mtDNAtermsPlants: Mitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Plants

mtDNAtermsPlantsR Documentation

Mitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Plants


A data frame containing search terms for plant mitochondrial loci. Can be subset for loci of interest. Columns are as follows and users should follow the column format if they wish to add search terms using the MergeSearchTerms function:




A data frame of of 248 rows and 3 columns

  • Locus: Locus name, FASTA files will be written with this name

  • Type: Type of subsequence, either CDS,tRNA,rRNA,misc_RNA, or D-loop

  • Name:Name of synonym for a locus to search for

See Also


sborstein/AnnotationBustR documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:25 p.m.