Man pages for schmolze/EMDomics-devel
Earth Mover's Distance for Differential Analysis of Genomics Data

calculate_cvmCramer von Mises for differential analysis of genomics data
calculate_cvm_geneCalculate CVM score for a single gene
calculate_emdEarth Mover's Distance for differential analysis of genomics...
calculate_emd_geneCalculate EMD score for a single gene
calculate_ksCalculate the Komolgorov-Smirnov test statistic and q-values...
calculate_ks_geneCalculate KS score for a single gene
CVMomicsCreate an CVMomics object
EMDomicsCreate an EMDomics object
emdomics-packageEarth Mover's Distance algorithm for differential analysis of...
KSomicsCreate an KSomics object
plot_cvm_densityPlot distributions and CVM score for a gene.
plot_cvmnullPlot null distribution of permuted cvm scores vs. calculated...
plot_cvmpermsPlot histogram of CVM scores calculated via random...
plot_emd_densityPlot distributions and EMD score for a gene.
plot_emdnullPlot null distribution of permuted EMD scores vs. calculated...
plot_emdpermsPlot histogram of EMD scores calculated via random...
plot_ks_densityPlot distributions and KS score for a gene.
plot_ksnullPlot null distribution of permuted ks scores vs. calculated...
plot_kspermsPlot histogram of KS scores calculated via random...
schmolze/EMDomics-devel documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:42 p.m.