Class diagram

Classes are bold, functions are italisied

SingleSim --- summary ---> summary.SingleSim
SingleSimFit --- summary ---> summary.SingleSimFit
ImputeSim --- GetImputedDataSet ---> SingleSim (see top left)
ImputeSimFit --- summary ---> summary.ImputeSimFit

Given a list of either summary.SingleSimFit or summary.ImputeSimFit objects the CreateScenario function can be used to create a Scenario object and the summary function on a Scenario object will output a summary.Scenario object.

The SingleSim object can be created with the ImportSim, SimulateComplete or SimulateDropout functions.

DejaData objects contain covariates which can be used when creating a SingleSim object and a DropoutMechanism object is used with a SingleSim object to output a SingleSim object with subject dropouts.

An ImputeMechanism object is used with the Impute function to generate an ImputeSim object.

scientific-computing-solutions/dejaVu documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:44 p.m.