show_diff: Determine the differences between two data frames/tibbles in...

show_diffR Documentation

Determine the differences between two data frames/tibbles in tabular diff format


Compares two data frames/tibbles (or two objects coercible to tibbles like matrices) and offers to inspect any differences in tabular diff format as neatly rendered HTML.


  ignore_order = FALSE,
  ignore_col_types = FALSE,
  ids = NULL,
  ask = TRUE,
  bypass_rstudio_viewer = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  max_diffs = 10L,
  diff_text = "{x_lbl} is different from {y_lbl}",
  ask_text = "Do you wish to display the changes in tabular diff format?",
  caption = "{x_lbl} → {y_lbl}",



The data frame / tibble to check for changes.


The data frame / tibble that x should be checked against, i.e. the reference.


Whether or not to ignore the order of columns and rows.


Whether or not to distinguish similar column types. Currently, if set to TRUE, this will convert factors to characters and integers to doubles before the comparison.


A character vector of column names that make up a primary key, if known. If NULL, heuristics are used to find a decent key (or a set of decent keys).


Whether or not to ask interactively if the resulting difference object should be opened in case x and y differ. If FALSE, it will be opened right away. Only relevant if run interactively.


If TRUE, x and y actually differ, and ask is set to TRUE, the resulting difference object will be opened in the system's default web browser instead of RStudio's built-in viewer. Only relevant if run within RStudio.


Whether or not to also output the differences detected by pal::is_equal_df() to the console.


The maximum number of differences shown on the console. Only relevant if verbose = TRUE.


The text to display on the console in case x and y differ. It is passed to glue::glue() allowing its string interpolation syntax to be used. A character scalar.


The text that is displayed when ask = TRUE. Ignored if ask = FALSE. A character scalar.


The caption of the rendered difference object. It is passed to glue::glue() allowing its string interpolation syntax to be used. A character scalar.


Further arguments passed on to daff::diff_data(), excluding data, data_ref, ids, ordered, and columns_to_ignore.


This function is basically a convenience wrapper combining pal::is_equal_df(), daff::diff_data() and daff::render_diff(). If run non-interactively or ask = FALSE, the differences will be shown right away, otherwise the user will be asked on the console.

Note that in tabular diff format, only changes in the column content of x and y are visible, meaning that the following properties and changes therein won't be displayed:

  • column types (e.g. integer vs. double)

  • row names and other attributes


A difference object, invisibly. It could be rendered later using daff::render_diff(), for example.

See Also

Other data frame / tibble functions: open_as_tmp_spreadsheet()


## Not run: 

mtcars |>
  dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(cyl, gear),
                              \(x) dplyr::if_else(x > 4, x * 2, x))) |>
## End(Not run)

salim-b/yay documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 9:42 p.m.