# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND! Instead edit the R Markdown source file `Rmd/yay.Rmd` and run `pkgpurl::purl_rmd()`.
# See `README.md#r-markdown-format` for more information on the literate programming approach used applying the R Markdown format.
# yay: Delightful Convenience Functions
# Copyright (C) 2025 Salim Brüggemann
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
utils::globalVariables(names = c(".",
# tidyselect fns
# other
ptype_dns_records <- tibble::tibble(type = character(),
hostname = character(),
value = character(),
ttl = integer(),
priority = integer(),
weight = integer(),
port = integer(),
flag = integer(),
tag = character(),
target = character())
cols_gh_releases <- c("id",
cols_dns_records <-
ptype_dns_records |>
purrr::imap(\(val, key) tibble::tibble(key = key,
is_standard = TRUE,
type = ifelse(key %in% c("ttl", "priority", "weight", "port", "flag"),
"character"))) |>
cols_dns_records_netlify <-
~key, ~type, ~is_standard,
"id", "character", FALSE,
"dns_zone_id", "character", FALSE,
"site_id", "character", FALSE,
"managed", "logical", FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(cols_dns_records) |>
# Netlify does not support `HTTPS` and `SVCB` record types
dplyr::filter(key != "target")
cols_dns_records_porkbun <-
cols_dns_records |>
tibble::add_row(key = "id",
type = "character",
is_standard = FALSE,
.before = 1L)
md_gh_pat <- paste0("Works for both public and private repositories, for the latter you just need to set up a sufficiently authorized [GitHub Personal Access ",
"Token (PAT)][gh::gh_token].")
dns_record_types <- list(netlify = c("A",
porkbun = c("A",
paths_to_keep <- c("netlify.toml",
reason_pkg_required_gh <- "for yay's `gh_*()` functions, but is not installed."
unicode_ellipsis <- "\u2026"
as_dns_records <- function(records,
registrar = c("netlify", "porkbun"),
check_record_types = TRUE) {
registrar <- rlang::arg_match0(arg = registrar,
values = registrar)
row.names = "unique")
if (check_record_types) {
choices = dns_record_types[[registrar]])
# ensure all required cols are present
missing_col_names <- setdiff(c("type", "hostname", "value"),
if (length(missing_col_names) > 0L) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg records} is missing the following required columns: {.var {missing_col_names}}",
.frame = parent.frame(2L))
# ensure no required fields are missing
purrr::walk(c("type", "hostname", "value"),
\(x) {
if (anyNA(records[[x]])) {
cli::cli_abort("Column {.var {x}} in {.arg records} can't have missings.",
.frame = parent.frame(2L))
cols_dns_records_registrar <- get(paste0("cols_dns_records_", registrar))
# complement missing optional columns
cols_dns_records_registrar |>
dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$%
key |>
setdiff(colnames(records)) |>
purrr::map(\(x) tibble::as_tibble_col(x = NA,
column_name = x)) |>
purrr::list_cbind() |>
pal::when(ncol(.) > 0L ~ dplyr::cross_join(x = records,
y = .),
~ records) |>
# coerce to target types
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(.cols = any_of(cols_dns_records_registrar$key),
.fns = \(x) {
.Primitive(paste0("as.", cols_dns_records_registrar$type[cols_dns_records_registrar$key == dplyr::cur_column()]))(x)
as_dns_record_ids <- function(records) {
if (is.character(records)) {
any.missing = FALSE)
} else {
row.names = "unique")
# ensure all required cols are present
if (!("id" %in% colnames(records))) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg records} is missing an {.var id} column.")
records %<>% dplyr::pull("id")
assert_domain <- function(domain) {
pattern = "\\w+\\.\\w+(\\.\\w+)*")
clean_git_dir <- function(path,
exclude_paths = paths_to_keep,
repo = path) {
fs::dir_ls(path = path,
all = TRUE,
type = "directory") |>
setdiff(fs::path(path, c(exclude_paths, ".git"))) |>
fs::dir_ls(path = path,
all = TRUE,
type = "file") |>
setdiff(fs::path(path, exclude_paths)) |>
gert::git_status(repo = repo,
staged = FALSE) |>
dplyr::filter(status == "deleted"
& fs::path_has_parent(path = file,
parent = fs::path_rel(path = path,
start = repo))) %$%
file |>
gert::git_add(repo = repo)
extract_vrsn_nr <- function(x) {
pattern_vrsn <- "\\d+(\\.\\d+)*"
version_nr <- stringr::str_extract(string = x$tag_name,
pattern = pattern_vrsn)
# fall back to parsing name field
if (length(version_nr) == 0L || is.na(version_nr)) {
version_nr <- stringr::str_extract(string = x$name,
pattern = pattern_vrsn)
gh_release_as_tibble <- function(x) {
tibble::tibble(id = x$id,
version_nr = extract_vrsn_nr(x),
is_pre_release = x$prerelease,
is_draft = x$draft)
normalize_tree_path <- function(path) {
checkmate::assert_string(path) |>
fs::path_norm() |>
stringr::str_remove(pattern = "^\\.{0,2}(/|$)")
perform_porkbun_req <- function(url,
data = NULL,
api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
max_tries = 3L) {
any.missing = FALSE,
names = "strict",
null.ok = TRUE)
positive = TRUE)
httr2::request(base_url = url) |>
httr2::req_method(method = "POST") |>
httr2::req_body_json(list(apikey = api_key,
secretapikey = secret_api_key)) |>
httr2::req_body_json_modify(!!!data) |>
httr2::req_user_agent(string = "yay R package (https://yay.rpkg.dev)") |>
httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
httr2::req_error(body = \(resp) httr2::resp_body_json(resp)$message) |>
httr2::req_perform() |>
#' Regular expression patterns and replacements for text normalization
#' @format `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`
#' @family regex
#' @seealso String normalization functions: [str_normalize()] [str_normalize_file()]
#' @examples
#' # unnest the pattern column
#' tidyr::unnest_longer(data = yay::regex_text_normalization,
#' col = pattern)
#' Regular expression patterns and replacements for file normalization
#' @format `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`
#' @family regex
#' @seealso String normalization functions: [str_normalize()] [str_normalize_file()]
#' @examples
#' # unnest the pattern column
#' tidyr::unnest_longer(data = yay::regex_file_normalization,
#' col = pattern)
#' Determine the differences between two data frames/tibbles in tabular diff format
#' Compares two [data frames][base::data.frame()]/[tibbles][tibble::tbl_df] (or two objects coercible to tibbles like
#' [matrices][base::matrix()]) and offers to inspect any differences in [tabular diff format](https://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html) as neatly rendered
#' HTML.
#' This function is basically a convenience wrapper combining [pal::is_equal_df()], [daff::diff_data()] and [daff::render_diff()]. If run non-interactively or
#' `ask = FALSE`, the differences will be shown right away, otherwise the user will be asked on the console.
#' Note that in tabular diff format, only changes in the _column content_ of `x` and `y` are visible, meaning that the following properties and changes
#' therein won't be displayed:
#' - column types (e.g. integer vs. double)
#' - row names and other attributes
#' @param x The data frame / tibble to check for changes.
#' @param y The data frame / tibble that `x` should be checked against, i.e. the reference.
#' @param ignore_order Whether or not to ignore the order of columns and rows.
#' @param ids A character vector of column names that make up a [primary key](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_key), if known. If `NULL`, heuristics are
#' used to find a decent key (or a set of decent keys).
#' @param ask Whether or not to ask interactively if the resulting difference object should be opened in case `x` and `y` differ. If `FALSE`, it will be opened
#' right away. Only relevant if run [interactively][base::interactive()].
#' @param bypass_rstudio_viewer If `TRUE`, `x` and `y` actually differ, and `ask` is set to `TRUE`, the resulting difference object will be
#' opened in the system's default web browser instead of RStudio's built-in viewer. Only relevant if run within RStudio.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to also output the differences detected by [pal::is_equal_df()] to the console.
#' @param max_diffs The maximum number of differences shown on the console. Only relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @param caption The caption of the rendered difference object. It is passed to [glue::glue()] allowing its string interpolation syntax to be used. A character
#' scalar.
#' @param diff_text The text to display on the console in case `x` and `y` differ. It is passed to [glue::glue()] allowing its string interpolation syntax to be
#' used. A character scalar.
#' @param ask_text The text that is displayed when `ask = TRUE`. Ignored if `ask = FALSE`. A character scalar.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [daff::diff_data()], excluding `data`, `data_ref`, `ids`, `ordered`, and `columns_to_ignore`.
#' @inheritParams pal::is_equal_df
#' @return A [difference object][daff::daff], invisibly. It could be rendered later using [daff::render_diff()], for example.
#' @family tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(magrittr)
#' mtcars |>
#' dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(cyl, gear),
#' \(x) dplyr::if_else(x > 4, x * 2, x))) |>
#' yay::show_diff(mtcars)}
show_diff <- function(x,
ignore_order = FALSE,
ignore_col_types = FALSE,
ids = NULL,
ask = TRUE,
bypass_rstudio_viewer = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
max_diffs = 10L,
diff_text = "{x_lbl} is different from {y_lbl}",
ask_text = "Do you wish to display the changes in tabular diff format?",
caption = "{x_lbl} \u2192 {y_lbl}",
...) {
any.missing = FALSE,
null.ok = TRUE)
reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
.fn = daff::diff_data,
.forbidden = c("data",
# generate `x`/`y` labels
x_lbl <- deparse(substitute(x))
y_lbl <- deparse(substitute(y))
if (length(x_lbl) > 1L || x_lbl == "." || make.names(x_lbl) != x_lbl) {
x_lbl <- "`x`"
} else {
x_lbl <- glue::glue("`x` (`{x_lbl}`)")
if (length(y_lbl) > 1L || y_lbl == "." || make.names(y_lbl) != y_lbl) {
y_lbl <- "`y`"
} else {
y_lbl <- glue::glue("`y` (`{y_lbl}`)")
# generate HTML caption
caption %<>% glue::glue()
n_backtick <- stringr::str_count(caption,
pattern = stringr::fixed("`"))
if (n_backtick) {
caption %<>% purrr::reduce(.x = 1:n_backtick,
.init = .,
.f = \(string, i) {
stringr::str_replace(string = string,
pattern = stringr::fixed("`"),
replacement = ifelse(i %% 2L == 0L,
daff_obj <- daff::diff_data(data = x,
data_ref = y,
ids = ids,
ordered = !ignore_order)
diff <- pal::is_equal_df(x = x,
y = y,
ignore_col_order = ignore_order,
ignore_row_order = ignore_order,
ignore_col_types = ignore_col_types,
quiet = TRUE,
return_waldo_compare = TRUE)
if (length(diff) > 0L) {
if (verbose) {
cli::cli_alert_info(text = paste0(diff_text, ":"))
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info(text = paste0(diff_text, "."))
open_diff <- TRUE
if (ask && interactive()) {
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
open_diff <- yesno::yesno2(ask_text)
if (open_diff) {
if (interactive()) {
if (bypass_rstudio_viewer) {
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
withr::with_options(new = list(viewer = NULL),
code = daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
view = TRUE,
title = caption))
} else {
daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
view = TRUE,
title = caption)
} else {
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
tmp_file <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "yay-show_diff_",
ext = "html")
daff::render_diff(diff = daff_obj,
file = tmp_file,
view = FALSE,
title = caption)
xopen::xopen(target = glue::glue("file://{tmp_file}"),
quiet = TRUE)
cli::cli_alert_info("A new tab displaying the changes has been opened in your default web browser.")
#' Open as temporary spreadsheet
#' Writes an \R object – usually tabular data like a dataframe or [tibble][tibble::tibble()] – to a temporary spreadsheet and subsequently opens that
#' spreadsheet in the system's default application using [xopen::xopen()]. The latter is usually equivalent to double-clicking on the file in a file browser.
#' @param x A dataframe or something coercible to.
#' @param format The spreadsheet format to use. One of
#' - `"csv"` for a [comma-separated values](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values) file written using [readr::write_csv()]. The default.
#' - `"xlsx"` for an [Office Open XML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML) file commonly used by Microsoft Excel 2007+, written using
#' [writexl::write_xlsx()].
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [readr::write_csv()] or [writexl::write_xlsx()], depending on `format`.
#' @param quiet Whether or not to echo the command to open the temporary spreadsheet on the console before running it.
#' @return `x` invisibly.
#' @family tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::open_as_tmp_spreadsheet(mtcars,
#' format = "xlsx")}
open_as_tmp_spreadsheet <- function(x,
format = c("csv", "xlsx"),
quiet = TRUE) {
reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
format <- rlang::arg_match(format)
tmp_file <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "tmp_spreadsheet",
ext = format)
if (format == "csv") {
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
.fn = readr::write_csv,
.forbidden = "x")
readr::write_csv(x = x,
file = tmp_file,
} else if (format == "xlsx") {
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
.fn = writexl::write_xlsx,
.forbidden = "x")
writexl::write_xlsx(x = x,
path = tmp_file,
xopen::xopen(target = tmp_file,
quiet = quiet)
#' Deploy static website to local Git folder
#' @description
#' Copies the content of a specific filesystem folder to another local Git folder, then stages, commits and pushes the changes. Primarily useful to deploy a
#' [static website](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_web_page) (typically the output of a [static site generator](https://jamstack.org/generators/)).
#' Use this function with **caution** since by default it – except for the paths listed in `never_clean` – **completely wipes the `to_path`
#' directory**!
#' @param from_path Path to the directory containing the static website files that are to be deployed. A character scalar.
#' @param to_path Path to the Git (sub)folder to which the static website files are to be deployed. A character scalar.
#' @param clean_to_path Whether or not to wipe `to_path` before deploying the new website files. Setting this to `TRUE` ensures there are no obsolete files left
#' over from previous deployments.
#' @param never_clean A character vector of paths relative to `to_path` which are preserved when wiping `to_path` (i.e. `clean_to_path = TRUE`). By default,
#' this includes the following files and directories:
#' `r pal::as_md_val_list(paths_to_keep)`
#' @param branch The name of the Git branch to which the static website files are to be committed. A character scalar or `NULL`. If `NULL`, defaults to the
#' currently checked out branch of the repository `to_path` belongs to.
#' @param commit_msg The Git commit message used for the deployment. A character scalar.
#' @param quiet `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("quiet")`
#' @return A vector of paths to the deployed files/folders, invisibly.
#' @family gitrepo
#' @export
deploy_static_site <- function(from_path,
clean_to_path = TRUE,
never_clean = paths_to_keep,
branch = NULL,
commit_msg = "auto-deploy static website",
quiet = FALSE) {
reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
access = "r")
any.missing = FALSE)
null.ok = TRUE)
if (!checkmate::test_path_for_output(to_path,
overwrite = TRUE)) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg {to_path}} is not a valid filesystem path.")
# create website deploy subfolder if necessary (only leaf directory will be created because of `checkmate::test_path_for_output()` above)
if (!fs::dir_exists(to_path)) fs::dir_create(path = to_path)
# determine root path of Git repository
repo <- gert::git_find(path = to_path)
# change branch if requested
if (!is.null(branch)) {
initial_branch <- gert::git_branch(repo = repo)
if (!(gert::git_branch_exists(branch = branch,
repo = repo))) {
cli::cli_abort("Branch {.val {branch}} doesn't exist in Git repository {.path {repo}}.")
gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = branch,
repo = repo)
# clean destination path if requested
if (clean_to_path) {
clean_git_dir(path = to_path,
exclude_paths = never_clean,
repo = repo)
# copy files/dirs
dirs <- fs::dir_ls(path = from_path,
type = "directory",
all = TRUE)
purrr::walk2(.x = dirs,
.y = fs::path(to_path, fs::path_rel(path = dirs,
start = from_path)),
.f = \(x) fs::dir_copy(path = x,
overwrite = TRUE))
files <- fs::dir_ls(path = from_path,
type = "file",
all = TRUE)
\(x) fs::file_copy(path = x,
new_path = to_path,
overwrite = TRUE))
# commit and push files
staged <-
c(dirs, files) |>
fs::path_rel(start = from_path) %>%
fs::path(fs::path_rel(path = to_path,
start = repo),
.) |>
fs::path_norm() |>
gert::git_add(repo = repo)
if (nrow(staged)) {
gert::git_commit(message = commit_msg,
repo = repo)
gert::git_push(repo = repo,
verbose = !quiet)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info("No files changed.")
# restore branch if necessary
if (!is.null(branch)) {
gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = initial_branch,
repo = repo)
invisible(fs::path_abs(path = staged$file,
start = repo))
#' Deploy pkgdown site to local Git folder
#' @description
#' Copies the static [pkgdown][pkgdown::pkgdown] website files to another local Git folder, then stages, commits and pushes the changes. Use
#' [pkgdown::build_site()] before running this function in order to create the website files.
#' Use this function with **caution** since by default it – except for the paths listed in `never_clean` – **completely wipes the `to_path`
#' directory**!
#' @details
#' `r pkgsnip::md_snip("rstudio_addin")`
#' # Setting `to_path` via \R options
#' Instead of directly providing a valid `to_path` argument, you can also set `to_path = NULL` and provide
#' - the desired deploy paths for each package in the \R option `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`. The value of this option must be a named character vector
#' whereas the names correspond to the package names and the values to the filesystem paths. As an example:
#' ```r
#' options(yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths = c(some_pkg = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/some_pkg",
#' another_pkg = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/another_pkg",
#' foo_pkg = "/path/to/dedicated_foo_pkgdown_repo"))
#' ```
#' - a default parent path in the \R option `yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path` that will be used as the deployment parent directory for all packages
#' that are not explicitly listed in `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`. For example you could set
#' ```r
#' options(yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path = "/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo")
#' ```
#' which would result in deploying the pkgdown website files of a hypothetical package named _bar_pkg_ to `/path/to/common_pkgdown_repo/bar_pkg`.
#' A suitable place to define the above options is the [`.Rprofile`
#' file](https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047157094-Managing-R-with-Rprofile-Renviron-Rprofile-site-Renviron-site-rsession-conf-and-repos-conf)
#' in the user's home directory.
#' @inheritParams deploy_static_site
#' @param pkg_path Path to the \R package of which the pkgdown website files are to be deployed.
#' @param to_path Path to the Git (sub)folder to which the pkgdown website files are to be deployed. If `NULL`, the \R options `yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths`
#' and `yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path` will be respected. See section _Setting `to_path` via R options_ for details.
#' @param use_dev_build Whether or not to deploy the development build of the pkgdown website files. If `NULL`, the
#' [`development.mode`](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/reference/build_site.html#development-mode) set in the pkgdown YAML configuration file from `pkg_path` will
#' be respected.
#' @inherit deploy_static_site return
#' @family gitrepo
#' @export
deploy_pkgdown_site <- function(pkg_path = ".",
to_path = NULL,
use_dev_build = NULL,
clean_to_path = TRUE,
never_clean = paths_to_keep,
branch = NULL,
commit_msg = paste0("auto-deploy pkgdown site for ",
desc::desc_get_field(file = pkg_path,
key = "Package")),
quiet = FALSE) {
reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
null.ok = TRUE)
any.missing = FALSE)
null.ok = TRUE)
if (!(pal::is_pkgdown_dir(pkg_path))) {
cli::cli_abort("No pkgdown configuration found under path: {.path {pkg_path}}")
# get pkg's pkgdown config
override <-
use_dev_build |>
pal::when(isTRUE(.) ~ list(development = list(mode = "devel")),
isFALSE(.) ~ list(development = list(mode = "release")),
~ list())
config <- pkgdown::as_pkgdown(pkg = pkg_path,
override = override)
# determine `to_path` if necessary
arg_to_path <- to_path
to_path <- to_path %||% getOption("yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths")[config$package]
to_path_parent <- getOption("yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path")
to_path <- to_path %||% fs::path_join(c(to_path_parent, config$package))
to_path_parent <- fs::path_dir(to_path)
if (!checkmate::test_path_for_output(to_path,
overwrite = TRUE)) {
if (is.null(arg_to_path)) {
if (is.null(getOption("yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths")[config$package])) {
if (is.null(getOption("yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path"))) {
cli::cli_abort(paste0("Either set {.arg to_path} directly to a valid filesystem path or provide the path in the R option {.field ",
"yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths} as a named character vector of the form {.code c({config$package} = ",
"\"/path/to/local_git_repo\")}. Another alternative is to set a default parent path in the R option {.field ",
"yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path}. See {.code ?yay::deploy_pkgdown_site} for details."))
} else {
cli::cli_abort(paste0("The R option {.field yay.default_local_pkgdown_deploy_parent_path} is set, but not to a valid filesystem path",
" with write access. Current option value: {.path {to_path_parent}}"))
} else {
cli::cli_abort(paste0("The R option {.field yay.local_pkgdown_deploy_paths[\"{config$package}\"]} is set, but not to a valid ",
"filesystem path with write access. Current option value: {.path {to_path}}"))
} else {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg {to_path}} is not a valid filesystem path.")
# deploy dev build to `dev/` subfolder
if (config$development$mode == "devel") to_path %<>% fs::path("dev")
# create pkg website subfolder(s) if necessary (only leaf directories will be created because of `checkmate::test_path_for_output()` above)
if (!fs::dir_exists(to_path)) fs::dir_create(path = to_path)
# determine root path of Git repository
repo <- gert::git_find(path = to_path)
# change branch if requested
if (!is.null(branch)) {
initial_branch <- gert::git_branch(repo = repo)
if (!(gert::git_branch_exists(branch = branch,
repo = repo))) {
cli::cli_abort("Branch {.val {branch}} doesn't exist in Git repository {.path {repo}}.")
gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = branch,
repo = repo)
# clean destination path if requested
if (clean_to_path) {
clean_git_dir(path = to_path,
exclude_paths = never_clean,
repo = repo)
# copy files/dirs
dirs <- fs::dir_ls(path = config$dst_path,
type = "directory",
regexp = paste0("^\\Q", fs::path(config$dst_path, config$development$destination), "\\E"),
all = TRUE,
invert = TRUE)
purrr::walk2(.x = dirs,
.y = fs::path(to_path, fs::path_rel(path = dirs,
start = config$dst_path)),
.f = \(x) fs::dir_copy(path = x,
overwrite = TRUE))
files <- fs::dir_ls(path = config$dst_path,
type = "file",
all = TRUE)
\(x) fs::file_copy(path = files,
new_path = to_path,
overwrite = TRUE))
# commit and push files
staged <-
c(dirs, files) |>
fs::path_rel(start = config$dst_path) %>%
fs::path(fs::path_rel(path = to_path,
start = repo),
.) |>
fs::path_norm() |>
gert::git_add(repo = repo)
if (nrow(staged)) {
gert::git_commit(message = commit_msg,
repo = repo)
gert::git_push(repo = repo,
verbose = !quiet)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info("No files changed.")
# restore branch if necessary
if (!is.null(branch)) {
gert::git_branch_checkout(branch = initial_branch,
repo = repo)
invisible(fs::path_abs(path = staged$file,
start = repo))
#' Get Netlify DNS records
#' Retrieves DNS records from Netlify for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`getDnsRecords`](https://open-api.netlify.com/#tag/dnsZone/operation/getDnsRecords) endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful
#' API](https://docs.netlify.com/api/get-started/).
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param domain Domain name to retrieve DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_netlify$key)`
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site")
#' # to write "portable" record keys to a TOML file `dns_records.toml` with a `records` table
#' # NOTE that the CLI tool `jsontoml` is required for this: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site") |>
#' # remove records which can't be handled via API
#' dplyr::filter(!managed) |>
#' # remove Netlify-specific cols
#' dplyr::select(any_of(yay:::cols_dns_records$key)) |>
#' # convert to target list structure
#' list(records = _) |>
#' # convert to JSON
#' jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE,
#' pretty = TRUE) |>
#' # convert JSON to TOML via external CLI
#' system2(input = _,
#' stdout = TRUE,
#' command = "jsontoml") |>
#' # remove leading newline
#' _[-1L] |>
#' # write TOML to file
#' brio::write_lines(path = "dns_records.toml")}
netlify_dns_records_get <- function(domain,
token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
max_tries = 3L) {
positive = TRUE)
zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
replacement = "_")
httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/dns_zones/{zone_id}/dns_records/")) |>
httr2::req_method(method = "GET") |>
httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token)) |>
httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
httr2::req_perform() |>
httr2::resp_body_json() |>
# remove empty keys
purrr::map(purrr::compact) |>
purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
# canonicalize key order
dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_netlify$key)) |>
dplyr::arrange(type, hostname, value) |>
# check and normalize cols (just in case since Netlify's API should already return the fields in the proper types)
as_dns_records(registrar = "netlify",
check_record_types = FALSE)
#' Set Netlify DNS records
#' Sets DNS records on Netlify for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`createDnsRecord`](https://open-api.netlify.com/#tag/dnsZone/operation/createDnsRecord) endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful
#' API](https://docs.netlify.com/api/get-started/). DNS `records` must be provided as a dataframe/tibble with the columns
#' `r cols_dns_records_netlify |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. Further columns are silently ignored.
#' Supported are the DNS record types `r dns_record_types$netlify |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse( last = " and ")`. Netlify's own custom record
#' types `NETLIFY` and `NETLIFY6` cannot be altered via the API and must be configured via [Netlify's web interface](https://app.netlify.com/).
#' @inheritParams pal::req_cached
#' @param records DNS records. A dataframe/tibble with the columns
#' `r cols_dns_records_netlify |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. The first three columns are mandatory, columns not
#' listed here are silently ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to set DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @param token [Netlify personal access token](https://docs.netlify.com/api/get-started/#authentication) used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @return The newly set DNS records.
#' `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_netlify$key, as_sentence = FALSE) |> pal::capitalize_first()`, invisibly.
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tibble::tribble(
#' ~type, ~hostname, ~value, ~ttl, ~priority, ~weight, ~port, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "CAA", "my.site", "letsencrypt.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' "CNAME", "autoconfig", "mailbox.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' "MX", "my.site", "mxext1.mailbox.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' "SRV", "_hkps._tcp.my.site", "pgp.mailbox.org", 3600L, 1L, 1L, 443L, NA, NA,
#' "TXT", "_mta-sts", "v=STSv1; id=001", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA) |>
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_set(domain = "my.site")
#' # to use a TOML file that defines a `records` table as input:
#' pal::toml_read("dns_records.toml")$records |>
#' purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_set(domain = "my.site")}
netlify_dns_records_set <- function(records,
token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
max_tries = 3L) {
records %<>% as_dns_records(registrar = "netlify")
positive = TRUE)
zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
replacement = "_")
pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Setting {.val {nrow(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")
records |>
purrr::pmap(.progress = TRUE,
.f = \(type,
...) {
httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/dns_zones/{zone_id}/dns_records/")) |>
httr2::req_method(method = "POST") |>
httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token),
`Content-Type` = "application/json") |>
httr2::req_body_json(purrr::discard(list(type = type,
hostname = hostname,
value = value,
ttl = ttl,
priority = priority,
weight = weight,
port = port,
flag = flag,
tag = tag),
is.na)) |>
httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
httr2::req_perform() |>
httr2::resp_body_json() |>
# remove empty keys
purrr::compact() |>
tibble::as_tibble_row() |>
# canonicalize key order
dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_netlify$key)) |>
dplyr::arrange(type, hostname, value)
}) |>
purrr::list_rbind() |>
#' Delete Netlify DNS records
#' Deletes DNS records on Netlify for the specified `domain` using the [`deleteDnsRecord`](https://open-api.netlify.com/#tag/dnsZone/operation/deleteDnsRecord)
#' endpoint of [Netlify's RESTful API](https://docs.netlify.com/api/get-started/). DNS `records` must be provided as either a character vector of DNS record
#' identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further columns are silently ignored.
#' @inherit netlify_dns_records_set details
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param records DNS records to delete. A character vector of record identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further columns are silently
#' ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to delete DNS records for. This is translated into the corresponding Netlify DNS Zone. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of deleted record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family netlify
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_delete(domain = "my.site",
#' records = "xyz123")
#' # The output of `netlify_dns_records_get()` can directly be fed. To delete all (!) records:
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site") |>
#' dplyr::filter(!managed) |>
#' yay::netlify_dns_records_delete(domain = "my.site")}
netlify_dns_records_delete <- function(records,
token = pal::pkg_config_val("netlify_token"),
max_tries = 3L) {
records %<>% as_dns_record_ids()
pattern = "\\w+\\.\\w+(\\.\\w+)*")
positive = TRUE)
zone_id <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = domain,
pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
replacement = "_")
pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Deleting {.val {length(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")
records |>
purrr::walk(.progress = TRUE,
.f = \(dns_record_id) {
httr2::request(base_url = glue::glue("https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/dns_zones/{zone_id}/dns_records/{dns_record_id}")) |>
httr2::req_method(method = "DELETE") |>
httr2::req_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token)) |>
httr2::req_retry(max_tries = max_tries) |>
#' Get Porkbun DNS records
#' Retrieves DNS records from Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/retrieve/{domain}`](https://porkbun.com/api/json/v3/documentation#DNS%20Retrieve%20Records%20by%20Domain%20or%20ID) endpoint of Porkbun's
#' API.
#' @inheritParams pal::req_cached
#' @param domain Domain name to retrieve DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @param api_key [Porkbun API key](https://porkbun.com/api/json/v3/documentation#Authentication) used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @param secret_api_key [Porkbun secret API key](https://porkbun.com/api/json/v3/documentation#Authentication) used for authentication. A character scalar.
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble_cols", cols = cols_dns_records_porkbun$key)`
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site")
#' # to write "portable" record keys to a TOML file `dns_records.toml` with a `records` table
#' # NOTE that the CLI tool `jsontoml` is required for this: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site") |>
#' # remove Porkbun-specific cols
#' dplyr::select(any_of(yay:::cols_dns_records$key)) |>
#' # convert to target list structure
#' list(records = _) |>
#' # convert to JSON
#' jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE,
#' pretty = TRUE) |>
#' # convert JSON to TOML via external CLI
#' system2(input = _,
#' stdout = TRUE,
#' command = "jsontoml") |>
#' # remove leading newline
#' _[-1L] |>
#' # write TOML to file
#' brio::write_lines(path = "dns_records.toml")}
porkbun_dns_records_get <- function(domain,
api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
max_tries = 3L) {
perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/retrieve/{domain}"),
api_key = api_key,
secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
max_tries = max_tries) |>
purrr::chuck("records") |>
purrr::map(\(x) {
x$value <- switch(EXPR = x$type,
CAA = {
fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
x$flag <- fields[1L]
x$tag <- fields[2L]
fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
x$prio <- fields[1L]
x$target <- fields[2L]
SRV = {
fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
x$weight <- fields[1L]
x$port <- fields[2L]
SVCB = {
fields <- stringr::str_split_1(x$content, " ")
x$prio <- fields[1L]
x$target <- fields[2L]
}) |>
purrr::list_rbind() |>
dplyr::select(-any_of("content")) |>
dplyr::rename_with(.cols = everything(),
.fn = \(x) dplyr::case_match(x,
"name" ~ "hostname",
"prio" ~ "priority",
.default = x)) |>
# canonicalize key order
dplyr::relocate(any_of(cols_dns_records_porkbun$key)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(!!!rlang::syms(intersect(c("type", "hostname", "value"),
colnames(.)))) |>
# normalize cols
as_dns_records(registrar = "porkbun")
#' Set Porkbun DNS records
#' @description
#' Sets DNS records on Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/create/{domain}`](https://porkbun.com/api/json/v3/documentation#DNS%20Create%20Record) endpoint of Porkbun's API. DNS `records` must be
#' provided as a dataframe/tibble with the columns `r cols_dns_records_porkbun |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. Further
#' columns are silently ignored.
#' @details
#' Supported are the DNS record types `r dns_record_types$porkbun |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse( last = " and ")`.
#' @inheritParams porkbun_dns_records_get
#' @inheritParams netlify_dns_records_set
#' @param records DNS records. A dataframe/tibble with the columns
#' `r cols_dns_records_porkbun |> dplyr::filter(is_standard) %$% key |> pal::enum_str(wrap = "\x60")`. The first three columns are mandatory, columns not
#' listed here are silently ignored.
#' @param domain Domain name to set DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of created record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tibble::tribble(
#' ~type, ~hostname, ~value, ~ttl, ~priority, ~weight, ~port, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "CAA", "my.site", "letsencrypt.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, 0L, "issue",
#' "CNAME", "autoconfig", "mailbox.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' "MX", "my.site", "mxext1.mailbox.org", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' "SRV", "_hkps._tcp.my.site", "pgp.mailbox.org", 3600L, 1L, 1L, 443L, NA, NA,
#' "TXT", "_mta-sts", "v=STSv1; id=001", 3600L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA) |>
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_set(domain = "my.site")
#' # to use a TOML file that defines a `records` table as input:
#' pal::toml_read("dns_records.toml")$records |>
#' purrr::map_dfr(tibble::as_tibble_row) |>
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_set(domain = "my.site")}
porkbun_dns_records_set <- function(records,
api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
max_tries = 3L) {
records %<>% as_dns_records(registrar = "porkbun")
pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Setting {.val {nrow(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Porkbun for domain {.field {domain}}")
records |>
purrr::pmap_int(.progress = TRUE,
.f = \(type,
...) {
# handle root domain properly
hostname %<>% stringr::str_remove(pattern = paste0(stringr::str_escape(domain), "$"))
# assemble type-specific content
content <- switch(EXPR = type,
CAA = paste(flag, tag, value),
HTTPS = paste(priority, target, value),
SRV = paste(weight, port, value),
SVCB = paste(priority, target, value),
# priority must be either absent or set via `content` for most record types
if (!(type %in% c("MX", "SRV"))) {
priority <- NA_character_
perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/create/{domain}"),
data = purrr::discard(list(name = hostname,
type = type,
content = content,
ttl = ttl,
prio = priority),
api_key = api_key,
secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
max_tries = max_tries) |>
}) |>
#' Delete Porkbun DNS records
#' Deletes DNS records on Porkbun for the specified `domain` using the
#' [`/api/json/v3/dns/delete/{domain}/{dns_record_id}`](https://porkbun.com/api/json/v3/documentation#DNS%20Delete%20Record%20by%20Domain%20and%20ID) endpoint
#' of Porkbun's API. DNS `records` must be provided as either a character vector of DNS record identifiers or a dataframe/tibble with an `id` column. Further
#' columns are silently ignored.
#' @inheritParams porkbun_dns_records_set
#' @param domain Domain name to delete DNS records for. A character scalar.
#' @return A character vector of deleted record identifiers, invisibly.
#' @family porkbun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_delete(domain = "my.site",
#' records = "xyz123")
#' # The output of `netlify_dns_records_get()` can directly be fed. To delete all (!) non-NS records:
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_get(domain = "my.site") |>
#' dplyr::filter(type != "NS") |>
#' yay::porkbun_dns_records_delete(domain = "my.site")}
porkbun_dns_records_delete <- function(records,
api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_api_key"),
secret_api_key = pal::pkg_config_val("porkbun_secret_api_key"),
max_tries = 3L) {
records %<>% as_dns_record_ids()
pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = "Deleting {.val {length(records)}} DNS record{?s} on Netlify for domain {.field {domain}}")
records |>
purrr::walk(.progress = TRUE,
.f = \(dns_record_id) {
perform_porkbun_req(url = glue::glue("https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/delete/{domain}/{dns_record_id}"),
api_key = api_key,
secret_api_key = secret_api_key,
max_tries = max_tries)
#' List files and directories in GitHub repository
#' Lists file and directory names found under
#' [`rev:path`](https://git-scm.com/docs/revisions#Documentation/revisions.txt-emltrevgtltpathgtemegemHEADREADMEememmasterREADMEem) in a GitHub repository via
#' [GitHub's GraphQL API](https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/about-the-graphql-api).
#' `r md_gh_pat`
#' Note that an empty character vector is returned in case `path` is invalid or no file/directory exists underneath `path`.
#' @param owner Repository owner's GitHub user or organization name. A character scalar.
#' @param name Repository name. A character scalar.
#' @param path Path to a directory, relative to the repository root. A character scalar.
#' @param rev [Git revision expression](https://git-scm.com/docs/revisions#_specifying_revisions) matching the desired Git tree object, e.g. a branch or tag
#' name or another symbolic reference like `"HEAD@{yesterday}"` or `"HEAD~10"`. A character scalar.
#' @param recurse Whether or not to recurse into subdirectories of `path`.
#' @param incl_dirs Whether or not to list directories (and subdirectories if `recurse = TRUE`).
#' @param incl_files Whether or not to list files (also inside subdirectories if `recurse = TRUE`).
#' @return A character vector of paths to the files and subdirectories found under `rev:path`, relative to the repository root.
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # you can opt-out from directory recursion
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' recurse = FALSE) |>
#' pal::cat_lines()
#' # you can list only files in a directory
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' path = "tests",
#' incl_dirs = FALSE) |>
#' pal::cat_lines()
#' # or you can list only directories in a directory
#' yay::gh_dir_ls(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' path = "tests",
#' incl_files = FALSE) |>
#' pal::cat_lines()
gh_dir_ls <- function(owner,
path = ".",
rev = "HEAD",
recurse = TRUE,
incl_dirs = TRUE,
incl_files = TRUE) {
reason = reason_pkg_required_gh)
path_norm <- normalize_tree_path(path)
entries <-
gh::gh_gql(query = 'query($name:String!, $owner:String!, $expression:String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
object(expression: $expression) {
... on Tree {
entries {
variables = list(name = name,
owner = owner,
expression = glue::glue("{rev}:{path_norm}"))) |>
purrr::pluck("data", "repository", "object", "entries") %||%
dirs <-
entries |>
purrr::keep(\(x) x$type == "tree") |>
purrr::map_depth(.depth = 1L,
.f = \(x) purrr::pluck(x, "path")) |>
purrr::list_c(ptype = character())
result <-
entries |>
purrr::keep(\(x) x$type %in% c("blob"[incl_files], "tree"[incl_dirs])) |>
purrr::map_depth(.depth = 1L,
.f = \(x) purrr::pluck(x, "path")) |>
purrr::list_c(ptype = character())
if (recurse && length(dirs) > 0L) {
result <-
dirs |>
purrr::map(\(x) gh_dir_ls(owner = owner,
name = name,
path = x,
rev = rev,
recurse = TRUE,
incl_dirs = incl_dirs,
incl_files = incl_files)) |>
purrr::list_c(ptype = character()) |>
#' Read in text file from GitHub repository
#' Downloads the text file under the specified path from a GitHub repository via [GitHub's GraphQL
#' API](https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/about-the-graphql-api) and returns its content as a string.
#' @details
#' `r md_gh_pat`
#' Note that nothing is returned in case of a [_binary_ file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_file), as if no file at all existed under the given
#' `path`.
#' @inheritParams gh_dir_ls
#' @param path Path to a file, relative to the repository root. A character scalar.
#' @return A character scalar, or an empty character vector in case no text file is found under
#' [`rev:path`](https://git-scm.com/docs/revisions#Documentation/revisions.txt-emltrevgtltpathgtemegemHEADREADMEememmasterREADMEem).
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_text_file(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' path = "pal.Rproj",
#' rev = "HEAD~2") |>
#' cat()
gh_text_file <- function(owner,
rev = "HEAD") {
reason = reason_pkg_required_gh)
path %<>% normalize_tree_path()
result <- gh::gh_gql(query = 'query ($name: String!, $owner: String!, $expression: String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
object(expression: $expression) {
... on Blob {
variables = list(name = name,
owner = owner,
expression = glue::glue("{rev}:{path}"))) |>
purrr::pluck("data", "repository", "object", "text")
if (is.null(result)) {
result <- character()
#' Read in text files from GitHub repository
#' @description
#' Downloads all text files under the specified path from a GitHub repository via [GitHub's GraphQL
#' API](https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/about-the-graphql-api) and returns a named character vector with the file paths as names and the file
#' contents as values.
#' This is a simple convenience function combining [gh_dir_ls()] and [gh_text_file()].
#' @inherit gh_text_file details
#' @inheritParams gh_dir_ls
#' @param recurse Whether or not to also include text files in subfolders of `path`. Enabling this option may result in many API calls and thus produce a
#' significant delay.
#' @return A named character vector of length equal to the number of files found under `rev:path` with the file paths as names and the file contents as values.
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_text_files(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' path = "tests") |>
#' str()
#' # you have to opt-in into directory recursion
#' yay::gh_text_files(owner = "rpkg-dev",
#' name = "pal",
#' path = "tests",
#' recurse = TRUE) |>
#' str()
gh_text_files <- function(owner,
path = ".",
rev = "HEAD",
recurse = FALSE) {
gh_dir_ls(owner = owner,
name = name,
path = path,
rev = rev,
recurse = recurse,
incl_dirs = FALSE) %>%
magrittr::set_names(x = .,
value = .) |>
purrr::map(\(x) gh_text_file(owner = owner,
name = name,
path = x,
rev = rev)) |>
purrr::compact() |>
#' List releases from GitHub repository
#' Uses [gh::gh()] to fetch all available [releases](https://docs.github.com/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github) of the specified GitHub repository
#' via [GitHub's RESTful API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/releases/releases#list-releases) and returns them as a [tibble][tibble::tbl_df] containing the
#' columns `r pal::enum_str(cols_gh_releases, wrap = "\x60")`.
#' @param owner GitHub repository owner (GitHub user or organisation). A character scalar.
#' @param name Repository name. A character scalar.
#' @param n Number of releases to return. A positive integer or `Inf`. If `Inf`, all releases are returned, otherwise only the most recent `n` releases. Note
#' that requesting many releases may result in multiple GitHub API calls, which can take a considerable amount of time.
#' @param incl_pre_releases Whether or not to include pre-releases in the result. Pre-releases are usually not deemed ready for production and may be unstable.
#' For more information, see the [GitHub Docs](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository).
#' @param incl_drafts Whether or not to include draft releases in the result. For more information, see the [GitHub
#' Docs](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository).
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl(id = "tibble_cols", cols = cols_gh_releases)`
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_releases(owner = "jgm",
#' name = "pandoc",
#' n = 3L)
gh_releases <- function(owner,
n = Inf,
incl_pre_releases = FALSE,
incl_drafts = FALSE) {
reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
gh::gh(endpoint = "/repos/{owner}/{name}/releases", # nolint
owner = owner,
name = name,
.method = "GET",
.limit = n) |>
purrr::keep(.p = \(x) if (incl_pre_releases) TRUE else isFALSE(x$prerelease)) |>
purrr::keep(.p = \(x) if (incl_drafts) TRUE else isFALSE(x$draft)) |>
purrr::map(gh_release_as_tibble) |>
purrr::list_rbind() |>
#' Get latest release from GitHub repository
#' Uses [gh::gh()] to fetch the latest [GitHub release](https://docs.github.com/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github) of the specified GitHub repository
#' via [GitHub's RESTful API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/releases/releases#get-the-latest-release) and returns it as a [numeric
#' version][numeric_version()].
#' @inheritParams gh_releases
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("num_vrsn")`
#' @family gh
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yay::gh_release_latest(owner = "jgm",
#' name = "pandoc")
gh_release_latest <- function(owner,
name) {
reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
gh::gh(endpoint = "/repos/{owner}/{name}/releases/latest", # nolint
owner = owner,
name = name,
.method = "GET") |>
#' Replace matched patterns in strings _verbosely_
#' Applies a series of regular-expression-replacement pairs to one or more strings. All performed replacements are displayed on the console by default
#' (`verbose = TRUE`).
#' This function provides a subset of [stringr::str_replace_all()]'s functionality. If you don't need the visual console output, it's recommended to directly
#' resort to the latter.
#' @param pattern A named character vector with patterns as names and replacements as values (`c(pattern1 = replacement1)`). Patterns are interpreted as
#' regular expressions as described in [stringi::stringi-search-regex()]. Replacements are interpreted as-is, except that references of the form `\1`, `\2`,
#' etc. will be replaced with the contents of the respective matched group (created in patterns using `()`). Pattern-replacement pairs are processed in the
#' order given, meaning that first listed pairs are applied before later listed ones.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to display replacements on the console.
#' @param n_context_chrs The (maximum) number of characters displayed around the actual `string` and its replacement. The number refers to a single side of
#' `string`/replacement, so the total number of context characters is at the maximum `2 * n_context_chrs`. Only relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams stringr::str_replace_all
#' @return A character vector.
#' @family string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' "Make love, not war" |>
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(pattern = c("love" = "hummus",
#' "war" = "walls"))
#' # pattern-replacement pairs are processed one-by-one, so the following gives the same result
#' "Make love, not war" |>
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(pattern = c("love" = "hummus",
#' "hummus, not war" = "hummus, not walls"))
#' # varying `n_context_chrs` affects console output summarization
#' input <- c("Tulips are not durable, ",
#' "not scarce, ",
#' "not programmable, ",
#' "not fungible, ",
#' "not verifiable, ",
#' "not divisible, ",
#' "and hard to transfer. ",
#' "But tell me more about your analogy...",
#' "",
#' "-[Naval Ravikant](https://twitter.com/naval/status/939316447318122496)")
#' pattern <- c("not" = "extremely",
#' "hard" = "ridiculously easy",
#' "^But.*" = "So... flower power?",
#' "(^-).*Naval.*" = "\\1\U0001F92A")
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(string = input,
#' pattern = pattern,
#' n_context_chrs = 5L) |>
#' pal::cat_lines()
#' yay::str_replace_verbose(string = input,
#' pattern = pattern,
#' n_context_chrs = 0L) |>
#' pal::cat_lines()
str_replace_verbose <- function(string,
verbose = TRUE,
n_context_chrs = 20L) {
checkmate::assert_character(pattern, any.missing = FALSE)
if (!checkmate::test_named(pattern)) rlang::abort("All elements of `pattern` must be named (names are patterns, values are replacements).")
n_context_chrs <- checkmate::assert_count(n_context_chrs, coerce = TRUE)
# print replacement info for humans
if (verbose) {
# we have to process each pattern-replacement pair one-by-one because other than `stringr::str_replace_all()`, `stringr::str_locate_all()` doesn't support
# the pair-wise spec
string_changed <- string
msgs <- tibble::tibble(minus = character(),
plus = character(),
i_pattern = integer())
for (i in seq_along(pattern)) {
msgs <-
str_replace_verbose_single_info(string = string_changed,
pattern = pattern[i],
n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs) |>
dplyr::mutate(i_pattern = i) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(msgs, .)
string_changed %<>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = pattern[i])
msgs |>
# we need to reframe instead of summarize since there can be 0 rows in the result
dplyr::reframe(i_pattern = pal::safe_min(i_pattern),
n = dplyr::n(),
.by = c(minus, plus)) |>
# since reframing can change row order, we need to restore the original order
dplyr::arrange(i_pattern) |>
purrr::pwalk(\(minus, plus, i_pattern, n) {
# using string interpolation ensures `{` and `}` are escaped, cf. ?cli::`inline-markup`
cat(n, "\u00D7 ", minus, "\n",
sep = "")
cat(rep("\u00A0", times = nchar(n) + 2L), plus, "\n",
sep = "")
result <- string_changed
} else {
result <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = string,
pattern = pattern)
# return result
# helper to generate info for single replacement
str_replace_verbose_single_info <- function(string,
n_context_chrs) {
# define dark background colors that are easy on the eyes based on ANSI escape sequences
# (shouldn't be outsourced to package-constants since the number of supported terminal colors couldn't be auto-detected that way)
bg_red_dark <- cli::make_ansi_style("#330000",
bg = TRUE)
bg_green_dark <- cli::make_ansi_style("#003300",
bg = TRUE)
# escape newlines (in case replacement contains newlines)
replacement <- pal::escape_lf(as.character(pattern))
stringr::str_locate_all(string = string,
pattern = names(pattern)) |>
purrr::map2_dfr(.y = string,
.f = \(positions, string) {
positions %<>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::filter(start <= end)
purrr::map2_dfr(.x = positions$start,
.y = positions$end,
.f = \(start, end) {
# reduce to `string` excerpt of +/- `n_context_chrs`
## determine if we prune
prune_start <- (start - n_context_chrs) > 1L
prune_end <- (end + n_context_chrs) < nchar(string)
## extract excerpt
### begin (part before `pattern`)
excerpt_begin <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
start = ifelse(prune_start,
start - n_context_chrs,
end = start - 1L)
### the `pattern` as-is, i.e. without regex syntax
pattern_asis <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
start = start,
end = end)
### end (part after `pattern`)
excerpt_end <- stringr::str_sub(string = string,
start = end + 1L,
end = ifelse(prune_end,
end + n_context_chrs,
# replace excerpt start/end with ellipsis dots (pruned to whole words if appropriate)
if (prune_start) excerpt_begin %<>% paste0(unicode_ellipsis, .)
if (prune_end) excerpt_end %<>% paste0(unicode_ellipsis)
# escape newlines (in case pattern contains newlines)
excerpt_begin %<>% pal::escape_lf()
pattern_asis %<>% pal::escape_lf()
excerpt_end %<>% pal::escape_lf()
# assemble info msgs
tibble::tibble(minus = pal::as_str(cli::col_red("-"), " ", cli::bg_black(excerpt_begin),
cli::style_strikethrough(bg_red_dark(pattern_asis)), cli::bg_black(excerpt_end)),
plus = pal::as_str(cli::col_green("+"), " ", cli::bg_black(excerpt_begin), bg_green_dark(replacement),
#' Replace matched patterns in text files
#' Applies pattern-based string replacements to one or more files. Expects a series of regular-expression-replacement pairs that are applied one-by-one in the
#' given order. By default, all performed replacements are displayed on the console (`verbose = TRUE`) without actually changing any file content
#' (`run_dry = TRUE`).
#' Note that `process_line_by_line` requires the [line ending standard (EOL)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline) of the input files to be correctly set via
#' `eol`. It _always_ defaults to `"LF"` (Unix standard) since this is something which cannot be reliably detected without complex heuristics (and even then
#' not unambiguously in all edge cases). Simply deriving a default depending on the host OS (i.a. `"LF"` on Unix systems like Linux and macOS and `"CRLF"` on
#' Windows) seems like a really bad idea with regard to cross-system collaboration (files shared via Git etc.), thus it was refrained from.
#' The text files are assumed to be in [UTF-8 character encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8), other encodings are not supported.
#' @param path Paths to the text files. A character vector.
#' @param process_line_by_line Whether each line in a file should be treated as a separate string or the whole file as one single string. While the latter is
#' more performant, you probably want the former if you're using `"^"` or `"$"` in your `pattern`s.
#' @param eol `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("eol") |> stringr::str_replace(stringr::fixed("."), ". Only relevant if \x60process_line_by_line = TRUE\x60.")`
#' @param show_rel_path Whether or not to display file `path`s as relative from the current working directory. If `FALSE`, absolute paths are displayed. Only
#' relevant if `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @param run_dry Whether or not to show replacements on the console only, without actually modifying any files. Implies `verbose = TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams str_replace_verbose
#' @return `path` invisibly.
#' @family string
#' @export
str_replace_file <- function(path,
process_line_by_line = FALSE,
eol = c("LF", "CRLF", "CR", "LFCR"),
verbose = TRUE,
n_context_chrs = 20L,
show_rel_path = TRUE,
run_dry = TRUE) {
reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
access = "r")
eol %<>% pal::as_line_feed_chr()
if (run_dry && !verbose) {
rlang::abort("Setting `run_dry = TRUE` and `verbose = FALSE` at the same time is pointless.")
} else if (run_dry) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Running in dry mode. Set {.code run_dry = FALSE} to actually modify any files.")
purrr::walk(.x = path,
.f = \(path) {
# print file progress info
if (verbose) {
path_show <- ifelse(show_rel_path,
pal::cli_progress_step_quick("Processing file {.file {path_show}}{unicode_ellipsis}")
# perform replacement
input <- brio::read_file(path = path)
if (process_line_by_line) {
input %<>% stringr::str_split_1(pattern = eol)
output <- str_replace_verbose(string = input,
pattern = pattern,
verbose = verbose,
n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs)
if (!run_dry && !identical(input, output)) {
brio::write_file(text = paste0(output,
collapse = eol),
path = path)
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_done()
#' Apply regular-expression-based text normalization to strings
#' Applies a set of regular-expression-based text normalization rules to one or more strings. All performed replacements are displayed on the console by default
#' (`verbose = TRUE`).
#' @param rules A data frame of regular expression `pattern`s and `replacement`s. `pattern` can optionally be a list column condensing multiple patterns to the
#' same replacement rule. Patterns are interpreted as regular expressions as described in [stringi::stringi-search-regex()]. Replacements are interpreted
#' as-is, except that references of the form `\1`, `\2`, etc. will be replaced with the contents of the respective matched group (created in patterns using
#' `()`). Pattern-replacement pairs are processed in the order given, meaning that first listed pairs are applied before later listed ones.
#' @inheritParams str_replace_verbose
#' @inherit str_replace_file return
#' @family string
#' @seealso Regular expression rules: [`regex_text_normalization`] [`regex_file_normalization`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' "This kind of “text normalization” is e.g. useful to apply before feeding stuff to ‘Pandoc’" |>
#' yay::str_normalize()
str_normalize <- function(string,
rules = yay::regex_text_normalization,
n_context_chrs = 20L,
verbose = TRUE) {
rules |>
tidyr::unnest_longer(col = pattern) %$%
magrittr::set_names(x = replacement,
value = pattern) |>
str_replace_verbose(string = string,
n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs,
verbose = verbose)
#' Apply regular-expression-based text normalization to files
#' Applies a set of regular-expression-based text normalization rules to one or more files. By default, changes are shown on the console only, without actually
#' modifying any files. Set `run_dry = FALSE` to apply the changes.
#' @inheritParams str_normalize
#' @inheritParams str_replace_file
#' @inherit str_replace_file return
#' @family string
#' @seealso Regular expression rules: [`regex_text_normalization`] [`regex_file_normalization`]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use POSIX-related file normalization rule(s) included in this package
#' temp_file <- tempfile()
#' download.file(url = paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/72f0652b93f196d",
#' "64faab6b108cd02a197510a7b/inst/include/Rcpp/utils/tinyformat.h"),
#' destfile = temp_file,
#' quiet = TRUE,
#' mode = "wb")
#' yay::regex_file_normalization |>
#' dplyr::filter(category == "posix") |>
#' yay::str_normalize_file(path = temp_file)
str_normalize_file <- function(path,
rules = yay::regex_text_normalization,
run_dry = TRUE,
process_line_by_line = FALSE,
n_context_chrs = 20L,
verbose = TRUE) {
rules |>
tidyr::unnest_longer(col = pattern) %$%
magrittr::set_names(x = replacement,
value = pattern) |>
str_replace_file(path = path,
n_context_chrs = n_context_chrs,
process_line_by_line = process_line_by_line,
verbose = verbose,
run_dry = run_dry)
#' Write Zotero library to bibliography file
#' Writes a file of the chosen bibliography `format` to `path` with items belonging to a Zotero user or group library, optionally limited to a specific
#' collection. Also writes a text file with suffix `.version` alongside `path` which stores the [Zotero library
#' version number](https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/syncing) and allows for efficient caching.
#' If the Zotero library's content hasn't changed since the last export, nothing will be written to `path` and the performed API request will be significantly
#' faster. See section *Caching* in [zoterro::zotero_api()] for further details.
#' @inheritParams zoterro::write_bib
#' @param lib_id Zotero user or group library identifier. An object as returned by [zoterro::zotero_user_id()] or [zoterro::zotero_group_id()].
#' @param path Path to write the bibliography file to. A character scalar.
#' @param force Whether or not to enforce overwriting the bibliography file regardless of actual changes to the Zotero library since the last export.
#' @param show_progress `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("show_progress")`
#' @return `path`, invisibly.
#' @family zotero
#' @export
zotero_write_bib <- function(lib_id,
collection_key = NULL,
incl_children = FALSE,
format = "csljson",
force = FALSE,
show_progress = TRUE) {
reason_pkg_required_fn <- pal::reason_pkg_required()
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
reason = reason_pkg_required_fn)
if (show_progress) {
pal::cli_progress_step_quick(msg = paste0("Updating bibliography file with ",
" items from the Zotero ",
"collection {.val {collection_key}} in the "),
"library with ID {.val {lib_id}}"))
bib_version_last <- NULL
path_bib_version <- fs::path_ext_set(path,
ext = "version")
if (!force && fs::file_exists(path_bib_version)) {
bib_version_last <-
path_bib_version |>
brio::read_file() |>
stringr::str_trim() |>
bib_version_current <-
zoterro::write_bib(collection_key = collection_key,
incl_children = incl_children,
path = path,
format = format,
modified_since = bib_version_last,
user = lib_id) |>
attr(which = "version")
if (force || length(bib_version_current)) {
brio::write_lines(text = bib_version_current,
path = path_bib_version)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.