Man pages for saramortara/rocc
Workflows for biodiversity data download and cleaning

bind_dwcFormatting and binding databases using DarwinCore fields
check_floraFunction to check species scientific name in Brazilian Flora...
check_stringCheck in the scientific name string
getGADMFunction to download GADM data for a country at a specific...
getGAZFunction to download DIVA-GIS gazetteer data for a country
getWDPAFunction to download WDPA data for a country
rgbif2Gets occurrence data from GBIF
rjabotGets occurrence data from jabot
RoccRocc: Workflows for Downloading Occurrence Data from...
rspeciesLinkGets occurrence data from speciesLink
search_floraSearches in the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora 2020...
set_infraspeciesAdds infraspecies identification if missing
suggest_floraFunction suggest a valid species name for Brazilian plants
update_floraDownloads, updates and formats the data from the ipt server...
saramortara/rocc documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:41 p.m.