LogLikeCAndScore2: Calculate the ascertainment corrected log likelihood and...

Usage Arguments

View source: R/Functions5.R


LogLikeCAndScore2(params, y, x, z, id, w.function, cutpoints, SampProb,
  Weights, ProfileCol = NA, Keep.liC = FALSE)



parameter vector c(beta, log(sigma0), log(sigma1), rho, sigmae)


response vector


sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects


sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)


sum(n_i) vector of subject ids


sum(n_i) vector with possible values that include "mean" (mean of response series), "intercept" (intercept of the regression of Yi ~ zi where zi is the design matrix for the random effects (solve(t.zi


cutpointsA matrix with the first dimension equal to sum(n_i). These cutpoints define the sampling regions [bivariate Q_i: each row is a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh); univariate Q_i: each row is a vector of length 2 c(k1,k2) to define the sampling regions, i.e., low, middle, high]. Each subject should have n_i rows of the same values.


SampProbA matrix with the first dimension equal to sum(n_i). Sampling probabilities from within each region [bivariate Q_i: each row is a vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region); univariate Q_i: each row is a vector of length 3 with sampling probabilities for each region]. Each subject should have n_i rows of the same values.


WeightsSubject specific sampling weights. A vector of length sum(n_i). Not used unless using weighted Likelihood


ProfileColthe column number(s) for which we want fixed at the value of param. Maimizing the log likelihood for all other parameters while fixing these columns at the values of params[ProfileCol]


Keep.liCIf TRUE outputs subject specific conditional log lileihoods to be used for the imputation procedure described in the AOAS paper keep z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)

The conditional log likelihood with a "gradient" attribute (if Keep.liC=FALSE) and subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood if Keep.liC=TRUE). Calculate the ascertainment corrected log likelihood and score

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