
Defines functions print.optimbase

Documented in print.optimbase

# Copyright (C) 2010-$year$ - Sebastien Bihorel
# This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
# This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of x distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt

print.optimbase <- function(x,verbose=FALSE,...){
  cat('\nOptimbase Object Definition:\n')
      'iterations','status')] <- NULL
  if (verbose) {
    x$historyfopt <- NULL
    x$historyxopt <- NULL
    cat(sprintf('- Optimization Method Based on Derivatives: %s\n',x$withderivatives))
    cat(sprintf('- Verbose logging: %s\n',x$verbose))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Method on function value: %s\n',x$tolfunmethod))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Absolute Tolerance on function value: %e\n',x$tolfunabsolute))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Relative Tolerance on function value: %e\n',x$tolfunrelative))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Method on x: %s\n',x$tolxmethod))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Absolute Tolerance on x: %e\n',x$tolxabsolute))
    cat(sprintf('- Termination Relative Tolerance on x: %e\n',x$tolxrelative))
    cat(sprintf('- Verbose Termination: %s\n',x$verbosetermination))
    cat(sprintf('- Verbose Log File: %s\n',x$logfile))
    cat(sprintf('- Verbose Log File Startup Up: %s\n',x$logstartup))
    cat(sprintf('- Store History: %s\n',x$storehistory))
    cat('- Output Command Function:\n')
    cat('- Output Command Function Argument(s):\n')
  } else {

sbihorel/optimbase documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 1:34 a.m.