
Defines functions chain_sim_susc

Documented in chain_sim_susc

#' Simulate a single chain using a branching process while accounting
#' for depletion of susceptibles.
#' @param offspring offspring distribution: a character string corresponding to
#'   the R distribution function. Currently only "pois" & "nbinom" are
#'   supported. Internally truncated distributions are used to avoid infecting
#'   more people than susceptibles available.
#' @param mn_offspring the average number of secondary cases for each case
#' @param disp_offspring the dispersion coefficient (var/mean) of the number of
#'      secondary cases. Ignored if offspring == "pois". Must be > 1.
#' @param serial the serial interval. A function that takes one parameter
#'     (`n`), the number of serial intervals to randomly sample.
#'     Value must be >= 0.
#' @param t0 start time
#' @param tf end time
#' @param pop the population
#' @param initial_immune the number of initial immunes in the population
#' @return a data frame with columns `time`, `id` (a unique ID for each
#'     individual element of the chain), `ancestor` (the ID of the ancestor
#'      of each element), and `generation`.
#' @details This function has a couple of key differences with chain_sim:
#'     it can only simulate one chain at a time,
#'     it can only handle implemented offspring distributions
#'         ("pois" and "nbinom"),
#'     it always tracks and returns a data frame containing the entire tree,
#'     the maximal length of chains is limited with pop instead of infinite.
#' @author Flavio Finger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chain_sim_susc("pois", mn_offspring = 0.5, serial = function(x) 3, pop = 100)
chain_sim_susc <- function(offspring = c("pois", "nbinom"),
                           t0 = 0,
                           tf = Inf,
                           initial_immune = 0) {
  offspring <- match.arg(offspring)

  if (offspring == "pois") {
    if (!missing(disp_offspring)) {
      warning(sprintf("%s %s",
                     "Argument 'disp_offspring' not used for",
                    "poisson offspring distribution."

    ## using a right truncated poisson distribution
    ## to avoid more cases than susceptibles
    offspring_fun <- function(n, susc) {
        spec = "pois",
        lambda = mn_offspring * susc / pop,
        b = susc
  } else if (offspring == "nbinom") {
  if (missing(disp_offspring)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s", "Argument 'disp_offspring' was not specified."))
  } else if (disp_offspring <= 1) { ## dispersion index
    stop(sprintf("%s %s %s",
      "Offspring distribution 'nbinom' requires",
      "argument 'disp_offspring' > 1.",
      "Use 'pois' if there is no overdispersion."
    offspring_fun <- function(n, susc) {
      ## get distribution params from mean and dispersion
      ## see ?rnbinom for parameter definition
      new_mn <- mn_offspring * susc / pop ## apply susceptibility
      size <- new_mn / (disp_offspring - 1)

      ## using a right truncated nbinom distribution
      ## to avoid more cases than susceptibles
        spec = "nbinom",
        b = susc,
        mu = new_mn,
        size = size

  ## initializations
  tdf <- data.frame(
    id = 1L,
    ancestor = NA_integer_,
    generation = 1L,
    time = t0,
    offspring_generated = FALSE

  susc <- pop - initial_immune - 1L
  t <- t0

  ## continue if any unsimulated has t <= tf
  ## AND there is still susceptibles left
  while (
    any(tdf$time[!tdf$offspring_generated] <= tf) &&
      susc > 0
  ) {

    ## select from which case to generate offspring
    t <- min(tdf$time[!tdf$offspring_generated]) # lowest unsimulated t

    ## index of the first in df with t, extract vars
    idx <- which(tdf$time == t & !tdf$offspring_generated)[1]
    id_parent <- tdf$id[idx]
    t_parent <- tdf$time[idx]
    gen_parent <- tdf$generation[idx]

    ## generate it
    current_max_id <- max(tdf$id)
    n_offspring <- offspring_fun(1, susc)

    if (n_offspring %% 1 > 0) {
      stop("Offspring distribution must return integers")

    ## mark as done
    tdf$offspring_generated[idx] <- TRUE

    ## add to df
    if (n_offspring > 0) {
      ## draw times
      new_times <- serial(n_offspring)

      if (any(new_times < 0)) {
        stop("Serial interval must be >= 0.")

      new_df <- data.frame(
        id = current_max_id + seq_len(n_offspring),
        time = new_times + t_parent,
        ancestor = id_parent,
        generation = gen_parent + 1L,
        offspring_generated = FALSE

      ## add new cases to tdf
      tdf <- rbind(tdf, new_df)

    ## adjust susceptibles
    susc <- susc - n_offspring

  ## remove cases with time > tf that could
  ## have been generated in the last generation
  tdf <- tdf[tdf$time <= tf, ]

  ## sort output and remove columns not needed
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$time, tdf$id), ]
  tdf$offspring_generated <- NULL

sbfnk/bpmodels documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 5:16 a.m.