
Defines functions generate_parameter_permutations

Documented in generate_parameter_permutations

#' A Function to Generate Parameter Permutations
#' @description A function to generate parameter permutations from a generic sampling function (or if not given
#' from the input parameters). This function can be used to rapidly generate new parameter combinations given
#' parameters to be varied, and scenarios to be investigated.
#' @param variable_params A dataframe containing any parameter variations to be investigated. If
#' these parameters would normally be sampled then they should be added to the excluded_params argument.
#' @param fixed_params A named vector of parameters that are not sampled by the sampling function. If
#' these parameters would usually be sampled then they should be added to the excluded_params argument.
#' @param sample_params A named vector of parameters to be sampled. If a sampling function is not supplied these
#' parameters will be used in the final permutation dataframe.
#' @param excluded_params A character vector indicating which parameters should have there sampled values
#' kept.
#' @param scenarios A dataframe of possible scenarios to investigate. It must contain a scenario variable to
#' identify each separate scenarios. If parameters are included here that would normally be sampled then they
#' should be added to the excluded_params argument
#' @param sampling_function A sampling function, this should be designed such that it's input is a matrix
#' with each parameter having a named row. It should return it's output in the same format. If not supplied
#' defaults to passing
#' through parameters, this may not be the required behaviour.
#' @param parameter_samples The number of parameter samples to take, defaults to one.
#' @param repeat_sample A logical (defaults to \code{TRUE}) which indicates if each scenario should independently
#' sample from the sampling function. If set to \code{FALSE} then each scenario will share the same sampled
#'  parameter set.
#' @param rerun A logical indicating if the function should be rerun or saved results should be loaded.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the sampling_function.
#' @return A dataframe containing sampled parameter permutations
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate full_join select bind_cols everything
#' @import magrittr
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map_df map
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scenarios <- data.frame(scenario = c("test_1", "test_2"), scenario_param = c(0, 1))
#' variable_params <-  data.frame(variable = c(0, 0.5, 1))
#' fixed_params <- c(fixed_1 = 2, fixed_2 = c(1, 3, 4))
#' sample_params <- c(sample_1 = 2, sample_2 = c(2, 1))
#' generate_parameter_permutations(variable_params, fixed_params, sample_params,
#'                                 excluded_params = c("variable"), scenarios,
#'                                 parameter_samples = 1)
generate_parameter_permutations <- function(variable_params = NULL, fixed_params = NULL,
                                            sample_params = NULL, excluded_params = NULL,
                                            scenarios = NULL, sampling_function = NULL,
                                            parameter_samples = 1, repeat_sample = TRUE,
                                            rerun = FALSE, ...) {
  id <- NULL; scenario <- NULL;

  if (!is.null(variable_params)) {
    if (!"data.frame" %in% class(variable_params)) {
      stop("variable_params must be a data frame")

    variable_params <- mutate(variable_params, id = 1)

    if (!is.null(scenarios)) {
      if (!"data.frame" %in% class(scenarios)) {
        stop("scenarios must be a data frame")
      scenarios <- mutate(scenarios, id = 1)

    ## Bind scenarios and variable parameters together
    ## If neither are supplied then a sample of the normal parameters will be drawn
    if (!is.null(variable_params) && !is.null(scenarios)) {
      params_perms <- variable_params %>%
        full_join(scenarios, by = "id")
    }else if (is.null(variable_params) && !is.null(scenarios)) {
      params_perms <- scenarios
    }else if (!is.null(variable_params) && is.null(scenarios)) {
      params_perms <- variable_params
      params_perms <- tibble(id = 1)

    if (!is.null(fixed_params) || !is.null(sample_params)) {
      if (is.null(fixed_params)) {
        join_params <- sample_params
      }else if (is.null(sample_params)) {
        join_params <- fixed_params
      }else {
        join_params <- c(fixed_params, sample_params)

      ## munge join_params
      join_params <- join_params %>%
        t %>%
        as_tibble %>%
        mutate(id = 1)

      params_perms <- params_perms %>%
        full_join(join_params, by = "id")

    if (is.null(sampling_function)) {
      sampling_function <- function(params) {

    ## Generate a single shared parameter set if sharing parameters for all scenarios
    gen_single_param_sample <- function(df){
      params_as_matrix <- select(df, -id, -scenario) %>%
        as.matrix %>%

      prior_sample  <- sampling_function(params = params_as_matrix, ...) %>%
        t %>%


    ## Generate parameter permutations
    gen_params_sample <-  function(x, df, exc_params, repeat_sample){
      if (repeat_sample) {
        param_sample <- gen_single_param_sample(df)
        param_sample <- gen_single_param_sample(df[1, ]) %>%
          map(rep, nrow(df)) %>%

      prior_sample <- param_sample %>%
        mutate(sample = x) %>%
        select(sample, everything())

      join_params <- c("id", "scenario")
      if (!is.null(exc_params)) {
        join_params <- c(join_params, exc_params)
        prior_sample <- prior_sample[, !(colnames(prior_sample) %in% exc_params)]

      params_df <- df[, join_params] %>%


    # Extract samples for second row onwards
    sample_params <- map_df(1:parameter_samples, ~ gen_params_sample(., df = params_perms,
                                                                   exc_params = excluded_params,
                                                                   repeat_sample = repeat_sample)) %>%

seabbs/idmodelr documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 11:32 a.m.