#' Get all COPPAConsent fields.
#' This function returns all fields for a COPPAConsent.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for COPPAConsent. These are "searchFields" for other requests.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getCOPPAConsentFields <- function(EntityID = 1){
getFieldsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", EntityID)
#' Get all COPPAConsents.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all COPPAConsents in the database.
#' @param COPPAConsentFields Fields to return for the COPPAConsents. Defaults to 'all'. \cr Run \code{\link{getCOPPAConsentFields}} for a list of potential fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All COPPAConsents in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllCOPPAConsents <- function(COPPAConsentFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getAllDataObjectsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", COPPAConsentFields, EntityID)
#' Get a specific COPPAConsent
#' This function returns fields for a COPPAConsent.
#' @param COPPAConsentID The id of the COPPAConsent.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllCOPPAConsents}} for a list of COPPAConsents.
#' @param COPPAConsentFields The fields of the COPPAConsent to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getCOPPAConsentFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details for the COPPAConsent.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getCOPPAConsent <- function(COPPAConsentID, COPPAConsentFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", COPPAConsentID, COPPAConsentFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific COPPAConsent
#' This function modifies fields for a COPPAConsent.
#' @param COPPAConsentID The id of the COPPAConsent to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllCOPPAConsents}} for a list of COPPAConsents.
#' @param COPPAConsentFields The fields of the modified COPPAConsent to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getCOPPAConsentFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details of the modified COPPAConsent.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyCOPPAConsent <- function(COPPAConsentID, EntityID = 1){
COPPAConsentFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
COPPAConsentFields <- COPPAConsentFields[unlist(lapply(COPPAConsentFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
modifyDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", COPPAConsentID, names(COPPAConsentFields), as.character(COPPAConsentFields), EntityID)
#' Create new COPPAConsent.
#' This function creates a new COPPAConsent.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for the newly created COPPAConsent.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createCOPPAConsent <- function(EntityID = 1){
COPPAConsentFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
COPPAConsentFields <- COPPAConsentFields[unlist(lapply(COPPAConsentFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
createDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", names(COPPAConsentFields), as.character(COPPAConsentFields), EntityID)
#' Delete a specific COPPAConsent
#' This function deletes a COPPAConsent.
#' @param COPPAConsentID The id of the COPPAConsent.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllCOPPAConsents}} for a list of COPPAConsents.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return The id of the deleted COPPAConsent.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteCOPPAConsent <- function(COPPAConsentID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "COPPAConsent", COPPAConsentID, EntityID)
#' Get all HealthConditionResponses fields.
#' This function returns all fields for a HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for HealthConditionResponses. These are "searchFields" for other requests.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getHealthConditionResponsesFields <- function(EntityID = 1){
getFieldsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", EntityID)
#' Get all HealthConditionResponseses.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all HealthConditionResponseses in the database.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesFields Fields to return for the HealthConditionResponseses. Defaults to 'all'. \cr Run \code{\link{getHealthConditionResponsesFields}} for a list of potential fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All HealthConditionResponseses in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllHealthConditionResponseses <- function(HealthConditionResponsesFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getAllDataObjectsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", HealthConditionResponsesFields, EntityID)
#' Get a specific HealthConditionResponses
#' This function returns fields for a HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesID The id of the HealthConditionResponses.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllHealthConditionResponseses}} for a list of HealthConditionResponseses.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesFields The fields of the HealthConditionResponses to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getHealthConditionResponsesFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details for the HealthConditionResponses.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getHealthConditionResponses <- function(HealthConditionResponsesID, HealthConditionResponsesFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", HealthConditionResponsesID, HealthConditionResponsesFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific HealthConditionResponses
#' This function modifies fields for a HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesID The id of the HealthConditionResponses to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllHealthConditionResponseses}} for a list of HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesFields The fields of the modified HealthConditionResponses to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getHealthConditionResponsesFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details of the modified HealthConditionResponses.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyHealthConditionResponses <- function(HealthConditionResponsesID, ActivityRestrictionsID = NULL, ADHDADDID = NULL, AllergicTo = NULL, AsthmaID = NULL, AsthmaMDID = NULL, BladderBowelProblemsID = NULL, BladderProblemandTreatment = NULL, DailyMedicationsID = NULL, DateofLastSeizure = NULL, DateofOccurrence = NULL, DescribeProblemandTreatment = NULL, DiabetesID = NULL, DiabetesNotesandInstructions = NULL, EpiPenNeededatSchoolID = NULL, GlassesNecessaryID = NULL, HearingAidsNecessaryID = NULL, HeartProblemandTreatment = NULL, HeartProblemsID = NULL, InhaleratSchoolID = NULL, InhalerforSportsID = NULL, LearningHealthConcernsandTreatment = NULL, LearningHealthConcernsID = NULL, Medication1Dose = NULL, Medication1Name = NULL, Medication1Purpose = NULL, Medication1Time = NULL, Medication2Dose = NULL, Medication2Name = NULL, Medication2Purpose = NULL, Medication2Time = NULL, Medication3Dose = NULL, Medication3Name = NULL, Medication3Purpose = NULL, Medication3Time = NULL, Medication4Dose = NULL, Medication4Name = NULL, Medication4Purpose = NULL, Medication4Time = NULL, MedicationandDosage = NULL, MedicationatHomeID = NULL, MedicationatSchoolID = NULL, NubulizeratSchool = NULL, OtherHealthProblemsID = NULL, OtherHeathProblemsandTreatments = NULL, OtherTreatments = NULL, RecentSignificantHealthCondition = NULL, RecentSignificantHealthProblemsID = NULL, Restrictions = NULL, SeizureProblemandTreatment = NULL, SeizuresID = NULL, SevereLifeThreateningAllergicReactionID = NULL, StudentID = NULL, VisionorHearingProblemorAccomodation = NULL, VisionorHearingProblemsID = NULL, EntityID = 1){
HealthConditionResponsesFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
HealthConditionResponsesFields <- HealthConditionResponsesFields[unlist(lapply(HealthConditionResponsesFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
modifyDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", HealthConditionResponsesID, names(HealthConditionResponsesFields), as.character(HealthConditionResponsesFields), EntityID)
#' Create new HealthConditionResponses.
#' This function creates a new HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param ActivityRestrictionsID The ActivityRestrictionsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param ADHDADDID The ADHDADDID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param AllergicTo The AllergicTo value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param AsthmaID The AsthmaID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param AsthmaMDID The AsthmaMDID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param BladderBowelProblemsID The BladderBowelProblemsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param BladderProblemandTreatment The BladderProblemandTreatment value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DailyMedicationsID The DailyMedicationsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DateofLastSeizure The DateofLastSeizure value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DateofOccurrence The DateofOccurrence value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DescribeProblemandTreatment The DescribeProblemandTreatment value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DiabetesID The DiabetesID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param DiabetesNotesandInstructions The DiabetesNotesandInstructions value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param EpiPenNeededatSchoolID The EpiPenNeededatSchoolID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param GlassesNecessaryID The GlassesNecessaryID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param HearingAidsNecessaryID The HearingAidsNecessaryID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param HeartProblemandTreatment The HeartProblemandTreatment value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param HeartProblemsID The HeartProblemsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param InhaleratSchoolID The InhaleratSchoolID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param InhalerforSportsID The InhalerforSportsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param LearningHealthConcernsandTreatment The LearningHealthConcernsandTreatment value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param LearningHealthConcernsID The LearningHealthConcernsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication1Dose The Medication1Dose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication1Name The Medication1Name value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication1Purpose The Medication1Purpose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication1Time The Medication1Time value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication2Dose The Medication2Dose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication2Name The Medication2Name value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication2Purpose The Medication2Purpose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication2Time The Medication2Time value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication3Dose The Medication3Dose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication3Name The Medication3Name value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication3Purpose The Medication3Purpose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication3Time The Medication3Time value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication4Dose The Medication4Dose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication4Name The Medication4Name value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication4Purpose The Medication4Purpose value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Medication4Time The Medication4Time value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param MedicationandDosage The MedicationandDosage value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param MedicationatHomeID The MedicationatHomeID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param MedicationatSchoolID The MedicationatSchoolID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param NubulizeratSchool The NubulizeratSchool value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param OtherHealthProblemsID The OtherHealthProblemsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param OtherHeathProblemsandTreatments The OtherHeathProblemsandTreatments value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param OtherTreatments The OtherTreatments value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param RecentSignificantHealthCondition The RecentSignificantHealthCondition value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param RecentSignificantHealthProblemsID The RecentSignificantHealthProblemsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Restrictions The Restrictions value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param SeizureProblemandTreatment The SeizureProblemandTreatment value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param SeizuresID The SeizuresID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param SevereLifeThreateningAllergicReactionID The SevereLifeThreateningAllergicReactionID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param StudentID The StudentID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param VisionorHearingProblemorAccomodation The VisionorHearingProblemorAccomodation value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param VisionorHearingProblemsID The VisionorHearingProblemsID value for the newly created HealthConditionResponses. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for the newly created HealthConditionResponses.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createHealthConditionResponses <- function(ActivityRestrictionsID = NULL, ADHDADDID = NULL, AllergicTo = NULL, AsthmaID = NULL, AsthmaMDID = NULL, BladderBowelProblemsID = NULL, BladderProblemandTreatment = NULL, DailyMedicationsID = NULL, DateofLastSeizure = NULL, DateofOccurrence = NULL, DescribeProblemandTreatment = NULL, DiabetesID = NULL, DiabetesNotesandInstructions = NULL, EpiPenNeededatSchoolID = NULL, GlassesNecessaryID = NULL, HearingAidsNecessaryID = NULL, HeartProblemandTreatment = NULL, HeartProblemsID = NULL, InhaleratSchoolID = NULL, InhalerforSportsID = NULL, LearningHealthConcernsandTreatment = NULL, LearningHealthConcernsID = NULL, Medication1Dose = NULL, Medication1Name = NULL, Medication1Purpose = NULL, Medication1Time = NULL, Medication2Dose = NULL, Medication2Name = NULL, Medication2Purpose = NULL, Medication2Time = NULL, Medication3Dose = NULL, Medication3Name = NULL, Medication3Purpose = NULL, Medication3Time = NULL, Medication4Dose = NULL, Medication4Name = NULL, Medication4Purpose = NULL, Medication4Time = NULL, MedicationandDosage = NULL, MedicationatHomeID = NULL, MedicationatSchoolID = NULL, NubulizeratSchool = NULL, OtherHealthProblemsID = NULL, OtherHeathProblemsandTreatments = NULL, OtherTreatments = NULL, RecentSignificantHealthCondition = NULL, RecentSignificantHealthProblemsID = NULL, Restrictions = NULL, SeizureProblemandTreatment = NULL, SeizuresID = NULL, SevereLifeThreateningAllergicReactionID = NULL, StudentID = NULL, VisionorHearingProblemorAccomodation = NULL, VisionorHearingProblemsID = NULL, EntityID = 1){
HealthConditionResponsesFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
HealthConditionResponsesFields <- HealthConditionResponsesFields[unlist(lapply(HealthConditionResponsesFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
createDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", names(HealthConditionResponsesFields), as.character(HealthConditionResponsesFields), EntityID)
#' Delete a specific HealthConditionResponses
#' This function deletes a HealthConditionResponses.
#' @param HealthConditionResponsesID The id of the HealthConditionResponses.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllHealthConditionResponseses}} for a list of HealthConditionResponseses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return The id of the deleted HealthConditionResponses.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteHealthConditionResponses <- function(HealthConditionResponsesID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "HealthConditionResponses", HealthConditionResponsesID, EntityID)
#' Get all OTCMedication fields.
#' This function returns all fields for an OTCMedication.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for OTCMedication. These are "searchFields" for other requests.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getOTCMedicationFields <- function(EntityID = 1){
getFieldsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", EntityID)
#' Get all OTCMedications.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all OTCMedications in the database.
#' @param OTCMedicationFields Fields to return for the OTCMedications. Defaults to 'all'. \cr Run \code{\link{getOTCMedicationFields}} for a list of potential fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All OTCMedications in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllOTCMedications <- function(OTCMedicationFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getAllDataObjectsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", OTCMedicationFields, EntityID)
#' Get a specific OTCMedication
#' This function returns fields for an OTCMedication.
#' @param OTCMedicationID The id of the OTCMedication.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOTCMedications}} for a list of OTCMedications.
#' @param OTCMedicationFields The fields of the OTCMedication to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getOTCMedicationFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details for the OTCMedication.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getOTCMedication <- function(OTCMedicationID, OTCMedicationFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", OTCMedicationID, OTCMedicationFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific OTCMedication
#' This function modifies fields for an OTCMedication.
#' @param OTCMedicationID The id of the OTCMedication to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOTCMedications}} for a list of OTCMedications.
#' @param OTCMedicationFields The fields of the modified OTCMedication to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getOTCMedicationFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details of the modified OTCMedication.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyOTCMedication <- function(OTCMedicationID, AntiItchCremeID = NULL, CoughDropsID = NULL, IpubrofenorAdvilID = NULL, SelfCarryIbuprofenID = NULL, StudentID = NULL, EntityID = 1){
OTCMedicationFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
OTCMedicationFields <- OTCMedicationFields[unlist(lapply(OTCMedicationFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
modifyDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", OTCMedicationID, names(OTCMedicationFields), as.character(OTCMedicationFields), EntityID)
#' Create new OTCMedication.
#' This function creates a new OTCMedication.
#' @param AntiItchCremeID The AntiItchCremeID value for the newly created OTCMedication. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param CoughDropsID The CoughDropsID value for the newly created OTCMedication. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param IpubrofenorAdvilID The IpubrofenorAdvilID value for the newly created OTCMedication. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param SelfCarryIbuprofenID The SelfCarryIbuprofenID value for the newly created OTCMedication. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param StudentID The StudentID value for the newly created OTCMedication. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for the newly created OTCMedication.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createOTCMedication <- function(AntiItchCremeID = NULL, CoughDropsID = NULL, IpubrofenorAdvilID = NULL, SelfCarryIbuprofenID = NULL, StudentID = NULL, EntityID = 1){
OTCMedicationFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
OTCMedicationFields <- OTCMedicationFields[unlist(lapply(OTCMedicationFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
createDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", names(OTCMedicationFields), as.character(OTCMedicationFields), EntityID)
#' Delete a specific OTCMedication
#' This function deletes an OTCMedication.
#' @param OTCMedicationID The id of the OTCMedication.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOTCMedications}} for a list of OTCMedications.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return The id of the deleted OTCMedication.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteOTCMedication <- function(OTCMedicationID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "OTCMedication", OTCMedicationID, EntityID)
#' Get all ResponseTable fields.
#' This function returns all fields for a ResponseTable.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for ResponseTable. These are "searchFields" for other requests.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getResponseTableFields <- function(EntityID = 1){
getFieldsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", EntityID)
#' Get all ResponseTables.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ResponseTables in the database.
#' @param ResponseTableFields Fields to return for the ResponseTables. Defaults to 'all'. \cr Run \code{\link{getResponseTableFields}} for a list of potential fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All ResponseTables in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllResponseTables <- function(ResponseTableFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getAllDataObjectsForObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", ResponseTableFields, EntityID)
#' Get a specific ResponseTable
#' This function returns fields for a ResponseTable.
#' @param ResponseTableID The id of the ResponseTable.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllResponseTables}} for a list of ResponseTables.
#' @param ResponseTableFields The fields of the ResponseTable to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getResponseTableFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details for the ResponseTable.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getResponseTable <- function(ResponseTableID, ResponseTableFields = "all", EntityID = 1){
getDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", ResponseTableID, ResponseTableFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ResponseTable
#' This function modifies fields for a ResponseTable.
#' @param ResponseTableID The id of the ResponseTable to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllResponseTables}} for a list of ResponseTables.
#' @param ResponseTableFields The fields of the modified ResponseTable to return.\cr Run \code{\link{getResponseTableFields}} for a list of fields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return Details of the modified ResponseTable.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyResponseTable <- function(ResponseTableID, Code = NULL, Description = NULL, EntityID = 1){
ResponseTableFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
ResponseTableFields <- ResponseTableFields[unlist(lapply(ResponseTableFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
modifyDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", ResponseTableID, names(ResponseTableFields), as.character(ResponseTableFields), EntityID)
#' Create new ResponseTable.
#' This function creates a new ResponseTable.
#' @param Code The Code value for the newly created ResponseTable. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param Description The Description value for the newly created ResponseTable. Leave NULL to not set.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return All fields for the newly created ResponseTable.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createResponseTable <- function(Code = NULL, Description = NULL, EntityID = 1){
ResponseTableFields <- as.list(environment())[-length(as.list(environment()))]
ResponseTableFields <- ResponseTableFields[unlist(lapply(ResponseTableFields, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
createDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", names(ResponseTableFields), as.character(ResponseTableFields), EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ResponseTable
#' This function deletes a ResponseTable.
#' @param ResponseTableID The id of the ResponseTable.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllResponseTables}} for a list of ResponseTables.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept MinnehahaCustomization
#' @return The id of the deleted ResponseTable.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteResponseTable <- function(ResponseTableID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("MinnehahaCustomization", "ResponseTable", ResponseTableID, EntityID)
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