
An R language wrapper for the INTRINO market data Api.

You will need an account and api keys, signup for a free starter account.


To install as a dependancy into your project at the R REPL command prompt


then in your .env or .Renviron file add the following keys

INTRINO_PRODUCTION_KEY  = "your production key here"
INTRINO_SANDBOX_KEY = " your sandbox key here"

# use production and snadbox keys from your intrino account
# make sure the .env file is in your .gitignore file
# do not hard code the keys into your application code
# do not upload the keys to github.
# you can easily change the keys at if they become compromised

Api documentation documentation.

Usage Example

# useProduction()

res <- getSecurityStockPrices("AAPL", opts = list(start_date = "2019-01-01"))

## # A tibble: 130 x 14
##    symbol date  intraperiod frequency  open  high   low close volume
##    <chr>  <chr> <lgl>       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      199.  202.  199.  201. 2.06e7
##  2 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      201.  201.  198.  200. 2.53e7
##  3 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      203.  205.  203.  204. 1.73e7
##  4 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      203.  204.  203.  204. 1.14e7
##  5 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      201.  203.  201.  203. 1.69e7
##  6 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      203.  204.  201.  202. 2.73e7
##  7 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      199.  199.  197.  198. 3.11e7
##  8 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      200.  202.  200.  200. 2.09e7
##  9 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      198.  201.  197.  200. 2.61e7
## 10 AAPL   2019… FALSE       daily      198.  199.  195.  196. 2.11e7
## # … with 120 more rows, and 5 more variables: adj_open <dbl>,
## #   adj_high <dbl>, adj_low <dbl>, adj_close <dbl>, adj_volume <dbl>


| | Endpoint | function call | |-----|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------| | [X] | /companies | getAllCompanies | | [ ] | /companies/search | | | [X] | /companies/{identifier} | getCompany | | [X] | /companies/{identifier}/securties | getCompanySecurities | | [X] | /companies/{identifier}/news | getCompanyNews | | [X] | /company/{identifier}/fundamentals | getCompanyFundamentals | | [X] | /company/{identifier/filings} | getCompanyFilings | | [X] | /company/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/number | getCompanyDataPointNumber | | [X] | /company/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/text | getCompanyDataPointText | | [X] | /company/{identifier}/historical_data/{tag} | getCompanyDataPointHistory |


| | Endpoint | function call | |-----|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------| | [X] | /securities | getAllSecurities | | [X] | /securities/{identifier} | getSecurityById | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/prices | getSecurityStockPrices | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/prices/realtime | getSecurityRealtimePrice | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/prices/intraday | getSecurityIntradayPrices | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/dividends/latest | getSecurityDividendsLatest | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/earnings/latest | getSecurityEarningsLatest | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/zacks/analyst_ratings/snapshot | getSecurityZacksAnalystRatingsSnapshot | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/number | getSecurityDataPointNumber | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/text | getSecurityDataPointText | | [X] | /securities/{identifier}/historical_data/{tag} | getSecurityDataPointHistory |


| | Endpoint | function call | |-----|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------| | [X] | /fundamentals/lookup/{identifier}/{statement_code}/{fiscal_year}/{fiscal_period} | lookupFundamental | | [X] | /fundamentals/{id} | getFundamentalById | | [X] | /fundamentals/{id}/standardized_financials | getStandardizedFinancials | | [X] | /fundamentals/{id}/standardized_financials | getStandardizedFinancialsTable | | [X] | /fundamentals/{id}/reported_financials | getReportedFinancials | | [X] | /fundamentals/{id}/reported_financials | getReportedFinancialsTable |


| | Endpoint | function call | |-----|:-----------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | [X] | /indices/stock_market | getAllStockMarketIndicies | | [X] | /indices/economic | getAllEconomicIndicies | | [X] | /indices/sic | getAllSicIndicies | | [X] | /indices/{type}/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/number | getIndicesDataPointNumber | | [X] | /indices/{type}/{identifier}/data_point/{tag}/text | getIndicesDataPointText | | [X] | /indices/{type}/{identifier}/historical_data/{tag} | getIndicesDataPointHistory |

schardtbc/intrinoR documentation built on July 12, 2019, 4:21 a.m.