
Defines functions plot.TBI

Documented in plot.TBI

#' Plots of the outputs of a temporal beta diversity analysis
#' B-C plots are an important step in temporal beta diversity analysis. This function 
#' draws B-C plots from the output of function TBI. Different graphic options are 
#' available.
#' @param x Output of a temporal beta diversity analysis with function TBI. 
#' The matrix BCD.mat will be extracted from that object. This matrix contains the 
#' B/den statistics in column 1 and the C/den statistics in column 2, where "den" is the 
#' denominator used in the TBI analysis.
#' @param type Specify which outputs are plotted. At this time, only BC plots are implemented
#' @param s.names a vector of names: Site names will be printed on the BC plot. Examples:
#' s.names=1:25; s.names=paste("Site",1:25,sep="."); s.names=rownames(res1$BCD.mat). 
#' Else, s.names=NULL (default): no site names will be printed.
#' @param pch.loss Symbol used for sites where losses > gains. Default: pch=21, circles. 
#' Symbols 21 to 25 have a black rim and can be filled with different colours (argument 
#' col.bg); see documentation of function points. Symbols 0 to 20 only have a rim. 
#' @param pch.gain Symbol used for sites where losses >= gains. Default: pch=21, squares.
#' @param cex.names Multiplier for the font size of the site names.
#' @param col.rim Colour of symbol rims in the plot. The following colours have been used
#' in BC plots: \code{"gold","grey70","cadetblue2","red","orange3","coral2","grey100","green"}.
#' @param col.bg Colour filling symbols 21 to 25 in the plot. 
#' @param cex.symb Multiplier for size of the symbols representing the TBI values of the 
#' sites in the plot. With cex.symb=NULL, symbols have small and uniform sizes.
#' @param diam If  \code{TRUE}, symbol diameter represents the TBI value. If \code{FALSE},  
#'  symbol surface area represents the TBI value.
#' @param main Main title above the plot. Change the title and adapt it to your study.
#' @param cex.main Multiplier for the font size of the main title.
#' @param cex.lab Multiplier for the font size of the labels.
#' @param xlim The x limits of the plot, e.g. c(0,1).
#' @param ylim The y limits of the plot, e.g. c(0,1).
#' @param silent If \code{FALSE} print intercept of red line with ordinate.
#' @param \dots Other arguments to be passed to the function
#' @details B-C plots are an informative output of temporal beta diversity analysis. The 
#' species losses (B statistics) form the abscissa and the gains (C statistics) are on the 
#' ordinate of the plot. The objective is to illustrate whether the temporal changes at 
#' the various sites are dominated by gains or by losses. Distinctive symbols are used for 
#' the sites dominated by gains (default: squares) and by losses (default: circles). The 
#' symbols are drawn to sizes representing the values of the D = (B+C) statistics. 
#' @return A graph in the R graphic window, with the same scale along the 2 axes (asp=1).
#' @author Pierre Legendre \email{pierre.legendre@@umontreal.ca}
#' @references
#' Legendre, P. 2019. A temporal beta-diversity index to identify sites that have changed 
#' in exceptional ways in space-time surveys. \emph{Ecology and Evolution} (in press).
#' van den Brink, P. J. & C. J. F. ter Braak. 1999. Principal response curves: analysis of 
#' time-dependent multivariate responses of biological community to stress. 
#' \emph{Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry} 18: 138-148.
#' @seealso \code{\link{TBI}}
#' @examples
#' if(require("vegan", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' ## Example 1 -
#' ## Invertebrate communities subjected to insecticide treatment.
#' ## As an example in their paper on Principal Response Curves (PRC method), van den 
#' ## Brink & ter Braak (1999) used observations on the abundances of 178 invertebrate 
#' ## species (macroinvertebrates and zooplankton) subjected to treatments in 12 mesocosms 
#' ## by the insecticide chlorpyrifos. The mesocosms were sampled at 11 occasions. The 
#' ## data, available in the {vegan} package, are log-transformed species abundances, 
#' ## ytranformed = loge(10*y+1).
#' ## The data of survey #4 will be compared to those of survey #11 in this example. 
#' ## Survey #4 was carried out one week after the insecticide treatment, whereas the  
#' ## fauna of the mesocosms was considered by the authors to have fully recovered from  
#' ## the insecticide treatment at survey #11.
#' data(pyrifos)
#' ## The mesocosms had originally been attributed at random to the treatments. However, 
#' ## to facilitate presentation of the results, they will be listed here in order of 
#' ## increased insecticide doses: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9, 6, 6, 44, 44} 
#' ## micro g/L.
#' ## Select the 12 data rows of surveys 4 and 11 from the data file and reorder them
#' ord4 <- c(38,39,41,47,37,44,40,46,43,48,42,45)
#' ord11 <- c(122,123,125,131,121,128,124,130,127,132,126,129)
#' ## Run the TBI function
#' res1 <- TBI(pyrifos[ord4,], pyrifos[ord11,], method = "%diff", nperm = 0, test.t.perm = FALSE)
#' res1$BCD.mat
#' ## Draw BC plots
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' s.names <- paste("Surv",1:12,sep=".")
#' ## In the 1st plot, the symbols have diameters proportional to the site TBI statistics 
#' plot(res1, s.names=s.names, col.bg="red", pch.loss=21, pch.gain=22, 
#' main="B-C plot, Pyrifos, surveys 4 & 11")
#' ## In the 2nd plot, control the axes limit values by specifying xlim and ylim
#' plot(res1, s.names=1:12, col.bg="green", pch.loss=23, pch.gain=24, 
#' main="B-C plot, Pyrifos, surveys 4 & 11", xlim=c(0,0.5), ylim=c(0.1,0.6))
#' ## In the 3rd plot, draw all symbols small and of the same size, using cex.symb=NULL
#' par(oldpar)
#' plot(res1, s.names=1:12, col.bg="gold", pch.loss=23, pch.gain=24, 
#' main="B-C plot, Pyrifos, surveys 4 & 11", cex.symb=NULL)
#' ## Example 2 -
#' ## This example uses the mite data available in vegan. Let us pretend that sites 1-20 
#' ## represent a survey at time 1 (T1) and sites 21-40 a survey at time 2 (T2).
#' data(mite)
#' ## Run the TBI function
#' res2 <- TBI(mite[1:20,],mite[21:40,],method="%diff",nperm=0,test.t.perm=FALSE)
#' res2$BCD.mat
#' ## Draw BC plots
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' s.names=rownames(res2$BCD.mat)
#' ## In the 1st plot, the symbols have diameters proportional to the site TBI statistics
#' plot(res2, s.names=s.names, col.bg="cadetblue2", pch.loss=21, pch.gain=22, 
#' main="B-C plot, Mite data")
#' # In the 2nd plot, control the axes limit values by specifying xlim and ylim
#' plot(res2, s.names=1:20, col.rim="coral2", pch.loss=19, pch.gain=15, 
#' main="B-C plot, Mite data", xlim=c(0,0.6), ylim=c(0,0.6))
#' par(oldpar)
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @export 

plot.TBI <- function(x, type = "BC", s.names = NULL, pch.loss = 21, pch.gain = 22, cex.names = 1,
    col.rim = "black", col.bg = "gold1", cex.symb = 3, diam = TRUE, main = "B-C plot", 
    cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, silent = TRUE, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "BC") {
        mat <- x$BCD.mat
        if (!diam) mat[, 3] = sqrt(mat[, 3]) # Symbol surface area will represent TBI value 
        B <- which(mat[, 1] > mat[, 2])      # Choose the sites with losses > gains
        C <- which(mat[, 1] <= mat[, 2])     # Choose the sites with losses <= gains
        plot(mat[, 1], mat[, 2], type = "n", asp = 1, xlab = "Species losses (B)", 
            ylab = "Species gains (C)", cex.lab = cex.lab, main = main, cex.main = cex.main, 
            xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        # Print the sites with losses (B) > gains (C)
        points(mat[B, 1], mat[B, 2], pch = pch.loss, col = col.rim, bg = col.bg, cex = mat[B,3] * cex.symb) 
        if (!is.null(s.names)) text(mat[B, 1], mat[B, 2], labels = s.names[B], cex = cex.names, pos = 4)
        # Print the sites with gains (C) >= losses (B)
        points(mat[C, 1], mat[C, 2], pch = pch.gain, col = col.rim, bg = col.bg, cex = mat[C,3] * cex.symb) 
        if (!is.null(s.names)) text(mat[C, 1], mat[C, 2], labels = s.names[C], cex = cex.names, pos = 4)
        abline(0, 1, col = "green")           # Diagonal line where B = C (losses = gains)
        intercept.gr = mean(mat[, 2]) - mean(mat[, 1])
        # If !silent, print intercept of the red line with the ordinate
        if (!silent) cat("Intercept of red line =", intercept.gr, "\n")
        abline(intercept.gr, 1, col = "red")  # Diagonal line with slope=1 trough the centroid
        abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "grey60")
sdray/adespatial documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:36 p.m.