      ignore_order = FALSE,
                      ignore_col_types = FALSE,
                      ids = NULL,
                      ask = TRUE,
                      bypass_rstudio_viewer = FALSE,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      max_diffs = 10L,
                      diff_text = "{x_lbl} is different from {y_lbl}",
                      ask_text = "Do you wish to display the changes in tabular diff format?",
                      caption = "{x_lbl} \u2192 {y_lbl}",
                      ...) {

                              any.missing = FALSE,
                              null.ok = TRUE)
  reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                        .fn = daff::diff_data,
                        .forbidden = c("data",
  # generate `x`/`y` labels
  x_lbl <- deparse(substitute(x))
  y_lbl <- deparse(substitute(y))

  if (length(x_lbl) > 1L || x_lbl == "." || make.names(x_lbl) != x_lbl) {
    x_lbl <- "`x`"
  } else {
    x_lbl <- glue::glue("`x` (`{x_lbl}`)")

  if (length(y_lbl) > 1L || y_lbl == "." || make.names(y_lbl) != y_lbl) {
    y_lbl <- "`y`"
  } else {
    y_lbl <- glue::glue("`y` (`{y_lbl}`)")

  # generate HTML caption
  caption %<>% glue::glue()
  n_backtick <- stringr::str_count(caption,
                                   pattern = stringr::fixed("`"))

  if (n_backtick) {

    caption %<>% purrr::reduce(.x = 1:n_backtick,
                               .init = .,
                               .f = \(string, i) {

                                 stringr::str_replace(string = string,
                                                      pattern = stringr::fixed("`"),
                                                      replacement = ifelse(i %% 2L == 0L,

  daff_obj <- daff::diff_data(data = x,
                              data_ref = y,
                              ids = ids,
                              ordered = !ignore_order)

  waldo_diff <- pal::is_equal_df(x = x,
                                 y = y,
                                 ignore_col_order = ignore_order,
                                 ignore_row_order = ignore_order,
                                 ignore_col_types = ignore_col_types,
                                 quiet = TRUE,
                                 return_waldo_compare = TRUE)

  if (length(waldo_diff) > 0L) {

    if (verbose) {
      cli::cli_alert_info(text = paste0(diff_text, ":"))

    } else {
      cli::cli_alert_info(text = paste0(diff_text, "."))

    open_diff <- TRUE

    if (ask && interactive()) {
                             reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
      open_diff <- yesno::yesno2(ask_text)

    if (open_diff) {

      if (interactive()) {

        if (bypass_rstudio_viewer) {
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
          withr::with_options(new = list(viewer = NULL),
                              code = daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
                                                       view = TRUE,
                                                       title = caption))
        } else {
          daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
                            view = TRUE,
                            title = caption)
      } else {

                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
        tmp_file <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "yay-show_diff_",
                                  ext = "html")
        daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
                          file = tmp_file,
                          view = FALSE,
                          title = caption)
        xopen::xopen(target = glue::glue("file://{tmp_file}"),
                     quiet = TRUE)
        cli::cli_alert_info("A new tab displaying the changes has been opened in your default web browser.")

# nolint end


#' Open as temporary spreadsheet
#' Writes an \R object – usually tabular data like a dataframe or [tibble][tibble::tibble()] – to a temporary spreadsheet and subsequently opens that
#' spreadsheet in the system's default application using [xopen::xopen()]. The latter is usually equivalent to double-clicking on the file in a file browser.
#' @param x A dataframe or something coercible to.
#' @param format The spreadsheet format to use. One of
#'   - `"csv"` for a [comma-separated values]( file written using [readr::write_csv()]. The default.
#'   - `"xlsx"` for an [Office Open XML]( file commonly used by Microsoft Excel 2007+, written using
#'     [writexl::write_xlsx()].
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [readr::write_csv()] or [writexl::write_xlsx()], depending on `format`.
#' @param quiet Whether or not to echo the command to open the temporary spreadsheet on the console before running it.
#' @return `x` invisibly.
#' @family tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::open_as_tmp_spreadsheet(mtcars,
#'                              format = "xlsx")}
open_as_tmp_spreadsheet <- function(x,
                                    format = c("csv", "xlsx"),
                                    quiet = TRUE) {

  reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
  format <- rlang::arg_match(format)
  tmp_file <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "tmp_spreadsheet",
                            ext = format)

  if (format == "csv") {

                           reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                          .fn = readr::write_csv,
                          .forbidden = "x")
    readr::write_csv(x = x,
                     file = tmp_file,

  } else if (format == "xlsx") {

                           reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                          .fn = writexl::write_xlsx,
                          .forbidden = "x")
    writexl::write_xlsx(x = x,
                        path = tmp_file,

  xopen::xopen(target = tmp_file,
               quiet = quiet)


Git repositories


#' Deploy static website to local Git folder
#' @description
#' Copies the content of a specific filesystem folder to another local Git folder, then stages, commits and pushes the changes. Primarily useful to deploy a
#' [static website]( (typically the output of a [static site generator](
#' Use this function with **caution** since by default it – except for the paths listed in `never_clean` – **completely wipes the `to_path`
#' directory**!
#' @param from_path Path to the directory containing the static website files that are to be deployed. A character scalar.
#' @param to_path Path to the Git (sub)folder to which the static website files are to be deployed. A character scalar.
#' @param clean_to_path Whether or not to wipe `to_path` before deploying the new website files. Setting this to `TRUE` ensures there are no obsolete files left
#'   over from previous deployments.
#' @param never_clean A character vector of paths relative to `to_path` which are preserved when wiping `to_path` (i.e. `clean_to_path = TRUE`). By default,
#'   this includes the following files and directories:
#'   `r pal::as_md_val_list(paths_to_keep)`
#' @param branch The name of the Git branch to which the static website files are to be committed. A character scalar or `NULL`. If `NULL`, defaults to the
#'   currently checked out branch of the repository `to_path` belongs to.
#' @param commit_msg The Git commit message used for the deployment. A character scalar.
#' @param quiet `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("quiet")`
#' @return A vector of paths to the deployed files/folders, invisibly.
#' @family gitrepo
#' @export
deploy_static_site <- function(from_path,
                               clean_to_path = TRUE,
                               never_clean = paths_to_keep,
                               branch = NULL,
                               commit_msg = "auto-deploy static website",
                               quiet = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                                     access = "r")
                              any.missing = FALSE)
                           null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!checkmate::test_path_for_output(to_path,
                                       overwrite = TRUE)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg {to_path}} is not a valid filesystem path.")

  # create website deploy subfolder if necessary (only leaf directory will be created because of `checkmate::test_path_for_output()` above)
  if (!fs::dir_exists(to_path)) fs::dir_create(path = to_path)

  # determine root path of Git repository
  repo <- gert::git_find(path = to_path)

  # change branch if requested
  if (!is.null(branch)) {

    initial_branch <- gert::git_branch(repo = repo)

    if (!(gert::git_branch_exists(branch = branch,
                                  repo = repo))) {
      cli::cli_abort("Branch {.val {branch}} doesn't exist in Git repository {.path {repo}}.")

    gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = branch,
                              repo = repo)

  # clean destination path if requested
  if (clean_to_path) {
    clean_git_dir(path = to_path,
                  exclude_paths = never_clean,
                  repo = repo)

  # copy files/dirs
  dirs <- fs::dir_ls(path = from_path,
                     type = "directory",
                     all = TRUE)

  purrr::walk2(.x = dirs,
               .y = fs::path(to_path, fs::path_rel(path = dirs,
                                                   start = from_path)),
               .f = \(x) fs::dir_copy(path = x,
                                      overwrite = TRUE))

  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = from_path,
                      type = "file",
                      all = TRUE)

              \(x) fs::file_copy(path = x,
                                 new_path = to_path,
                                 overwrite = TRUE))
  # commit and push files
  staged <-
    c(dirs, files) |>
    fs::path_rel(start = from_path) %>%
    fs::path(fs::path_rel(path = to_path,
                          start = repo),
             .) |>
    fs::path_norm() |>
    gert::git_add(repo = repo)

  if (nrow(staged)) {

    gert::git_commit(message = commit_msg,
                     repo = repo)

    gert::git_push(repo = repo,
                   verbose = !quiet)

  } else {
    cli::cli_alert_info("No files changed.")

  # restore branch if necessary
  if (!is.null(branch)) {
    gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = initial_branch,
                              repo = repo)

  invisible(fs::path_abs(path = staged$file,
                         start = repo))



#' Deploy pkgdown site to local Git folder
#' @description
#' Copies the static [pkgdown][pkgdown::pkgdown] website files to another local Git folder, then stages, commits and pushes the changes. Use
#' [pkgdown::build_site()] before running this function in order to create the website files.
#' Use this function with **caution** since by default it – except for the paths listed in `never_clean` – **completely wipes the `to_path`
#' directory**!
#' @details
#' `r pkgsnip::md_snip("rstudio_addin")`
#' # Setting `to_path` via \R options
#' Instead of directly providing a valid `to_path` argument, you can also set `to_path = NULL` and provide
#' - the desired deploy paths for each package in the \R option `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`. The value of this option must be a named character vector
#'   whereas the names correspond to the package names and the values to the filesystem paths. As an example:
#'   ```r
#'   options(yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths = c(some_pkg    = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/some_pkg",
#'                                              another_pkg = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/another_pkg",
#'                                              foo_pkg     = "/path/to/dedicated_foo_pkgdown_repo"))
#'   ```
#' - a default parent path in the \R option `yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path` that will be used as the deployment parent directory for all packages
#'   that are not explicitly listed in `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`. For example you could set
#'   ```r
#'   options(yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo")
#'   ```
#'   which would result in deploying the pkgdown website files of a hypothetical package named _bar_pkg_ to `/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/bar_pkg`.
#' A suitable place to define the above options is the [`.Rprofile`
#' file](
#' in the user's home directory.
#' @inheritParams deploy_static_site
#' @param pkg_path Path to the \R package of which the pkgdown website files are to be deployed.
#' @param to_path Path to the Git (sub)folder to which the pkgdown website files are to be deployed. If `NULL`, the \R options `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`
#'   and `yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path` will be respected. See section _Setting `to_path` via R options_ for details.
#' @param use_dev_build Whether or not to deploy the development build of the pkgdown website files. If `NULL`, the
#'   [`development.mode`]( set in the pkgdown YAML configuration file from `pkg_path` will
#'   be respected.
#' @inherit deploy_static_site return
#' @family gitrepo
#' @export
deploy_pkgdown_site <- function(pkg_path = ".",
                                to_path = NULL,
                                use_dev_build = NULL,
                                clean_to_path = TRUE,
                                never_clean = paths_to_keep,
                                branch = NULL,
                                commit_msg = paste0("auto-deploy pkgdown site for ",
                                                    desc::desc_get_field(file = pkg_path,
                                                                         key = "Package")),
                                quiet = FALSE) {

  reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                         null.ok = TRUE)
                              any.missing = FALSE)
                           null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!(pal::is_pkgdown_dir(pkg_path))) {
    cli::cli_abort("No pkgdown configuration found under path: {.path {pkg_path}}")

  # get pkg's pkgdown config
  override <-
    use_dev_build |>
    pal::when(isTRUE(.) ~ list(development = list(mode = "devel")),
              isFALSE(.) ~ list(development = list(mode = "release")),
              ~ list())

  config <- pkgdown::as_pkgdown(pkg = pkg_path,
                                override = override)

  # determine `to_path` if necessary
  arg_to_path <- to_path
  to_path <- to_path %||% getOption("yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths")[config$package]
  to_path_parent <- getOption("yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path")
  to_path <- to_path %||% fs::path_join(c(to_path_parent, config$package))
  to_path_parent <- fs::path_dir(to_path)

  if (!checkmate::test_path_for_output(to_path,
                                       overwrite = TRUE)) {
    if (is.null(arg_to_path)) {
      if (is.null(getOption("yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths")[config$package])) {
        if (is.null(getOption("yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path"))) {
          cli::cli_abort(paste0("Either set {.arg to_path} directly to a valid filesystem path or provide the path in the R option {.field ",
                                "yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths} as a named character vector of the form {.code c({config$package} = ",
                                "\"/path/to/local_git_repo\")}. Another alternative is to set a default parent path in the R option {.field ",
                                "yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path}. See {.code ?yay::deploy_pkgdown_site} for details."))
        } else {
          cli::cli_abort(paste0("The R option {.field yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path} is set, but not to a valid filesystem path",
                                " with write access. Current option value: {.path {to_path_parent}}"))
      } else {
        cli::cli_abort(paste0("The R option {.field yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths[\"{config$package}\"]} is set, but not to a valid ",
                              "filesystem path with write access. Current option value: {.path {to_path}}"))
    } else {
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg {to_path}} is not a valid filesystem path.")

  # deploy dev build to `dev/` subfolder
  if (config$development$mode == "devel") to_path %<>% fs::path("dev")

  # create pkg website subfolder(s) if necessary (only leaf directories will be created because of `checkmate::test_path_for_output()` above)
  if (!fs::dir_exists(to_path)) fs::dir_create(path = to_path)

  # determine root path of Git repository
  repo <- gert::git_find(path = to_path)

  # change branch if requested
  if (!is.null(branch)) {

    initial_branch <- gert::git_branch(repo = repo)

    if (!(gert::git_branch_exists(branch = branch,
                                  repo = repo))) {
      cli::cli_abort("Branch {.val {branch}} doesn't exist in Git repository {.path {repo}}.")

    gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = branch,
                              repo = repo)

  # clean destination path if requested
  if (clean_to_path) {
    clean_git_dir(path = to_path,
                  exclude_paths = never_clean,
                  repo = repo)

  # copy files/dirs
  dirs <- fs::dir_ls(path = config$dst_path,
                     type = "directory",
                     regexp = paste0("^\\Q", fs::path(config$dst_path, config$development$destination), "\\E"),
                     all = TRUE,
                     invert = TRUE)

  purrr::walk2(.x = dirs,
               .y = fs::path(to_path, fs::path_rel(path = dirs,
                                                   start = config$dst_path)),
               .f = \(x) fs::dir_copy(path = x,
                                      overwrite = TRUE))

  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = config$dst_path,
                      type = "file",
                      all = TRUE)

              \(x) fs::file_copy(path = files,
                                 new_path = to_path,
                                 overwrite = TRUE))
  # commit and push files
  staged <-
    c(dirs, files) |>
    fs::path_rel(start = config$dst_path) %>%
    fs::path(fs::path_rel(path = to_path,
                          start = repo),
             .) |>
    fs::path_norm() |>
    gert::git_add(repo = repo)

  if (nrow(staged)) {

    gert::git_commit(message = commit_msg,
                     repo = repo)

    gert::git_push(repo = repo,
                   verbose = !quiet)

  } else {
    cli::cli_alert_info("No files changed.")

  # restore branch if necessary
  if (!is.null(branch)) {
    gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = initial_branch,
                              repo = repo)

  invisible(fs::path_abs(path = staged$file,
                         start = repo))

R scripts






Functions to work with Netlify's RESTful API.


#' Get Netlify DNS records
#' Retrieves DNS records from Netlify for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`getDnsRecords`]( endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful
#' API]( 
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param domain Domain name to retrieve DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_netlify$key)`
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "")
#' # to write "portable" record keys to a TOML file `dns_records.toml` with a `records` table
#' # NOTE that the CLI tool `jsontoml` is required for this:
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "") |>
#'   # remove records which can't be handled via API
#'   dplyr::filter(!managed) |>
#'   # remove Netlify-specific cols
#'   dplyr::select(any_of(yay:::cols_dns_records$key)) |>
#'   # convert to target list structure
#'   list(records = _) |>
#'   # convert to JSON
#'   jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE,
#'                    pretty = TRUE) |>
#'   # convert JSON to TOML via external CLI
#'   system2(input = _,
#'           stdout = TRUE,
#'           command = "jsontoml") |>
#'   # remove leading newline
#'   _[-1L] |>
#'   # write TOML to file
#'   brio::write_lines(path = "dns_records.toml")}
netlify_dns_records_get <- function(domain,
                                    token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
                                    max_tries = 3L) {
                          positive = TRUE)

  zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
                                      pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
                                      replacement = "_")

  httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("{zone_id}/dns_records/")) |>
    httr2::req_method(method = "GET") |>
    httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token)) |>
    httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
    httr2::req_perform() |>
    httr2::resp_body_json() |>
    # remove empty keys
    purrr::map(purrr::compact) |>
    purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
    # canonicalize key order
    dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_netlify$key)) |>
    dplyr::arrange(type, hostname, value) |>
    # check and normalize cols (just in case since Netlify's API should already return the fields in the proper types)
    as_dns_records(registrar = "netlify",
                   check_record_types = FALSE)


#' Set Netlify DNS records
#' Sets DNS records on Netlify for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`createDnsRecord`]( endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful
#' API]( DNS `records` must be provided as a dataframe/tibble with the columns
#' `r cols_dns_records_netlify |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. Further columns are silently ignored.
#' Supported are the DNS record types `r dns_record_types$netlify |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse( last = " and ")`. Netlify's own custom record
#' types `NETLIFY` and `NETLIFY6` cannot be altered via the API and must be configured via [Netlify's web interface](
#' @inheritParams pal::req_cached
#' @param records DNS records. A dataframe/tibble with the columns
#'   `r cols_dns_records_netlify |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. The first three columns are mandatory, columns not
#'   listed here are silently ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to set DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @param token [Netlify personal access token]( used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @return The newly set DNS records.
#' `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_netlify$key, as_sentence = FALSE) |> pal::capitalize_first()`, invisibly.
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tibble::tribble(
#'   ~type,   ~hostname,            ~value,           ~ttl, ~priority, ~weight, ~port, ~flag, ~tag,
#'   "CAA",   "",            "", 3600L, NA,      NA,      NA,    NA,    NA,
#'   "CNAME", "autoconfig",         "",     3600L, NA,      NA,      NA,    NA,    NA,
#'   "MX",    "",            "", 3600L, NA,   NA,      NA,    NA,    NA,
#'   "SRV",   "", "",    3600L, 1L,   1L,      443L,  NA,    NA,
#'   "TXT",   "_mta-sts",           "v=STSv1; id=001",    3600L, NA,   NA,      NA,    NA,    NA) |>
#'   yay::netlify_dns_records_set(domain = "")
#' # to use a TOML file that defines a `records` table as input:
#' pal::toml_read("dns_records.toml")$records |>
#'   purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
#'   yay::netlify_dns_records_set(domain = "")}
netlify_dns_records_set <- function(records,
                                    token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
                                    max_tries = 3L) {

  records %<>% as_dns_records(registrar = "netlify")
                          positive = TRUE)

  zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
                                      pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
                                      replacement = "_")

  pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Setting {.val {nrow(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")

  records |>
    purrr::pmap(.progress = TRUE,
                .f = \(type,
                       ...) {

                  httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("{zone_id}/dns_records/")) |>
                    httr2::req_method(method = "POST") |>
                    httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token),
                                       `Content-Type` = "application/json") |>
                    httr2::req_body_json(purrr::discard(list(type = type,
                                                             hostname = hostname,
                                                             value = value,
                                                             ttl = ttl,
                                                             priority = priority,
                                                             weight = weight,
                                                             port = port,
                                                             flag = flag,
                                                             tag = tag),
                    httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
                    httr2::req_perform() |>
                    httr2::resp_body_json() |>
                    # remove empty keys
                    purrr::compact() |>
                    tibble::as_tibble_row() |>
                    # canonicalize key order
                    dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_netlify$key)) |>
                    dplyr::arrange(type, hostname, value)
                }) |>
    purrr::list_rbind() |>


#' Delete Netlify DNS records
#' Deletes DNS records on Netlify for the specified `domain` using the [`deleteDnsRecord`](
#' endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful API]( DNS `records` must be provided as either a character vector of DNS record
#' identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further columns are silently ignored.
#' @inherit netlify_dns_records_set details
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param records DNS records to delete. A character vector of record identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further columns are silently
#'   ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to delete DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of deleted record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_delete(domain = "",
#'                                 records = "xyz123")
#' # The output of `netlify_dns_records_get()` can directly be fed. To delete all (!) records:
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "") |>
#'   dplyr::filter(!managed) |>
#'   yay::netlify_dns_records_delete(domain = "")}
netlify_dns_records_delete <- function(records,
                                       token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
                                       max_tries = 3L) {
  records %<>% as_dns_record_ids()
                           pattern = "\\w+\\.\\w+(\\.\\w+)*")
                          positive = TRUE)

  zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
                                      pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
                                      replacement = "_")

  pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Deleting {.val {length(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")

  records |>
    purrr::walk(.progress = TRUE,
                .f = \(dns_record_id) {

                  httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("{zone_id}/dns_records/{dns_record_id}")) |>
                    httr2::req_method(method = "DELETE") |>
                    httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token)) |>
                    httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>




Functions to work with Porkbun's API.



#' Get Porkbun DNS records
#' Retrieves DNS records from Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/retrieve/{domain}`]( endpoint of Porkbun's
#' API.
#' @inheritParams pal::req_cached
#' @param domain Domain name to retrieve DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @param api_key [Porkbun API key]( used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @param secret_api_key [Porkbun secret API key]( used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @return  `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_porkbun$key)`
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "")
#' # to write "portable" record keys to a TOML file `dns_records.toml` with a `records` table
#' # NOTE that the CLI tool `jsontoml` is required for this:
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "") |>
#'   # remove Porkbun-specific cols
#'   dplyr::select(any_of(yay:::cols_dns_records$key)) |>
#'   # convert to target list structure
#'   list(records = _) |>
#'   # convert to JSON
#'   jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE,
#'                    pretty = TRUE) |>
#'   # convert JSON to TOML via external CLI
#'   system2(input = _,
#'           stdout = TRUE,
#'           command = "jsontoml") |>
#'   # remove leading newline
#'   _[-1L] |>
#'   # write TOML to file
#'   brio::write_lines(path = "dns_records.toml")}
porkbun_dns_records_get <- function(domain,
                                    api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
                                    secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
                                    max_tries = 3L) {

  perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("{domain}"),
                      api_key = api_key,
                      secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
                      max_tries = max_tries) |>
    purrr::chuck("records") |>
    purrr::map(\(x) {

      x$value <- switch(EXPR  = x$type,
                        CAA   = {
                          fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
                          x$flag <- fields[1L]
                          x$tag <- fields[2L]
                        HTTPS = {
                          fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
                          x$prio <- fields[1L]
                          x$target <- fields[2L]
                        SRV   = {
                          fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
                          x$weight <- fields[1L]
                          x$port <- fields[2L]
                        SVCB  = {
                          fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
                          x$prio <- fields[1L]
                          x$target <- fields[2L]
    }) |>
    purrr::list_rbind() |>
    dplyr::select(-any_of("content")) |>
    dplyr::rename_with(.cols = everything(),
                       .fn = \(x) dplyr::case_match(x,
                                                    "name" ~ "hostname",
                                                    "prio" ~ "priority",
                                                    .default = x)) |>
    # canonicalize key order
    dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_porkbun$key)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(!!!rlang::syms(intersect(c("type", "hostname", "value"),
                                            colnames(.)))) |>
    # normalize cols
    as_dns_records(registrar = "porkbun")


#' Set Porkbun DNS records
#' @description
#' Sets DNS records on Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/create/{domain}`]( endpoint of Porkbun's API. DNS `records` must be
#' provided as a dataframe/tibble with the columns `r cols_dns_records_porkbun |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. Further
#' columns are silently ignored.
#' @details
#' Supported are the DNS record types `r dns_record_types$porkbun |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse( last = " and ")`.
#' @inheritParams porkbun_dns_records_get
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param records DNS records. A dataframe/tibble with the columns
#'   `r cols_dns_records_porkbun |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. The first three columns are mandatory, columns not
#'   listed here are silently ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to set DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of created record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tibble::tribble(
#'   ~type,   ~hostname,          ~value,           ~ttl, ~priority, ~weight, ~port, ~flag, ~tag,
#'   "CAA",   "",          "", 3600L, NA,      NA,      NA,    0L,    "issue",
#'   "CNAME", "autoconfig",       "",     3600L, NA,      NA,      NA,    NA,    NA,
#'   "MX",    "",          "", 3600L, NA,   NA,      NA,    NA,    NA,
#'   "SRV",   "", "",    3600L, 1L,   1L,      443L,  NA,    NA,
#'   "TXT",   "_mta-sts",           "v=STSv1; id=001",    3600L, NA,   NA,      NA,    NA,    NA) |>
#'   yay::porkbun_dns_records_set(domain = "")
#' # to use a TOML file that defines a `records` table as input:
#' pal::toml_read("dns_records.toml")$records |>
#'   purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
#'   yay::porkbun_dns_records_set(domain = "")}
porkbun_dns_records_set <- function(records,
                                    api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
                                    secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
                                    max_tries = 3L) {

  records %<>% as_dns_records(registrar = "porkbun")

  pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Setting {.val {nrow(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Porkbun for domain {.field {domain}}")

  records |>
    purrr::pmap_int(.progress = TRUE,
                    .f = \(type,
                           ...) {

                      # handle root domain properly
                      hostname %<>% stringr::str_remove(pattern = paste0(stringr::str_escape(domain), "$"))

                      # assemble type-specific content
                      content <- switch(EXPR  = type,
                                        CAA   = paste(flag, tag, value),
                                        HTTPS = paste(priority, target, value),
                                        SRV   = paste(weight, port, value),
                                        SVCB  = paste(priority, target, value),

                      # priority must be either absent or set via `content` for most record types
                      if (!(type %in% c("MX", "SRV"))) {
                        priority <- NA_character_

                      perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("{domain}"),
                                          data = purrr::discard(list(name = hostname,
                                                                     type = type,
                                                                     content = content,
                                                                     ttl = ttl,
                                                                     prio = priority),
                                          api_key = api_key,
                                          secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
                                          max_tries = max_tries) |>
                    }) |>



#' Delete Porkbun DNS records
#' Deletes DNS records on Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/delete/{domain}/{dns_record_id}`]( endpoint
#' of Porkbun's API. DNS `records` must be provided as either a character vector of DNS record identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further
#' columns are silently ignored.
#' @inheritParams porkbun_dns_records_set
#' @param domain Domain name to delete DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of deleted record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_delete(domain = "",
#'                                 records = "xyz123")
#' # The output of `netlify_dns_records_get()` can directly be fed. To delete all (!) non-NS records:
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "") |>
#'   dplyr::filter(type != "NS") |>
#'   yay::porkbun_dns_records_delete(domain = "")}
porkbun_dns_records_delete <- function(records,
                                       api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
                                       secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
                                       max_tries = 3L) {
  records %<>% as_dns_record_ids()

  pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Deleting {.val {length(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")

  records |>
    purrr::walk(.progress = TRUE,
                .f = \(dns_record_id) {

                  perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("{domain}/{dns_record_id}"),
                                      api_key = api_key,
                                      secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
                                      max_tries = max_tries)


Extending other R packages


These functions closely follow the API of existing packages, but are usually out of scope for direct inclusion in them.




Extending the gh package, leveraging GitHub's RESTful and GraphQL APIs.


#' List files and directories in GitHub repository
#' Lists file and directory names found under
#' [`rev:path`]( in a GitHub repository via
#' [GitHub's GraphQL API](
#' `r md_gh_pat`
#' Note that an empty character vector is returned in case `path` is invalid or no file/directory exists underneath `path`.
#' @param owner Repository owner's GitHub user or organization name. A character scalar.
#' @param name Repository name. A character scalar.
#' @param path Path to a directory, relative to the repository root. A character scalar.
#' @param rev [Git revision expression]( matching the desired Git tree object, e.g. a branch or tag
#'   name or another symbolic reference like `"HEAD@{yesterday}"` or `"HEAD~10"`. A character scalar.
#' @param recurse Whether or not to recurse into subdirectories of `path`.
#' @param incl_dirs Whether or not to list directories (and subdirectories if `recurse = TRUE`).
#' @param incl_files Whether or not to list files (also inside subdirectories if `recurse = TRUE`).
#' @return A character vector of paths to the files and subdirectories found under `rev:path`, relative to the repository root.
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # you can opt-out from directory recursion
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                name = "pal",
#'                recurse = FALSE) |>
#'   pal::cat_lines()
#' # you can list only files in a directory
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                name = "pal",
#'                path = "tests",
#'                incl_dirs = FALSE) |>
#'   pal::cat_lines()
#' # or you can list only directories in a directory
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                name = "pal",
#'                path = "tests",
#'                incl_files = FALSE) |>
#'   pal::cat_lines()
gh_dir_ls <- function(owner,
                      path = ".",
                      rev = "HEAD",
                      recurse = TRUE,
                      incl_dirs = TRUE,
                      incl_files = TRUE) {

                         reason = reason_pkg_required_gh)

  path_norm <- normalize_tree_path(path)

  entries <-
    gh::gh_gql(query = 'query($name:String!, $owner:String!, $expression:String!) {
                          repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
                            object(expression: $expression) {
                              ... on Tree {
                                entries {
               variables = list(name = name,
                                owner = owner,
                                expression = glue::glue("{rev}:{path_norm}"))) |>
    purrr::pluck("data", "repository", "object", "entries") %||%

  dirs <-
    entries |>
    purrr::keep(\(x) x$type == "tree") |>
    purrr::map_depth(.depth = 1L,
                     .f = \(x) purrr::pluck(x, "path")) |>
    purrr::list_c(ptype = character())

  result <-
    entries |>
    purrr::keep(\(x) x$type %in% c("blob"[incl_files], "tree"[incl_dirs])) |>
    purrr::map_depth(.depth = 1L,
                     .f = \(x) purrr::pluck(x, "path")) |>
    purrr::list_c(ptype = character())

  if (recurse && length(dirs) > 0L) {

    result <-
      dirs |>
      purrr::map(\(x) gh_dir_ls(owner = owner,
                                name = name,
                                path = x,
                                rev = rev,
                                recurse = TRUE,
                                incl_dirs = incl_dirs,
                                incl_files = incl_files)) |>
      purrr::list_c(ptype = character()) |>




#' Read in text file from GitHub repository
#' Downloads the text file under the specified path from a GitHub repository via [GitHub's GraphQL
#' API]( and returns its content as a string.
#' @details
#' `r md_gh_pat`
#' Note that nothing is returned in case of a [_binary_ file](, as if no file at all existed under the given
#' `path`.
#' @inheritParams gh_dir_ls
#' @param path Path to a file, relative to the repository root. A character scalar.
#' @return A character scalar, or an empty character vector in case no text file is found under
#'   [`rev:path`](
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_text_file(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                   name = "pal",
#'                   path = "pal.Rproj",
#'                   rev = "HEAD~2") |>
#'   cat()
gh_text_file <- function(owner,
                         rev = "HEAD") {

                         reason = reason_pkg_required_gh)

  path %<>% normalize_tree_path()

  result <- gh::gh_gql(query = 'query ($name: String!, $owner: String!, $expression: String!) {
                        repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
                          object(expression: $expression) {
                            ... on Blob {
                      variables = list(name = name,
                                       owner = owner,
                                       expression = glue::glue("{rev}:{path}"))) |>
    purrr::pluck("data", "repository", "object", "text")

  if (is.null(result)) {
    result <- character()




#' Read in text files from GitHub repository
#' @description
#' Downloads all text files under the specified path from a GitHub repository via [GitHub's GraphQL
#' API]( and returns a named character vector with the file paths as names and the file
#' contents as values.
#' This is a simple convenience function combining [gh_dir_ls()] and [gh_text_file()]. 
#' @inherit gh_text_file details
#' @inheritParams gh_dir_ls
#' @param recurse Whether or not to also include text files in subfolders of `path`. Enabling this option may result in many API calls and thus produce a
#'   significant delay.
#' @return A named character vector of length equal to the number of files found under `rev:path` with the file paths as names and the file contents as values.
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_text_files(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                    name = "pal",
#'                    path = "tests") |>
#'   str()
#' # you have to opt-in into directory recursion
#' yay::gh_text_files(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#'                    name = "pal",
#'                    path = "tests",
#'                    recurse = TRUE) |>
#'   str()
gh_text_files <- function(owner,
                          path = ".",
                          rev = "HEAD",
                          recurse = FALSE) {

  gh_dir_ls(owner = owner,
            name = name,
            path = path,
            rev = rev,
            recurse = recurse,
            incl_dirs = FALSE) %>%
    magrittr::set_names(x = .,
                        value = .) |>
    purrr::map(\(x) gh_text_file(owner = owner,
                                 name = name,
                                 path = x,
                                 rev = rev)) |>
    purrr::compact() |>


#' List releases from GitHub repository
#' Uses [gh::gh()] to fetch all available [releases]( of the specified GitHub repository
#' via [GitHub's RESTful API]( and returns them as a [tibble][tibble::tbl_df] containing the
#' columns `r pal::enum_str(cols_gh_releases, wrap = "\x60")`.
#' @param owner GitHub repository owner (GitHub user or organisation). A character scalar.
#' @param name Repository name. A character scalar.
#' @param n Number of releases to return. A positive integer or `Inf`. If `Inf`, all releases are returned, otherwise only the most recent `n` releases. Note
#'   that requesting many releases may result in multiple GitHub API calls, which can take a considerable amount of time.
#' @param incl_pre_releases Whether or not to include pre-releases in the result. Pre-releases are usually not deemed ready for production and may be unstable.
#'   For more information, see the [GitHub Docs](
#' @param incl_drafts Whether or not to include draft releases in the result. For more information, see the [GitHub
#'   Docs](
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl(id = "tibble_cols", cols = cols_gh_releases)`
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_releases(owner = "jgm",
#'                  name = "pandoc",
#'                  n = 3L)
gh_releases <- function(owner,
                        n = Inf,
                        incl_pre_releases = FALSE,
                        incl_drafts = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  gh::gh(endpoint = "/repos/{owner}/{name}/releases", # nolint
         owner = owner,
         name = name,
         .method = "GET",
         .limit = n) |>
    purrr::keep(.p = \(x) if (incl_pre_releases) TRUE else isFALSE(x$prerelease)) |>
    purrr::keep(.p = \(x) if (incl_drafts) TRUE else isFALSE(x$draft)) |>
    purrr::map(gh_release_as_tibble) |>
    purrr::list_rbind() |>


#' Get latest release from GitHub repository
#' Uses [gh::gh()] to fetch the latest [GitHub release]( of the specified GitHub repository
#' via [GitHub's RESTful API]( and returns it as a [numeric
#' version][numeric_version()].
#' @inheritParams gh_releases
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("num_vrsn")`
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_release_latest(owner = "jgm",
#'                        name = "pandoc")
gh_release_latest <- function(owner,
                              name) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  gh::gh(endpoint = "/repos/{owner}/{name}/releases/latest", # nolint: absolute_path_linter
         owner = owner,
         name = name,
         .method = "GET") |>



Extending the stringr package, that in turn is built on top of the stringi package, which uses the ICU C library.



#' Replace matched patterns in strings _verbosely_
#' Applies a series of regular-expression-replacement pairs to one or more strings. All performed replacements are displayed on the console by default
#' (`verbose = TRUE`).
#' This function provides a subset of [stringr::str_replace_all()]'s functionality. If you don't need the visual console output, it's recommended to directly
#' resort to the latter.
#' @param pattern A named character vector with patterns as names and replacements as values (`c(pattern1 = replacement1)`). Patterns are interpreted as
#'   regular expressions as described in [stringi::stringi-search-regex()]. Replacements are interpreted as-is, except that references of the form `\1`, `\2`,
#'   etc. will be replaced with the contents of the respective matched group (created in patterns using `()`). Pattern-replacement pairs are processed in the
#'   order given, meaning that first listed pairs are applied before later listed ones.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to display replacements on the console.
#' @param n_context_chrs The (maximum) number of characters displayed around the actual `string` and its replacement. The number refers to a single side of
#'   `string`/replacement, so the total number of context characters is at the maximum `2 * n_context_chrs`. Only relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams stringr::str_replace_all
#' @return A character vector.
#' @family string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' "Make love, not war" |>
#'   yay::str_replace_verbose(pattern = c("love" = "hummus",
#'                                        "war" = "walls"))
#' # pattern-replacement pairs are processed one-by-one, so the following gives the same result
#' "Make love, not war" |>
#'   yay::str_replace_verbose(pattern = c("love" = "hummus",
#'                                        "hummus, not war" = "hummus, not walls"))
#' # varying `n_context_chrs` affects console output summarization
#' input <- c("Tulips are not durable, ",
#'            "not scarce, ",
#'            "not programmable, ",
#'            "not fungible, ",
#'            "not verifiable, ",
#'            "not divisible, ",
#'            "and hard to transfer. ",
#'            "But tell me more about your analogy...",
#'            "",
#'            "-[Naval Ravikant](")
#' pattern <- c("not" = "extremely",
#'              "hard" = "ridiculously easy",
#'              "^But.*" = "So... flower power?",
#'              "(^-).*Naval.*" = "\\1\U0001F92A")
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(string = input,
#'                          pattern = pattern,
#'                          n_context_chrs = 5L) |>
#'   pal::cat_lines()
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(string = input,
#'                          pattern = pattern,
#'                          n_context_chrs = 0L) |>
#'   pal::cat_lines()
str_replace_verbose <- function(string,
                                verbose = TRUE,
                                n_context_chrs = 20L) {

  checkmate::assert_character(pattern, any.missing = FALSE)
  if (!checkmate::test_named(pattern)) rlang::abort("All elements of `pattern` must be named (names are patterns, values are replacements).")
  n_context_chrs <- checkmate::assert_count(n_context_chrs, coerce = TRUE)

  # print replacement info for humans
  if (verbose) {

    # we have to process each pattern-replacement pair one-by-one because other than `stringr::str_replace_all()`, `stringr::str_locate_all()` doesn't support
    # the pair-wise spec
    string_changed <- string
    msgs <- tibble::tibble(minus = character(),
                           plus = character(),
                           i_pattern = integer())

    for (i in seq_along(pattern)) {

      msgs <-
        str_replace_verbose_single_info(string = string_changed,
                                        pattern = pattern[i],
                                        n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs) |>
        dplyr::mutate(i_pattern = i) %>%
        dplyr::bind_rows(msgs, .)

      string_changed %<>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = pattern[i])

    msgs |>
      # we need to reframe instead of summarize since there can be 0 rows in the result
      dplyr::reframe(i_pattern = pal::safe_min(i_pattern),
                     n = dplyr::n(),
                     .by = c(minus, plus)) |>
      # since reframing can change row order, we need to restore the original order
      dplyr::arrange(i_pattern) |>
      purrr::pwalk(\(minus, plus, i_pattern, n) {

        # using string interpolation ensures `{` and `}` are escaped, cf. ?cli::`inline-markup`
        cat(n, "\u00D7 ", minus, "\n",
            sep = "")
        cat(rep("\u00A0", times = nchar(n) + 2L), plus, "\n",
            sep = "")

    result <- string_changed

  } else {
    result <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = string,
                                       pattern = pattern)

  # return result

# helper to generate info for single replacement 
str_replace_verbose_single_info <- function(string,
                                            n_context_chrs) {

  # define dark background colors that are easy on the eyes based on ANSI escape sequences
  # (shouldn't be outsourced to package-constants since the number of supported terminal colors couldn't be auto-detected that way)
  bg_red_dark <- cli::make_ansi_style("#330000",
                                      bg = TRUE)

  bg_green_dark <- cli::make_ansi_style("#003300",
                                        bg = TRUE)

  # escape newlines (in case replacement contains newlines)
  replacement <- pal::escape_lf(as.character(pattern))

  stringr::str_locate_all(string = string,
                          pattern = names(pattern)) |>
    purrr::map2_dfr(.y = string,
                    .f = \(positions, string) {

                      positions %<>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::filter(start <= end)

                      purrr::map2_dfr(.x = positions$start,
                                      .y = positions$end,
                                      .f = \(start, end) {

                                        # reduce to `string` excerpt of +/- `n_context_chrs`
                                        ## determine if we prune
                                        prune_start <- (start - n_context_chrs) > 1L 
                                        prune_end <- (end + n_context_chrs) < nchar(string)

                                        ## extract excerpt
                                        ### begin (part before `pattern`)
                                        excerpt_begin <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
                                                                          start = ifelse(prune_start,
                                                                                         start - n_context_chrs,
                                                                          end = start - 1L)
                                        ### the `pattern` as-is, i.e. without regex syntax
                                        pattern_asis <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
                                                                         start = start,
                                                                         end = end)
                                        ### end (part after `pattern`)
                                        excerpt_end <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
                                                                        start = end + 1L,
                                                                        end = ifelse(prune_end,
                                                                                     end + n_context_chrs,

                                        # replace excerpt start/end with ellipsis dots (pruned to whole words if appropriate)
                                        if (prune_start) excerpt_begin %<>% paste0(unicode_ellipsis, .)

                                        if (prune_end) excerpt_end %<>% paste0(unicode_ellipsis)

                                        # escape newlines (in case pattern contains newlines)
                                        excerpt_begin %<>% pal::escape_lf()
                                        pattern_asis %<>% pal::escape_lf()
                                        excerpt_end %<>% pal::escape_lf()

                                        # assemble info msgs
                                        tibble::tibble(minus = pal::as_str(cli::col_red("-"), " ", cli::bg_black(excerpt_begin),
                                                                           cli::style_strikethrough(bg_red_dark(pattern_asis)), cli::bg_black(excerpt_end)),
                                                       plus = pal::as_str(cli::col_green("+"), " ", cli::bg_black(excerpt_begin), bg_green_dark(replacement),



#' Replace matched patterns in text files
#' Applies pattern-based string replacements to one or more files. Expects a series of regular-expression-replacement pairs that are applied one-by-one in the
#' given order. By default, all performed replacements are displayed on the console (`verbose = TRUE`) without actually changing any file content
#' (`run_dry = TRUE`).
#' Note that `process_line_by_line` requires the [line ending standard (EOL)]( of the input files to be correctly set via
#' `eol`. It _always_ defaults to `"LF"` (Unix standard) since this is something which cannot be reliably detected without complex heuristics (and even then
#' not unambiguously in all edge cases). Simply deriving a default depending on the host OS (i.a. `"LF"` on Unix systems like Linux and macOS and `"CRLF"` on
#' Windows) seems like a really bad idea with regard to cross-system collaboration (files shared via Git etc.), thus it was refrained from.
#' The text files are assumed to be in [UTF-8 character encoding](, other encodings are not supported.
#' @param path Paths to the text files. A character vector.
#' @param process_line_by_line Whether each line in a file should be treated as a separate string or the whole file as one single string. While the latter is 
#'   more performant, you probably want the former if you're using `"^"` or `"$"` in your `pattern`s.
#' @param eol `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("eol") |> stringr::str_replace(stringr::fixed("."), ". Only relevant if \x60process_line_by_line = TRUE\x60.")`
#' @param show_rel_path Whether or not to display file `path`s as relative from the current working directory. If `FALSE`, absolute paths are displayed. Only
#'   relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @param run_dry Whether or not to show replacements on the console only, without actually modifying any files. Implies `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams str_replace_verbose
#' @return `path` invisibly.
#' @family string
#' @export
str_replace_file <- function(path,
                             process_line_by_line = FALSE,
                             eol = c("LF", "CRLF", "CR", "LFCR"),
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             n_context_chrs = 20L,
                             show_rel_path = TRUE,
                             run_dry = TRUE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                                access = "r")
  eol %<>% pal::as_line_feed_chr()

  if (run_dry && !verbose) {
    rlang::abort("Setting `run_dry = TRUE` and `verbose = FALSE` at the same time is pointless.")

  } else if (run_dry) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("Running in dry mode. Set {.code run_dry = FALSE} to actually modify any files.")

  purrr::walk(.x = path,
              .f = \(path) {

                # print file progress info
                if (verbose) {

                  path_show <- ifelse(show_rel_path,

                  pal::cli_progress_step_quick("Processing file {.file {path_show}}{unicode_ellipsis}")

                # perform replacement
                input <- brio::read_file(path = path)

                if (process_line_by_line) {
                  input %<>% stringr::str_split_1(pattern = eol)

                output <- str_replace_verbose(string = input,
                                              pattern = pattern,
                                              verbose = verbose,
                                              n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs)

                if (!run_dry && !identical(input, output)) {

                  brio::write_file(text = paste(output,
                                                collapse = eol),
                                   path = path)

                if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_done()



#' Apply regular-expression-based text normalization to strings
#' Applies a set of regular-expression-based text normalization rules to one or more strings. All performed replacements are displayed on the console by default
#' (`verbose = TRUE`).
#' @param rules A data frame of regular expression `pattern`s and `replacement`s. `pattern` can optionally be a list column condensing multiple patterns to the
#'   same replacement rule. Patterns are interpreted as regular expressions as described in [stringi::stringi-search-regex()]. Replacements are interpreted
#'   as-is, except that references of the form `\1`, `\2`, etc. will be replaced with the contents of the respective matched group (created in patterns using
#'   `()`). Pattern-replacement pairs are processed in the order given, meaning that first listed pairs are applied before later listed ones.
#' @inheritParams str_replace_verbose
#' @inherit str_replace_file return
#' @family string
#' @seealso Regular expression rules: [`regex_text_normalization`] [`regex_file_normalization`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' "This kind of “text normalization” is e.g. useful to apply before feeding stuff to ‘Pandoc’" |>
#'   yay::str_normalize()
str_normalize <- function(string,
                          rules = yay::regex_text_normalization,
                          n_context_chrs = 20L,
                          verbose = TRUE) {
  rules |>
    tidyr::unnest_longer(col = pattern) %$%
    magrittr::set_names(x = replacement,
                        value = pattern) |>
    str_replace_verbose(string = string,
                        n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs,
                        verbose = verbose)


#' Apply regular-expression-based text normalization to files
#' Applies a set of regular-expression-based text normalization rules to one or more files. By default, changes are shown on the console only, without actually
#' modifying any files. Set `run_dry = FALSE` to apply the changes.
#' @inheritParams str_normalize
#' @inheritParams str_replace_file
#' @inherit str_replace_file return
#' @family string
#' @seealso Regular expression rules: [`regex_text_normalization`] [`regex_file_normalization`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use POSIX-related file normalization rule(s) included in this package
#' temp_file <- tempfile()
#' download.file(url = paste0("",
#'                            "64faab6b108cd02a197510a7b/inst/include/Rcpp/utils/tinyformat.h"),
#'               destfile = temp_file,
#'               quiet = TRUE,
#'               mode = "wb")
#' yay::regex_file_normalization |>
#'   dplyr::filter(category == "posix") |>
#'   yay::str_normalize_file(path = temp_file)
str_normalize_file <- function(path,
                               rules = yay::regex_text_normalization,
                               run_dry = TRUE,
                               process_line_by_line = FALSE,
                               n_context_chrs = 20L,
                               verbose = TRUE) {
  rules |>
    tidyr::unnest_longer(col = pattern) %$%
    magrittr::set_names(x = replacement,
                        value = pattern) |>
    str_replace_file(path = path,
                     n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs,
                     process_line_by_line = process_line_by_line,
                     verbose = verbose,
                     run_dry = run_dry)



#' Write Zotero library to bibliography file
#' Writes a file of the chosen bibliography `format` to `path` with items belonging to a Zotero user or group library, optionally limited to a specific
#' collection. Also writes a text file with suffix `.version` alongside `path` which stores the [Zotero library
#' version number]( and allows for efficient caching.
#' If the Zotero library's content hasn't changed since the last export, nothing will be written to `path` and the performed API request will be significantly
#' faster. See section *Caching* in [zoterro::zotero_api()] for further details.
#' @inheritParams zoterro::write_bib
#' @param lib_id Zotero user or group library identifier. An object as returned by [zoterro::zotero_user_id()] or [zoterro::zotero_group_id()].
#' @param path Path to write the bibliography file to. A character scalar.
#' @param force Whether or not to enforce overwriting the bibliography file regardless of actual changes to the Zotero library since the last export.
#' @param show_progress `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("show_progress")`
#' @return `path`, invisibly.
#' @family zotero
#' @export
zotero_write_bib <- function(lib_id,
                             collection_key = NULL,
                             incl_children = FALSE,
                             format = "csljson",
                             force = FALSE,
                             show_progress = TRUE) {

  reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
                         reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)

  if (show_progress) {
    pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = paste0("Updating bibliography file with ",
                                              " items from the Zotero ",
                                                     "collection {.val {collection_key}} in the "),
                                              "library with ID {.val {lib_id}}"))

  bib_version_last <- NULL
  path_bib_version <- fs::path_ext_set(path,
                                       ext = "version")

  if (!force && fs::file_exists(path_bib_version)) {
    bib_version_last <-
      path_bib_version |>
      brio::read_file() |>
      stringr::str_trim() |>

  bib_version_current <-
    zoterro::write_bib(collection_key = collection_key,
                       incl_children = incl_children,
                       path = path,
                       format = format,
                       modified_since = bib_version_last,
                       user = lib_id) |>
    attr(which = "version")

  if (force || length(bib_version_current)) {
    brio::write_lines(text = bib_version_current,
                      path = path_bib_version)


salim-b/yay documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 9:10 p.m.