knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
                      collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>")


The code of Magellan has two main objectives:

It facilitates the work for writing process modules but has some contraints such as the naming conventions which are important. To allow writing less 'dev' code, the core of Magellan is mostly based on function names which are dynamically built from the module processes. So, respect the naming conventions is fundamental.

The package Magellan is a generic package that offers a graphical workflow manager, based on Shiny modules. It is very generic and can handle different types of objects but they must be of type list (see \ref{objecttypes}).

Magellan is intimely linked to the data analysis modules and vice-versa. So as to facilitate both the development of a new module and the maintenance, we have volontarly want to have a quite constraint code and Module template. It guarantees xxx

General principle of work

Magellan est en fait un module Shiny qui fait l'interface entre l'application finale et le code des processus de traitements de données. Il ne peut être lancé seul. Pour pouvoir l'utiliser, il est nécessaire d'avoir des modules (au sens Shiny) contenant les traitements de données et c'est Magellan qui va travailler avec ce module (il met en forme les interfaces à présenter à l'utilisateur)

Ces modules peuvent être écrits dans un script R ou faire partie d'un package. L'important est que les fonctions ui() et server() de ces modules fassent partie du même environnement que le package Magellan

Le package Magellan gère principalement deux aspects :

Ces différents aspects sont décrits dans le document utilisateur.

Global architecture (How Magellan works)

Magellan cannot be run alone, it is always run with a package which contains the information about the steps to manage.

knitr::include_graphics("./figs/globalArch.png", error = FALSE)

The final shiny app is showed by Magellan, it is its functions that are called in the shiny app. Inside Magellan, three main operations are run:

Companion package

Nous décrivons ici quelques aspects fondamentaux des fonctions ui() et server() pour les modules de traitements de données qui seront gérés par Magellan.

Structure of a Magellan-compliant module process

Comme tout module Shiny, il doit comporter deux fonctions : ui() et server()

Ces fonctions doivent avoir des noms construits de la manière suivante : 4 chaînes de caractères séparées par un '_':

Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, il s'agit d'un module nommé 'Process1' et faisant partie d'un pipeline appelé 'PipelineA'.

Si le module n'a pas de process parent, alors

mod_process_PipelineA_Process1_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)

mod_process_PipeA_Proc1_server <- function(id,
                                   nav.mode = 'process',
                                   dataIn = reactive({NULL}),
                                   steps.enabled = reactive({NULL}),
                                   remoteReset = reactive({FALSE}),
                                   current.pos = reactive({1})

  # This list contains the basic configuration of the process
  config <- list(
    name = NULL,
    parent = NULL,
    steps = NULL,
    mandatory = NULL

  # Define default selected values for widgets
  # This is only for simple workflows
  widgets.default.values <- list(
    # Add your own code

  ###                                                             ###
  ### ------------------- MODULE SERVER --------------------------###
  ###                                                             ###
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    # Insert necessary code which is hosted by Magellan
        widgets = names(widgets.default.values),
        steps = config$steps )

    # Add your UI stuff below

    # Insert necessary code which is hosted by Magellan
    eval(parse(text = Module_Return_Func()))

Structure of a Magellan-compliant module pipeline

Conventions de nommage

ceci est un poitn très important pour le bon fonctionnement des deux packages. En effet, comme il a été précisé xxx, Magellan est un workflow manager générique qui gère des modules dont on lui envoie la configuration. Afin de respecter cette généricité, Magellan construit dynamiquement un certain nombre de fonctions et de variables à partir de la configuration des process et pipelines

Type of objects

it is suitable for objects of type list for which the fundamental requirments are:

However, two functions cannot be really generic: xxx and xxx(). They are very simple (essentially they are wrappers for existing functions) but necessary. These functions are defined as abstract in Magellan. For the examples, Magellan implements those functions for the simple class list. The dev who want to write its own process module have to write the code of these two functions for the class of its object.

The 'inst/scripts' directory

The 'R' directory contains source code files. The files prefixed by 'mod_' contain a shiny module.

Among those files

The 'inst/scripts' directory contain the following files:

The directory 'module_examples' contain xxx

Launch a workflow

As Magellan is a Shiny app, to launch the app, a few lines of code are necessary. Here, are th minimum code to launch a worklfow called Proc1 which belongs to a composed workflow called 'PipeA'.

Here is explained a minimal shiny app (code in '/inst/scripts/min_simple_workflow_app_example.R'). Here are the comments

Launch the packages


f <- system.file("module_examples", 
source(file(f), local=TRUE)$value

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output){
  data(feat1, package='Magellan')
  rv <- reactiveValues(
    dataIn = feat1,
    dataOut = NULL

    rv$dataOut <- mod_navigation_server(id = 'PipelineA_Process1',
                                        nav.mode = 'process',
                                        dataIn = reactive({rv$dataIn})
    }, priority=1000)

shinyApp(ui, server)

As we can see, launching a shiny app which shows a process module pass by Magellan which acts as a bridge package: the ui() and server() functions of the app only call Magellan functions.

There is here a first example of the imortance of names convention. If we focus on the id of these functions, one can see that it is composed of two concatenated strings : the name of the parent and the name of the process. This id is splitted and xxxx. This string is precisely the name of the procs module source code file in the external package (but prefixed by 'mod_')

A generic script example is here: '/inst/scripts/min_simple_workflow_app.R'

Naming conventions for modules

As Magellan heavily uses dynamically built function names (to be generic), the naming of scripts and variables is fundamental.

A module is well-defined by its config variable which contains its name and the name of the parent workflow to which it belongs to. In this document, 'mod_name' will refer to the name of the module (i.e. Process1 as in example) and 'parent_name' to the name of its parent (i.e. PipelineA as in example).

For more details on how to name files and variables in the process modules, please read the manual 'xxx'


This package must have xxx. Two other articles are available that explain how to write a module for simple and composed workflows.

Specific functions to write

Whether the class of the object, it may be necessary to write the code for two functions that cannot be generic

Those functions must be part of the external package to avoid too many dependancies for the package Magellan.

The developer of shiny modules that will use Magellan can find in an exmaple of those functions that are implemented for the type list and for examples purpose.

Simple workflow

This vignette explains how to create a new process in the Magellan framework. A process is a set of data processes applied to a dataset (ie an object of class QFeatures).

We hope that the source code is well documented but we think it is a good idea to start with this article. Normally, there is no need to go deep in the source code to write your own process.

The code of a module for Magellan is structured so as to have very few functions to write and develop your own module.

Examples of processes are in the inst/scripts directory. This tutorial aims to explain step-by-step the construction of the process

As a process in Magellan is a shiny module, it comes with two functions ui() and server().

Nomenclature of ui and server functions

The name of these functions is very important because Magellan call those functions by building their name dynamically. C'est pour cela qu'il est primordial de respecter la nomenclature.

Chacune des deux fonctions contient quatre mots-clés séparés par '_':

Par example, la fonction mod_PipelineA_Process4_server() est le nom du serveur pour le process 4 du pipeline A.

Timeline styles

The timelines are coded as modules. They are not exported as only mod_navigation_server use them. However, it may be interesting to the developer to know a little about them if he want to customize or develop another timeline.

The look & feel if managed by the ui() function while the logics is managed by the module server() function. This server ensures that the different states (enabled/disabled, color and style, display of the cursor for the active step) of each item in the timeline works well

Despite that hose information are documented in the reference manual of Magellan but it allows to better understand here how it works.

The server() function is based on the same fundamental code:

mod_timeline_v_server <- function(id, 
                               enabled) {

  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    UpdateTags <- reactive({...})
    output$show_v_TL <- renderUI({...})

The parameters of the server are the same for both vertical and horizontal timelines:

The reactive function UpdateTags() updates a vector containing the tags inserted in the css-style

samWieczorek/Magellan documentation built on March 30, 2022, 3:40 a.m.