Overview of shakerr

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The package is used to clean data retrieved from the: NOAA Significant Earthquake Database. The package is used to plot the clean data as a time line of earthquakes together with their magnitude or on a map showing the epicentres of the earthquakes.

Getting Started

The package source can be forked from Github and built using the devtools package in your own console or application.


Ensure you are running the at least version 3.1 of R and should have the packages set out in DESCRIPTION installed in your library, if not they will be installed on building the package.

Example of installing two of the packages:



Once the package has been forked and downloaded to your console, ensure that the devtools package is installed.


Once you have opened the project then you can build and reload it.


Running the tests

You can run the devtools::test() function to run the tests for the package to see if everything is running as expected.

Break down into end to end tests

The first batch of tests check that test data can be cleaned and formatted appropriately. The second batch of tests, test if the graphing functions work as expected.

Built With


I used Git for versioning. For the versions available, see this repository.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

sdbecker/shakerr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:20 p.m.