
Defines functions list_identifiers

Documented in list_identifiers

#' List OAI-PMH identifiers
#' @export
#' @template url_ddd
#' @template as
#' @param prefix Specifies the metadata format that the records will be
#' returned in.
#' @param from specifies that records returned must have been
#' created/update/deleted on or after this date.
#' @param until specifies that records returned must have been
#' created/update/deleted on or before this date.
#' @param set specifies the set that returned records must belong to.
#' @param token a token previously provided by the server to resume a request
#' where it last left off.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # from
#' recently <- format(Sys.Date() - 1, "%Y-%m-%d")
#' list_identifiers(from = recently)
#' # from and until
#' list_identifiers(from = '2018-06-01T', until = '2018-06-14T')
#' # set parameter - here, using ANDS - Australian National Data Service
#' list_identifiers(from = '2018-09-01T', until = '2018-09-05T',
#'   set = "dataset_type:CHECKLIST")
#' }
list_identifiers <- function(url = "http://api.gbif.org/v1/oai-pmh/registry",
  prefix = "oai_dc", from = NULL,
  until = NULL, set = NULL, token = NULL,
  as = "df", ...) {
  if (!is.null(token)) from <- until <- set <- prefix <- NULL
  args <- sc(list(verb = "ListIdentifiers", metadataPrefix = prefix,
    from = from, until = until, set = set, resumptionToken = token))
  out <- while_oai(url, args, token, as, ...)
  oai_give(out, as)
sckott/oai documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 10:11 a.m.