Man pages for sckott/treeshape
treeshape fxns

edgelist2matrixMake a matrix from an edgelist on file.
fastBMWritten by Liam J. Revell 2011 From the phytools package...
getnetmetsCalculate network metrics on matrices.
getnetmets2Calculate network metrics on matrices.
nodeHeightsWritten by Liam J. Revell 2011 From the phytools package...
pbtreeWritten by Liam J. Revell 2011 From the phytools package...
randtipsRandom traits - randomize traits across tips - shuffles...
reqEasy require/library.
simbalSimulate balanced and unbalanced trees.
simbal_plotPlotting output from simbaltrees
simbaltreesSimulate a set of balanced and unbalanced trees.
simbaltrees_topySimulate a set of balanced and unbalanced trees.
sim_rand_netsMeasure aspects of traits on trees.
sim_traits_netsSimulate networks, with interactions propoprtional to trait...
sim_traits_nets2Simulate networks, with interactions propoprtional to trait...
sim_traits_nets_parSimulate networks, with interactions propoprtional to trait...
sim_traits_ontreesSimulate traits on trees with various evolutionary models.
traitsigMeasure aspects of traits on trees.
sckott/treeshape documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:07 p.m.