#' Explain a meme (for the old people out there)
#' Takes a meme name from memer and takes you to the
#' knowyourmeme page that can explain it for us old
#' people.
#' @param memename A character describing the meme to get. See [meme_list()]
#' @param launch Whether to launch the link in your browser
#' (defaults to TRUE if in interactive session)
#' @param content_warning Whether to warn about potentially offensive content
#' on knowyourmeme
#' @return The link to the knowyourmeme article about a meme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' meme_explain("HotlineDrake", launch = FALSE)
meme_explain <- function(memename,
launch = interactive(),
content_warning = TRUE) {
link <- meme_links[meme_links$name == memename, ]
link <- link$url
if (length(link) == 0 || is.na(link)) {
stop(paste0("Could not find link for meme: ", memename), call. = FALSE)
if (launch) {
if (content_warning) {
cat("knowyourmeme can contain potentially offensive results,\n are you sure you want to open it? [Y]es / [N]o:\n")
result <- tryCatch(scan("", what = "character", quiet = TRUE, nlines = 1), error = function(x) "N")
if (!identical(toupper(result), "Y")) {
} else {
if (content_warning) {
message("knowyourmeme can contain potentially offensive results.")
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