Man pages for schildjs/ods4lda
Outcome Dependent Sampling (ODS) Designs for Linear Mixed Models Data Analysis

ACi1qAscertainment correction piece for univariate sampling
ACi2qAscertainment correction piece for bivariate sampling
acml.lmemFitting function: ACML for a linear mixed effects model...
acml.lmem2Fitting function: ACML or WL for a linear mixed effects model...
CreateSubjectDataCreate a list of subject-specific data
li.lmeCalculate a subject-specific contribution to a log-likelihood...
li.lme.scoreSubject specific contribution to the lme model score (also...
li.lme.score2Subject specific contribution to the lme model score (also...
logACi1qLog of the Ascertainment correction for univariate sampling
logACi1q.scoreGradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for...
logACi1q.score2Gradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for...
logACi2qLog of the Ascertainment correction piece for bivariate...
logACi2q.scoreGradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for...
logACi2q.score2Gradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for...
LogLikeCCalculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and...
LogLikeC2Calculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and...
LogLikeCAndScoreCalculate the ascertainment corrected log likelihood and...
LogLikeCAndScore2Calculate the ascertainment corrected log likelihood and...
LogLikeC.scoreCalculate the gradient of the conditional likelihood for the...
LogLikeC.Score2Calculate the gradient of the conditional likelihood for the...
LogLikeiCCalculate the ss contributions to the conditional likelihood...
LogLikeiC2Calculate the ss contributions to the conditional likelihood...
odsBivBivariate Test Data
odsIntIntercept Test Data
odsSlpSlope Test Data
vi.calcCalculate V_i = Z_i D t(Z_i) + sig_e^2 I_n_i
schildjs/ods4lda documentation built on March 16, 2020, 8:16 a.m.