Man pages for schardtbc/intrinoR
Intrino Market Data Api Wrapper

coalescereturn first argument that is not null
constructURLconstruct the url for the api get request
getAllCompaniesReturns all Companies. When parameters are specified, returns...
getAllEconomicIndiciesReturn Econpmic Indices Meta-Data
getAllSecuritiesReturns all Securities to which you have access. When...
getAllSicIndiciesReturn SIC Indices Meta-Data
getAllStockMarketIndiciesReturn Stock Market Indices Meta-Data
getApiKeyretrieve the INTRINO API key
getCompanyReturns the Company with the given 'identifier'
getCompanyDataPointHistoryReturns time series of historical values data-point tag for a...
getCompanyDataPointNumberReturns current numerical value data-point tag for a company
getCompanyDataPointTextReturns current text value of data-point tag for a company
getCompanyFilingsReturns a complete list of SEC filings for the Company with...
getCompanyFundamentalsReturns all Fundamentals for the Company with the given...
getCompanyIPOsReturns initial public offerings (IPOs). An IPO is a public...
getCompanyNewsReturns news for the Company with the given 'identifier'
getCompanySecuritiesReturns Securities for the Company with the given...
getConfigreturns package configuration
getFilingByIdReturns the Filing meta data for the given 'id'
getFundamentalByIdReturns detailed fundamental financial data for the given...
getIndicesDataPointHistoryReturns time-series of historical values data-point tag for a...
getIndicesDataPointNumberReturns current numerical value data-point tag for an index
getIndicesDataPointTextReturns current text value of data-point tag for an index
getReportedFinancialsReturns the As-Reported Financials directly from the...
getReportedFinancialsTableReturns the As-Reported Financials directly from the...
getSandboxKeyretrieve the INTRINO API key
getSecurityByIdReturns the Security with the given 'identifier'
getSecurityDataPointHistoryReturns time-series of historical values data-point tag for a...
getSecurityDataPointNumberReturns current numerical value data-point tag for a security
getSecurityDataPointTextReturns current text value of data-point tag for a security
getSecurityDividendsLatestReturns the latest available dividend information for the...
getSecurityEarningsLatestReturns latest available earnings information for the...
getSecurityIntradayPricesReturns intraday prices for a security over requested time
getSecurityRealtimePriceReturns realtime price for security
getSecurityStockPricesReturns end-of-day prices for a security over requested time
getSecurityZacksAnalystRatingsSnapshotReturns a snapshot of ratings data compared with previous...
getStandardizedFinancialsReturns professional-grade standardized historical financial...
getStandardizedFinancialsTableReturns professional-grade standardized historical financial...
intrino_fetchPerform a get request to an endpoint on the intrino server
intrinoRINTRINO Market Data Api
lookupFundamentalReturns the fundamental financial data for the Company with...
pipePipe operator Like dplyr, iexcloudR also uses the pipe...
prefixconstruct the url for the api get request
print.intrino_apiprint S3 function for intrino_api class
setProductionKeyset the INTRINO API key
setSandboxKeyset the INTRINO Sandbox Key
useProductionuse the intrino production server
useSandboxUse the intrino sandbox server
schardtbc/intrinoR documentation built on July 12, 2019, 4:21 a.m.