
Defines functions http_client http

Documented in http http_client

#' Make a HTTP request
#' @export
#' @param req A \code{req} class object
#' @param method (character) Pick which HTTP method to use. Only GET and
#' POST for now. Default: GET
#' @details By default, a GET request is made. Will fix this soon to easily allow
#' a different HTTP verb.
#' The \code{http} function makes the request and gives back the parsed result.
#' Whereas, the \code{http_client} function makes the request, but gives back
#' the raw R6 class object, which you can inspect all parts of, modify, etc.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # high level - http()
#' api('https://api.github.com/') %>%
#'   api_path(repos, ropensci, rgbif, commits) %>%
#'   http()
#' # low level - http_client()
#' res <- api('https://api.github.com/') %>%
#'   api_path(repos, ropensci, rgbif, commits) %>%
#'   http_client()
#' res$count()
#' res$body()
#' res$status()
#' res$result
#' res$links
#' res$parse()
#' # Specify HTTP verb
#' ## POST
#' api("https://httpbin.org/post") %>%
#'    api_body(x = "A simple text string") %>%
#'    http("POST")
#' ## PUT
#' api("https://httpbin.org/put") %>%
#'    api_body(x = "A simple text string") %>%
#'    http("PUT")
#' }
http <- function(req, method = "GET") {
  pipe_autoexec(toggle = FALSE)
  if (!method %in% c("GET", "POST", "PUT")) {
    stop("method must be one of GET, POST, or PUT", call. = FALSE)
  #if ('body' %in% names(req)) method <- "POST"
  if ('body' %in% names(req) && method == "GET") {
    stop("body found - specify method = POST or method = PUT", call. = FALSE)
  #rr <- RequestIterator$new(paging = req$paging)
  rr <- RequestIterator$new()
    GET = rr$GET(req),
    POST = rr$POST(req),
    PUT = rr$PUT(req)

# http2 <- function(req, method = "GET") {
#   pipe_autoexec(toggle = FALSE)
#   if (!method %in% c("GET", "POST")) stop("method must be one of GET or POST", call. = FALSE)
#   rr <- RequestIterator$new(paging = req$paging)
#   switch(
#     method,
#     GET = {
#       if (!is.null(req$paging)) {
#         if (all(get_names(req$paging) %in% c('page', 'per_page'))) {
#           # pattern: page/per_page
#           rr$GET(req)
#         } else {
#           # pattern: limit
#           tot <- 0
#           while (tot <= get_req_size(req$paging)) {
#             rr$GET(req)
#             tot <- rr$count()
#           }
#         }
#       }
#     },
#     POST = rr$POST(req)
#   )
#   rr$parse()
# }

# get_req_size <- function(x) {
#   xx <- sapply(x, function(z) {
#     as.list(setNames(z[[1]]$expr, names(z)))
#   })
#   xx[names(xx) %in% c('size', 'limit', 'max')][[1]]
# }

#' @export
#' @rdname http
http_client <- function(req) {
  pipe_autoexec(toggle = FALSE)
  # rr <- RequestIterator$new(paging = req$paging)
  rr <- RequestIterator$new()
sckott/request documentation built on June 22, 2020, 4:50 a.m.