Man pages for saskiaotto/INDperform
Evaluation of Indicator Performances for Assessing Ecosystem States

all_results_exOutput tibble after applying all IND~pressure modeling...
approx_derivAlternative method for confidence interval approximations of...
calc_derivCalculate the derivatives of the IND response functions and...
calc_nrmseCalculates the Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) for...
calc_predCalculate predicted values and their confidence intervals for...
check_ind_pressCheck class and variable names and types of ind and press...
check_input_tblCheck class, existing variables and data types of input...
check_input_vecCheck class and data type of input vector
clust_scScore-based cluster analysis
compare_thresholdsCompare changes in t_var based on different threshold levels.
cond_bootConditional bootstraps
cooks_dist_gammCalculates the Cook's distance for Generalized Additive Mixed...
crit_scores_tmplTemplate of (sub-)criteria and corresponding scoring...
dist_scScore-based distance matrix
dist_sc_groupDistance matrix averaged across group scores
expect_respScore adjustments for sub-criterion 10.1
find_idExtracts the IND~pressure IDs in the tibble.
get_signif_codeCreate a code indicating the significance of values given by...
get_sum_outputExtract specific outputs from the GAM(M) summary
ind_exFood web indicators of the Central Baltic Sea (Bornholm...
ind_initInitialization of indicator-pressure models
ind_init_exOutput tibble from the 'ind_init' function
INDperform-packageINDperform: Performance validation of ecological state...
is_valueReturns a logical vector whether input
loocv_thresh_gamLeave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) procedure for...
merge_modelsMerging two model output tibbles.
merge_models_exOutput tibble from the 'merge_models' function
model_gamModeling of indicator responses to single pressures with GAMs
model_gam_exModel output tibble from the 'model_gam' function
model_gammModeling of indicator responses to single pressures with...
model_gamm_exModel output tibble from the 'model_gamm' function
model_trendModeling of indicator trends
model_trend_exModel output tibble from the 'model_trend' function
nrmseNormalized Root Mean Square Error
pipePipe operator
place_textPlace annotations to a specified position
plot_clust_scDendrogram of the cluster analysis.
plot_diagnosticsDiagnostic plots for a fitted GAM, GAMM or threshold-GAM(M)
plot_modelVisualization of all IND~pressure-model results relevant for...
plot_outlineHelper functions for plot_model
plot_spieHelper function for plot_spiechart
plot_spiechartCreate score-based spie chart
plot_statespace_chConvex hull plot
plot_statespace_edTime series plot of Euclidean distance
plot_threshHelper functions for plot_model
plot_trendCreate indicator trend plot
press_exEnvironmental variables representing pressures for pelagic...
press_type_exPressure variables and their associated pressure types from...
scoringScoring of indicator performance
select_interactionCreate tibble of all potential pressure combinations to test...
select_modelSelect the best correlation structure in the GAMM
sort_output_tblRearrange columns in output tibble from IND~pressure modeling...
statespace_chConvex hull in 2-dimensional space
statespace_edEuclidean distance in state space
summary_scSummary of indicator performance scores
test_interactionTest for interactions between 2 pressure variables
test_tacCompute (partial) autocorrelation functions and test for...
thresh_gamFits a GAM with a threshold-formulation
saskiaotto/INDperform documentation built on Oct. 27, 2021, 10:33 p.m.